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Re: *Marvellous May*
07 May 2013, 19:22
Hi Everyone, may i join you? I started this diet on Sunday with my first fast. My next one week be on Thursday. I'm planning on going to the gym tomorrow and then, rain or shine, I'm heading down my allotment to do some much needed weeding. I have loads of weight to lose and i want to start off on the right foot. So here's to Marvellous May!
Re: *Marvellous May*
07 May 2013, 19:39
The more the merrier! :grin:

I had a patio garden last year due to a broken leg (I occasionally still limp). But this year I've started stuff in my usual place, in the back (about 50 ft uphill). Since it had a year's rest, I hope it does well. Actually, the patio garden did better than my usual garden, probably because I paid more attention to it! So, I will still have some bush tomatoes and herbs on the patio.

So far I've planted lettuce, peas, swiss chard. My perennial herbs are coming back - thyme and sage, plus a couple of strawberry plants. Sadly, the rosemary died - we had a colder than usual winter and it did not survive. :frown:

Have a great rest of your day!
Re: *Marvellous May*
07 May 2013, 19:46
Hello Cherbs :)

Welcome to Team Marvellous!!

Sooo we've nearly completed our first week, I believe? How is everyone feeling?

Apart from eating too much at the weekend, I'm pleased with how May is going so far - thanks to all of you and your support!

Today has been rather busy, so I've only managed a run and then the usual walking to and from work. I think I've used about 1750 calories and I've eaten around 1570. Not a major deficit, but I'm fasting again tomorrow so I always think it's good to have a couple of decent meals when I've only got one day in between fast days!

Tomorrow I'm going to step back on the scales to see if, one week in, marvellous may is doing anything to my weight/body fat :s I am a bit scared... I've put in a fair amount of effort so I'd hope for a small loss. Although if the scales are the same, I at least have the knowledge that I've done my body some good anyway!

I hope you've all had a good Tuesday :) mine involved a small flapjack (baked-goods-tuesday in the office!) but I said no to a milkshake and just sat in the park with my friend whilst she supped away at hers. I even said no thank you when she offered me some! Changed woman!

Keep going Team Marvellous :D only 24 days until Jubilant June (Pennyforthem, 2013)!!

H x
Good morning all :)

So I've weighed myself after a week aaannddd *drum roll*....

I've lost 2.25lbs :D

I'm sure I haven't done enough fasting or exercise to actually warrant a loss of that much, so I guess other factors are probably involved, but still *hurrah*. It might just be working :)

Now a big push to shave a little more off this week :)

Have a lovely day team - keep up the good work!

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 07:37
Well Done hummingbird (High Five)- That’s a great weight loss - I also weigh myself weekly but on Mondays.

Like you, I had a big weight loss on Monday and I too think some external factors played a part. I lost 1.7kg (I weighed myself three times in row to be sure of it).. So this week I am just hoping not to gain.

Well this is really looking like a marvellous May. Anyway Well done for avoiding that milkshake (I think all those small battles of will power are the basis to success)..

So I had a really fun day yesterday - After work I had training for over two hours, went to the pub to catch up with friends had two pints (good for me), got home late so only had a sam, as too late to cook a dinner. I hope that I am okay today as I normally always have a nice meal the day before a fast day. I am fasting today as I am away with work Thursday and Friday.

How is everyone else doing this morning?

I love checking up on this tread, and glad to see that the team is expanding.

Oh Cherbs, what do you grow in your allotment? and Josie50 I will give that a try - I have a good window in my kitchen that could be used. The odd time I buy herbs but they just don’t last.

Well Done Janeg getting through day one of your shred. Good luck with today :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 07:44
Morning amigos!
oh Hummingbird - well done! you must be so chuffed!
Debbie - I have real bother with rosemary and it's my favourite. Have one looking very sad and dead in a pot just now.I've brought it inside to see if it'll resurrect but I think it's gone too far even for miracles!
Chebs, allotments sound great- never had one though. The nearest I got was the kale yard at the end of my road , so I had to have a wee walk to get to it and really enjoyed it. It was on a quiet road and if people went past they would stop to talk so it was kind of sociable.
Good enjoyable day Legoman- what training do you do?
managed day 2 of the shred thing. Was surprised to have only a wee bit of spaegie this morning. Was sort of expecting to be crippled so that was encouraging. I'm fasting today and haven't exercised on a fast day (don;t count swimming for me) and I didn't fall over/have a nasty dip/die. So that has to be good.
oh, and the daily weighing is showing a +2kg difference- up the way :shock:

Have a great day Team Magnificent
off out to the pictures later- couch potato on a different couch!
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 08:04
Okay so don't laugh at me... I play for an ultimate Frisbee team, we train twice a week. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Tuesday is just matches from 6ish until dark (8.30pm). Saturday is more of a training session and that’s from 11am to 2pm. If you have not heard of it, it is worth a Google (there are two pro leagues in the states).
If anyone is interested to know more I can put up some links.

Oh good stuff Janeg that’s day two done (Boom!) – strange that it is showing a 2kg rise but that could just be external things – like your body just adjusting to your new program. What film are going to see?
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 08:15
ultimate frisbee sounds great fun! And I bet it knackers you too!
Ironman 3 (I think) not seen the other 2 but hey... I have the attention span of a gnat anyway!
The 2kg rise is from sunday. I weigh monthly and am not really getting anywhere and the tape measure wasn't kind either, So I decided to weigh daily just to see. So, weighed sunday, fasted Sunday, weighed Monday (decrease), weighed Tue - increase, weighed this morning - more increase! Fasting today so we'll see. It's not getting to me - I'm finding it quite intriguing...*scratches chin*
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 11:12
Hi Team,

I had composed a nice and long answer, but somehow it's vanished into thin air. Re rosemary: as mine also died in the frost I intend to be a bit more proactive this year and take cuttings come autumn, which I will keep in the house during the winter. Where I live some kind of network seems to have developed and cuttings/seeds/bulbs are exchanged.
Legoman: I love growing herbs and sprouting veggies in the kitchen windowsill. Do keep us posted about your kitchen farming project, I'd like to know how you're coming along! Cherbs: did your weeding go OK? Hummingbird, Well Done, Congrats! Janeg, please don't despair, we've all been there, in a week's time you'll have forgotten about unco-operative scales/tape measures. Have a great Spring afternoon,

Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 14:26
Hi Hummingbird well yesterday was f/day for me I did 7 km walk which is good for me ( see my bmi)
Feel good + this great diet works for me (thank-you Mimi + Dr M)
Today is feast day + I'm so hungry does anyone else get this?
I'm doing 4.3 basically coz I need to+ walk every fast day + of course this helps no end. Good Luck To All. Sue :heart:
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 17:24
Hi everyone,
It sounds like everyone has had a positive day. I made it to my allotment and did about 2.5 hours of weeding/digging. It was a bit of a mess down there as it was the first time I'd Ben down there this year. I was extremely ill at Christmas with pneumonia throughout 2/3 of my lungs resulting in me ending up in intensive care. I'm only in myearly 30's so to be so ill was incredibly shocking especially as I'm normally fit and healthy and very active. It's only the last couple of weeks that everyday life hasn't completely worn me out so I'm extremely proud of myself for managing 2.5 hrs down there. And even more pleasing is that half of my plot is now weed free! I grow all sorts down there. Beans, carrots, potatoes, chard, beetroot, cabbage, leeks, onions and anything else that doesn't need too much tending to. Anything that needs more watering/care such as salad stuff gets grown in my raised beds at home.
It's my 2nd feast day tomorrow and my first one when at work. I'm hoping that I'll be so busy it will fly by.
Can i ask, on your feast days do you just have 3 meals or do you snack in between? Or do you leave it until later in the day to start eating so that you have a good 14-16 hrs from dinner one night until you eat the next day. I'm trying to work out what's best to do as I'm quite happy to go without breakfast every day but if that's bad then I'm happy to eat breakfast every day that's a feast day.
Sorry i haven't done personal replies but I'm doing this from my phone and it's hard to scroll through everything!
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 17:37
Cherbs, well done in the allotment. It sounds fab and you must feel great getting all that done. I' a wee bit jealous. I don't eat on a fast day until tea time. I get through the day with some coffe at breakfast time ( black and strong) then I drink lots of water or very weak mixy up juice. Sometimes more coffee in the afternoon or mint tea or irn bru (diet!) then eat with the family 7/8 pm ish and that 's it til breakfast the next day. And I'm well ready for it I can tell you! I started out havering lunch then tea and just found it more convenient to do one meal only.
I think it's best to start off with what you think you'll manage and take it from there.
Re: *Marvellous May*
08 May 2013, 18:03
Hi Marvellous May-ers!
This week was going better so far for me but it's my second all-nighter in the library doing uni-work and ate a lot of junk food. I was going to fast today but given that I'll have not slept I think I'll push it until tomorrow. I'm going to walk to class tomorrow (about 2k I think? and quite a few hills) to walk off some of this junk food!
Jumping on the scales on Sunday - here's hoping!
Re: *Marvellous May* - Day 8
08 May 2013, 20:05
Good evening marvellous people :)

It's good to see the team growing and it's great hearing about all the exercise everyone is doing to compliment their fasting! We'll all be super healthy by the end of the month!

Today has involved just shy of 10km walking but no other exercise, partly because I'm super busy and partly because I'm doing a full 36 hour drinks-only fast so I'm feeling a bit knackered! 11 hours to go until breakfast! I've survived on less than 100cals and have burnt (roughly) 1800.

I hope you've all had a good day :)

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
09 May 2013, 05:51
Hi there, Team Marvellous,

Seems we're all doing fine in this Marvellous Month of May. I am extremely happy, lost another kg as my scales told me this morning. I started 4/3-ing on the 1st of April and was a bit worried whether I could keep it up, but I had decided to stick to it for at least 1 month and now this WoE seems to have become a normal part of my life. This is such a brilliant 'diet' and I am ever so grateful that it came into my life.
Janeg, you probably know this, but cutting back your rosemary and watering it, speaking to it lovingly and so on might just do the trick. I'l keep my fingers crossed for you, but can't type at the same time.
Cherbs, your allotment sounds really nice. I still haven't worked out a fixed plan for fast/feast days, but I normally skip breakfast. It's a matter of seeing what works best for you. If I'm really hungry at breakfast time I cook up some oat meal (approx 30 gram) with a tablespoon of raisins, a teaspoon of cinnamon and some water (approx 135 kcals in all). It takes a couple of weeks to work out a system that meets your specific needs/wants. Have another Great May Day all of you! :heart:
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