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Re: 5:2 + 16:8
11 Jun 2013, 12:47
Well done Pumpkin and Isis. I also opened my window at 1:00. Had a huge salad with tinned tuna and 2 boiled eggs. Looking forward to a cup of chai and a Danish this afternoon. I am so full that I'm not sure I will want any dinner tonight.

Oh by the way, did you see that I lost weight this week? I like eating this way :like:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
11 Jun 2013, 14:12
well done wendy :) onwards & upwards (weight loss that is!) xx
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
11 Jun 2013, 17:43
Thank you Amber. How are you doing?
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 05:48
I was all up for joining you guys & quite excited about having even more control & boosting my weight loss, but 1 week on 5:2 + 16:8 with NO cheating saw me put 1kg back on. Just 2 days off 16:8 & 1 fast has taken that kg back off :shock:

I guess my body just isn't ready for that next step yet, I'm going to have to stick with what's working until it stops :wink:

Will keep on looking in on you anyway & give you another wave when I join you :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 06:00
Hi AnnieD,

You have hit upon one of the great strengths of this regime, what suits one person may not suit another but there always an answer for everyone, you just have to experiment to find what works FOR YOU! Sorry to read about the weight gain but I'm sure you will soon be back on track, good luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 06:04
Already back on track thanks Ballerina, just went back to 1 straight 5:2 sesh & all was well - horses for courses :)

At least I know where I'm going if 5:2 starts to slow down for me, I don't doubt I'll be joining you at some time in the future, the time just isn't right yet :wink:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 06:15
Breakthrough for moi- wakened this morning after yesterday's fast and wasn't ravenous!
Still had my breakfast though, but at a more sedate pace and after I'd been up and about for slightly longer than usual. Psychology playing with me to prepare for my 16:8 stint on holiday? Bring it on!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 06:22
Thanks AnnieD very illuminating, also glad for you you have been able to get back on track with 5:2.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 06:49
I haven't done a fast this week as yet due to public holiday on Monday. Meant to fast today, but not in the right head space so ended up doing 16:8..or 18:6..every bit helps they say!
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 13:01
I love the flexibility of intermittent fasting. I couldn't manage my usual Monday 500 cal fast so this week is turning out to be a full 16:8 week (not including weekend).
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 14:56
:smile: Well done Wendy!!

I am meant to be fasting today but had a tea cake and butter with friends at lunchtime & thought I'd have to abandon it but just checked calories and whilst it was 355 cals (astronomical) ~ I'm now not particularly hungry so think I will plod on with the fast! :smile:

Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 17:49
I am pleased that I have just completed a second day 16:8ing. It certainly allows a more generous supper whilst keeping well within my TDEE, I have just had duck breast in madeira & mushroom sauce with new potatoes & asparagus followed by an organic honey bio yoghurt. I may have some blueberries as well. The proof will be what my scales say on Saturday but I am optimistic. :smile:
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
12 Jun 2013, 18:46
Maybe this has been answered somewhere else, so I apologize, but for 16:8, would coffee with nondairy creamer (which adds about 50-75 cal)be allowed in leiu of breakfast on 16:8 days or do we think it would jeopardize the fast since its a shorter type of fast than say 5:2. I am thinking about trying this on some days that I can get away with it (already doing 5:2 and sometimes 4:3 when schedule permits, so the 16:8 would always be following a fast day (Essentially extending it until lunch). I would at least need my coffee on those days.
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
13 Jun 2013, 09:10
hello guitar. I start my day with a normal cup of tea with milk in. then I have fruit/herbal tea throughout the day. I dont think that this would effect your fasting as long as it was just the one :) I am also trying the 8 hour window which starts around lunchtime & normally would finish about 6.30, after evening meal. I had a fast yesterday with only the evening meal & surprisingly am not needing my breakfast this morning. I dont feel hungry at all? very puzzled about this as normally so hungry the following day.

I think that having a coffee on the morning following a fast day might make it easier to get through. good luck. shelley

oh, broke under 11.5 this morning. very happy :) :)
Re: 5:2 + 16:8
13 Jun 2013, 09:51
Great news Shelley. Bet you're skipping around with that paintbrush in your hand :lol: strange about not feeling hungry the morning after. Amazing isn't it?

I went late night shopping Iast night (very successful!!) and really needed a cuppa when I got home. It was way past the close of my window but I had one anyway. Oh and a bit of Hotel Chocolat 35% chocolate. Be rude not to!! Hasn't done any damage. Yet!!!! :smile:
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