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Re: 5:2 + 16:8
08 Jun 2013, 21:19
I have read on several fitness forums that women should do 14:10 - which is what I am doing combined with 5:2. Didn't keep a record of the references but it was on a few sites. I'm giving myself the target of 14:10 but end up doing 16:8!! I am finding weekends are more relaxed with everything but will try harder next week to maintain that rule for all 7 days.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
08 Jun 2013, 21:44
Don't know about opening a window, I went for the full patio doors! Started at 3pm with some scrambled egg but hubby turned up from a job he was doing complete with fish and chips from a lovely place that does gluten free batter. After that I decided way-hey and had a fancy icecream!

Quite happy to draw a line under it all now until tomorrow which is progress really as there was a time when I'd have just carried on into a full scale binge. Happy days!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
08 Jun 2013, 22:05
miffy49 wrote: Don't know about opening a window, I went for the full patio doors!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
08 Jun 2013, 22:33
I did 16:8 yesterday and today. I last ate at 8pm, it was a decent dinner but not massive by any means and I also had a glass of red wine with it, was under TDEE for the day. Anyway now I seem to have really bad indigestion.

Has anyone else suffered fom this? I'm wondering whether it might be because of having all my food in a short time period, or because of the wine?
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
08 Jun 2013, 23:08
When I first saw these 5:2, 4:3, I understood them, but when I first saw this 16/8, 6/1 and then I only just saw this 14/10. How do you differentiate the days of the week as opposed to the hour ones. Having another brain fart, once more.

I dont want to buy another diet book.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 01:19
5:2, 4:3 and 6:1 are all days of the week adding up to 7. 16:8 and 14:10 are hours adding up to 24 hours.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 05:26
Hi all
Fasting today.yesterday I was starving and couldn't stop eating ,had to have a drnk of milk before bed as couldn't sleep I was so hungry .my,oh so wise husband pointed out that I was hungry cos I hadn't beaten the day before " cos you were doing that starving yourself thing'
As he watches my 5.2 efforts with amusement
Tomorrow it's back to 16.8 . I do enjoy this comination5.2 16.8 but I think I have to have at least one day a week off.
Well done Wendy darling ,love hearing about weight loss.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 06:12
Hi Everyone.
Well I've been reading with interest, and have decided to try the 16:8 plus 5:2 WOE.
My only query is that I don't normally have a big breakfast anyway, so by not eating till 1pm-ish I would only be cutting out about 200 cals.
This would not worry me as I don't care much about breakfast, and to eat from 1pm to 8pm would be fine.
But I'm puzzled as to how this helps much with weight loss.
However I can see it is working for many people so who am I to be skeptical??
Loving the windows, doors etc :lol:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 06:41
I think it works for a number of reasons. Cutting breakfast calories is one of them ,also cutting out late night snacking omits those empty calories.but it really is about the fasting for 16 hours that makes it work
I am not very scientific but I am sure someone else here can explain that or read the 8 hour diet book.anyway,good luck and welcome
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 07:10
Hi gigi,

just making a guest apperance on this thread, so hi! I think the longer time between meals is where the benifit lies as Sarahg has just pointed out. My understanding is that you start to burn fat after 14-16 hours and, within reason, the calorie count comes second. The mouse experiment in Dr M's book is what first put this idea in my head. Two sets of mice were given identical food, one lot had free access to their food 24 hours a day and the second lot had their access restricted to 8 hour a day. The rstricted mice lost almost 30% more fat than the constant nibblers. I think it had something to do with insulin levels not being constantly raised due digesting food non stop.

Hope this makes sense and helps, just off to the pool now with my coffee, see you all later,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 07:40
And it works on another 'little mouse' - way hey! :grin: :grin:
Just weighed myself today after a week on 5:2 + 16/8 combined, after all the advice on this thread and elsewhere, and the result is ........

Lost my first pound!! :grin: :shock: :wink: and another half inch of the waist!!

Please help celebrate my minuscule success ( but still success!) with a virtual piece of Montezuma choc or Caramac plus a quaff of Sauvignon blanc :grin: :victory: :grin:

Having breakfast now - toast and apricot conserve (still pretending am in the S of France) but will be off to buy the real Montezuma and caramac very soon!

And here's to the coming week and more (minuscule!) loss :grin: :victory: and thanks to all on this thread but especially ballerina and wendy darling - keep the laughs coming girls, I'm sure it uses up some calories :razz:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 07:54
Just sat and read this complete thread - on a fast day. And it's a good way to postpone the exercise!
Well done Silverdarling, seems to be working for you too. I'll have a mouthful of Sauv (can it be a red wine please- I don't like sauv?) and some good virtual choc later, even though it's a fast day.
The reason I decided to go through this thread is the quandry of what to do on hte holidays. I've been doing 4:3 for the last 2 weeks - going into week 3 today and doing the shred thing in an effort to blast this reluctant body into returning to weight loss mode. It's pretty hardcore and working slightly- 300g off this week. It's shifting - slightly quicker than glacial, but still slow.
I don't want to undo my efforts and also am off to Paris (yes! another one) so want to enjoy all the glorious edibles there. Patisserie and boulangerie are my weaknesses.
So, after a large amount of study (well, going through this thread) , the decision has been made. 16:8 most of the time, maybe one or two wayhay days and if I can manage one fast I will. Work in progress and best intentions etc.
Thing is, I am really needing breakfast after a fast. Just can't get my head around not eating early, but reckon it's worth a go.
So wish me luck for Friday onwards when I'll change to this WOE...
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 07:55
Well done silverdarling :victory: great when those scales move downwards isn't it? It doesn't matter by how much. Thanks for the virtual treats, will enjoy them with a cup of green tea in a minute :like:

Have a good day :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 07:59
Good luck janeg :clover: hope you have a great time and enjoy all those yummy treats :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
09 Jun 2013, 08:11
Hi Janeg,

Don't worry, you will be fine, I've still not had a breakfast yet and it does not bother me one bit, just a great lunch and some nice nibbles later, job done.

Whilst you are in Paris look out for the lone oboe player on the banks of the Seine as you approach Notre Dame, I shall be posting about him later on my 'Bollox du Jour' thread.

Have a great holiday, shame we were not in Paris at the same time,would have been a blast!,

Ballerina x :heart:
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