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Re: *Marvellous May*
09 May 2013, 07:43
morning Team Marvellous amigos
good fast day yesterday and day 3 of the shred thing just completed. That was a hard one! It's the same everyday but day 3 of anything is always the toughest and with being after a fast there is less to draw on. My excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Just had a look at the updated tracker that now works out your TDEE and fadting day allowance EEEK :shock: :shock: . My ghast is flabbered. 1500 cal on feed days and less than 350 ish on fast days. It seems a tiny amount of food but will epxlain why it's so flamin' slow to shift. I really don't know if that's sustainable as a way of life and am feeling very wobbly about this all.
The daily weighing , after a fast shows a reduction of 1.8kg from the previous day and an overall loss of 100g from Sunday. The numbers don;t really bother me as it is for reference. The calorie intake is more concerning and the thoughtof having to restrict quite strictly for ever.
What I need to do is monitor what I do eat and count it up and take it from there.
Ho Hum - shot metabolism. POOH!
Re: *Marvellous May*
09 May 2013, 19:46
Hello Marvellous May'ers :)

So today I'm feeling a bit embarrassed... I was doing great after my 36hour fast... until I'd eaten my dinner... following which I hit the granola hard :(

I think, as much as I love granola, it's going to have to go, because if I'm going to binge on anything then that's it!

Siiigghhhh I was doing so well!

Tomorrow is another day though... and it happens to be another fast day (but of the normal 500 calorie variety) so hopefully I can undo some of the damage done this evening! I'm hoping it will be a bit less rainy tomorrow and therefore more conducive to exercise too :)

Sorry for letting everyone down with the granola munching! I promise I'll get back on the marvellous train right this second!!

I hope you've all had better days!

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
10 May 2013, 05:59
Hi Hummingbird and all the other members of Team Marvellous,

Hummingbird, don't worry too much about your granola-thingie, It will probably turn out to be one of these things a day of fasting will fix. :clover: Life's too short and all that. It certainly shouldn't make May any less marvellous. Yesterday was a day of fasting for me and as usual I feel terriffic the day after. Full of beans would describe it, even though it isn't quite apt to descrive the situation. Off to the kitchen now to do some clearing up. Have a fantastic May day all of you!
Re: *Marvellous May*
10 May 2013, 06:30
Hello Marvellous Mayers!
I hadn't read this lovely thread until this morning - may I join in the fun? It is a lovely sunny morning in my part of the world and I have been out in the garden in my pj's since around 6 o'clock hunting for snails and slugs. I hate to use those little blue pellets as I am growing veg and want it to be organic. Anyway, I put the little blighters in my old tin pail and then, with a few furtive glances around, saunter down to the bottom of my long garden and empty said bucket over the wall. :oops: This is not quite as bad as it sounds as this particular garden has sadly been abandoned for years and resembles a small forest. The thing is I can't bring myself to kill the slugs, even though I find them quite revolting and most years they eat all my lettuces! Will do some proper exercise this afternoon, a brisk walk around Riverside, and I promise to leave any snails I may come across, alone!
Re: *Marvellous May*
10 May 2013, 07:26
Welcome to Team Marvellous,dhana. Good on you for the snail hunt. Hope these are not of the homing persuasion, I seem to remember from a BBC radio prog (GQT?) that they can find their way back to your lovely lettuces over distances as long as 1.5 km (approx 1 mile). Anyway, hopefully there is enough for them to eat in said nextdoor garden. Hope this will be another Marvellous May day for all of you. I'm off to sow some basil now (I try grow veg in containers on my patio)
Re: *Marvellous May*
10 May 2013, 11:22
I'm coming to join you! I had an awful April in terms of weight loss - only 0.7kg for the whole month - mainly because we'd had a holiday at the start where I over-indulged. That's much slower rate of fat loss than in previous months.

Anyway,I'm determined that this month will more than make up for it. One week in and I'm pleased to say I've already lost 0.9kg, so already a big win for me compared to last month.

My big ambition this month is to really conquer the snacking on non-fast days. I've done it this week - not nibbled in-between meals and I think that might be the thing that's made the biggest difference with weight loss If I can keep it up for a month then I might finally be able to get in control of it. The problem is that once I start on the nibbles I don't seem to be able to stop. If I can just resist in the first place then it's fine. I'm working on the theory that if I don't snack then the ratio between carb and fat burning will be more in balance on non-fast days too and I should see the benefit.
Re: *Marvellous May*
10 May 2013, 11:46
Hi all, Had a great fast day yesterday. I actually exercised off more calories than I ate by 100 cal! This included mowing the lawn, so I am not expecting a repeat any time soon! Rolling along happily toward the weekend. Happy Mother's Day everyone! :grin:
Re: *Marvellous May*
10 May 2013, 11:55
Dhyana you would love reading a marvellous book title something like "The sound of a wild snail eating" and you might feel even more for snails. Also your instincts about removing the snails is correct as snails actually return but if you have hooked them over the wall they have a job to do. There is another book re snails having homing instincts can Give you that title if you like too
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 00:23
Hey Team Marvellous,
It’s been too long since I last posted on here. Here is how I have been getting on - I was trying a 36h liquid fast on Wednesday but had a horrible day at work and just needed a meal; I guess the 36h liquid fast is not for me (my meal came to around 500cals –so still did my fast day). I always have a selection of food to eat that is for fast days, which I find very helpful.

I was away in Leeds for work on Thursday and Friday, (up at stupid o’clock – someone has to wake the birds I guess) and had a long day commuting. After meetings I had to entertain a client so had a few drinks and a meal out. No exercise as I was away. I think I might just have gone over my daily amount but not by much :bugeyes:

Today - I had a nice hotel breakfast of porridge and a croissant (Yum), skipped lunch as we drove back to London took over 5 hours to get home – we hit the dreaded M25 traffic. I had something small to eat when I got in and a lovely cup of tea and I caught up with Team Marvellous (read all the new posts) and as usual you guys have motivated me and 10 minutes later I am in gym. Had a good session (did a whole new work out)

Here is a huge welcome to our new team mates! - You’re all very welcome! Oh hummingbird I have days like that too and it’s only a day. You have not let anyone down, far from it, after all we are just humans and sometimes we stumble but luckily we have marvellous support team here. Can you let us all know how you got on today?

Oh debbiejgb – it sounds like you smashed it today – well done! Dhana you sure were up and about early today, how did your day go? – did you come across any more slugs? – at least they are easy to track..

Really well done No_More_Mrs_Michelin – snacking is something I can certainly relate too, great to hear that you’re having a good week. Janeg – well done keeping with the Shred, I hope it will get easier for you! – So what you think of Iron Man 3?

How was your day Josie50, did you get the basil planted? I do like basil, its a great little herb!
Sorry for the long post guys – I am looking forward to tomorrow I have a good training session planned for the morning!

It’s fantastic reading everyone’s progress and we are now in double digits in May – keep up the good work everyone! :grin:
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 06:50
Morning all and welcome back Legoman, Yes I did sow my basil. No sign of germination yet and I am not in the slightest bit impatient. Don't even know the word. Good on you for hitting the gym. I find Team Marvellous incredibly supportive and am really happy I joined it. Today it's more pottering about the house, planting a tiny rose that had decided to come up on my patio. Such willpower needs to be rewarded methinks. Off to do that now. I wish you all a fantastic weekend, tomorrow will be another fast day for me, any other team M members in?
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 07:58
Morning team Marvellous amigos!
Missed yesterday's news and excitement *waves to new Mayers*- was off diving at stupid o'clock and not back til late, then took odd dizziness (more than silly dizziness) so had to retire with smelling salts.
Anyway, all good this morning, caught up with the board and have manages to shred. So, my shred will possibly be 31+ days instead of 30. Oh, well.
Hope the slugs have not returned, the basil germinates (the seed quality here is poor with poor germination rates- think it might be storage problems), the snacking diminishes, granola loses calories (we wish!), the lawn doesn't grow too quickly, and the training goes well.
Didn't go to the pictures after all so don't know if Iron man is good.
Have a good weekend amigos and if you're celebrating Mother's day may you get the celebration you wish for.
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 08:32
Morning all, can I join you all? I need some May motivation as I think I'm on a plateau. After an initial loss I keep losing & regaining the same few lbs. I don't have too much to lose & am enjoying this woe so no real issue but don't want to lose motivation - must keep focused!!
Plan to get back to some regular Jillian Michaels workouts, check in regularly with you guys & see a shift....hopefully! Right, off to read through the thread.
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 08:35
Janeg have you tried storing seeds in an empty jam jar or some such container with a cap and keeping them in the fridge? You might add one of these tiny sachets of desiccant that sometimes come with electronic devices. After all, our fridges have so much more space, now they no longer need to contain all this food that we used to stock! :wink:
You might consider testing the germination rate by placing 10 seeds on kitchen paper on an plastic container, cover with plastic, keep watered and after 7-10 days count how many have started to germinate. This will tell you approx how many you'll have to sow to get the desired crop.
Basil still not germinating, nor is my parsley. Oregano seems to have survived the frost. Pumpkin plants still at the hardening-off stage. Will keep you posted on further developments. Did 'sow' some lentils and mungbeans this morning in a nifty little contraption in my kitchen windowsill, as I love eating bean sprouts. Off to do some more sums, re planning my 'fasting meals' for tomorrow. I love this WoE, love my weight loss (4.5 kgs since April 1st), love this forum, love team Marvellous and I hope life for all of you is as good as it is for me at the mo. Or better. :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 10:58
Good morning Marvellous Mayers,
My garden has finally started to look as though it has its late spring clothes on - all the tulips are waving and my beautiful camellia at the far end of the garden is looking exotic, smothered in beautiful deep pink flowers which look positively tropical against the shiny deep green leaves! I pick a few every few days and have them all around the house and pretend I'm in Hawaii instead of bonnie but rainy Scotland! I'm hoping my parsley does well this year as I'm eating load of the stuff in salads, particularly the flat leaf variety. The best tip I ever had re parsley was from my best friend's Irish mum who told me to stamp on it when it started to appear, and as I'd never had any luck with it I decided I had nothing to lose and lo and behold a few weeks later the best parsley I had ever grown! I'm eating so many more veggies now that I am digging up parts of the lawn to make raised beds for them (luckily I have a large garden). I love my shrubs and flowers and can't bear to give them up so some of the lawn must go!! All this digging is giving me aches in places I didn't know existed - it's my personal shred :smile: :shock:
Re: *Marvellous May*
11 May 2013, 11:22
Hi all! I am really happy with measurements this week, so no guilt in celebrating Mother's Day - all weekend!

Re: gardening, irises are blooming. I have some beautiful yellow ones that popped open and some white with purple edging that should open soon. We may get frost tonight, though and I'll be away from home. Oh, well! Hopefully the last cold night of the season. I have given up on growing herbs from seed because germination is so iffy, even with new seed.

Enjoy the weekend all. I'll be back tomorrow. Take care.
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