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Re: *Jubilant June*
01 Jun 2013, 11:35
Hi, I'm in! I started doing 5:2 in May and just decided to see how I got on with it. A months and 6lb off and I feel so much better! Some people lose more weight more quickly on other diets but I don't have a huge amount to lose so am happy to go slow and am just enjoying the freedom so much. And I feel slimmer and, in general, more energetic (although 4pm on a fast day and it's a different story!)

So May's plan was to just try it out. June and I might try adding in exercise again. I do like to run a bit (although not every day) and I've not been doing any 'proper' exercise on fast days so far (bike to work & back is my limit), so might try a short jog on a fast day or morning after if I feel like it. Doing a 10k run in August so could do with building up to longer runs. I did manage 10k on bank hol monday but it was definitely not a fast day! Probably wouldn't run that far on a fast day but could maybe manage 20 mins or so.

Hope this month is sunnier than May!
Re: *Jubilant June*
01 Jun 2013, 12:19
Hello everyone. I am looking forward to this month! Last month saw me losing weight, and an inch (2.4 cm) off the waist. :doh:

Well, I knew the inches would be tough to lose, but I am really surprised and happy about the weight!

This month, looking forward to continue the downward movement. Have a Dr. appt. (health inspection) the end of the month. Want to have met my first mini-goal (.4 lb to go, so definitely doable). Need to keep the activity up. Will be flirting with 16/8, though 5:2 will be my main focus.

Ballerina have a wonderful holiday and keep in touch - keep posting, please! I enjoy your posts so much.

Everyone, have a wonderful day in this jubilant June!
Re: *Jubilant June*
01 Jun 2013, 12:26
June will be a great time to get back on track with my diet and being more conscientious of what I eat. Early March-early June I have a run of birthdays, Easter, birthdays, more birthdays which means I struggle with cake overload.

Well today was the last birthday in the run and there is nothing major happening for the next few months... So no excuses, while the occasional treat is ok it's time to focus on my food for June.

I am looking forward to the month ahead as I only have a kilo to lose before I reach my mini goal of 63kg and a BMI <25.

Also, this month is the month I have my annual blood tests done e.g. Cholesterol, liver function, thyroid etc. while I didn't have them done just before I started fasting in Feb I do have my results from a year ago so it will be interesting to see the difference if any.

Bring on June, I'm excited.
Re: *Jubilant June*
01 Jun 2013, 20:13
Wow - lots of responses!!

Hello everyone and welcome :) I'm looking forward to hearing how you all do as we go through the month!

Jubilant June has started well for me -

I went out for a nice run this morning, I'm going through the Couch to 5k program and am now running 8mins at a time quite comfortably which astounds me as I thought that I could never be a runner! One month in and I'm already beginning to look ahead to doing my first 5k and 10k races this year hopefully :)

I then had a day of walking around ALOT and randomly flash-mobbing (dancing in) a local mall to raise awareness for a charity which was really good fun!!

My fitbit says that I've walked (and run I guess) 23,616 steps today, which equates to 11miles!! No wonder I'm feeling ready for bed already!! [This much activity is not my standard day, for the record - but a good start to Jubilant June, no less]

Food wise, I've probably indulged a little more than normal, but as I've burnt nearly 2700 calories today (if you believe the fitbit), I think I'm probably still working at a deficit. It's been such a perfect day :) ... I'm now finishing it with a nice cool glass of sparkling wine and a book about travelling :)

How has everyone else done?

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
01 Jun 2013, 20:35
Hummingbird wrote:
How has everyone else done?

H x

Not so good today, can't seem to satisfy my hunger and being bored at work isn't helping :( hoping tomorrow will be better!

Well done to you though, sounds like a great first day!
Re: *Jubilant June*
01 Jun 2013, 21:31
I'm in!
Wow Hummingbird, that was a great start to June! :like:

I'm hoping to increase exercise (to help the reducing calories) because my weightloss has really slowed down. Not helped by visitors last week and more expected... Oh well, it's lovely to have them, I'll just have to resist temptation a bit more!! :starving:
Arrived home to Switzerland from Napa California yesterday, torrential rain and cold. Can this really be June. YES it can. Jubilant June at that. The garden is well watered, and the rest of he week will just get brighter and warmer.

So for jubilant June, I am going to really work hard to get below 100kgs. Maybe no a great goal for some, but for me, a really massive milestone.

I'm up for it. Come on one and all. Lets celebrate together. :cool:
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 00:08
I've had a great 1st of June. Walked 2.5 miles, went to the farmer's market and regular shopping, just usual weekend stuff. Then went to airport to pick up my brother (he was visiting family up north). It had been his birthday while he was gone, so I took him to Red Lobster and I chose a 2 entre meal. I was so stuffed after eating one of them, that I took the second togo. Share that with my bro tomorrow. BTW, if I had eaten that whole meal it would have been 1800 cal!!!! YIKES! Just the salad, veggies, bread and 1 entre was 930 cal. (And yes, the 2nd entre is 880 cal all by itself, hence the sharing!) I will also be walking again tomorrow!!

Take care all!
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 00:25
Hi Everyone,
I'm in for Jubilant June.I didn't join in last month as I was feeling happy with weight loss (I just looked at my diary-3kgs released in May) but I have slacked off with excercise and realised that that attitude is not healthy for me-especially when I love my walks. so I am committing to 4-6 x 30 minute walks a week.
Good Luck everyone!!!!! : )
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 00:40
gillymary wrote: Hi hummingbird et al

As to 5:2 am joining Wendy darling and other good company to give 5:2x16:8 a whirl as I have 5kgs to go for my goal am hoping the work of June will bring those kgs down down down

So I am in with you

Like gillymary I am going to have a go at 5:2+16:8 as for my health I really need to accelerate my weight loss a bit so that I can feel capable of doing more exercise (which I am not very good about with dodgy knees and ankle).

Here's hoping for a Jubilant June.

So glad you started these monthly thread hummingbird :smile: :heart:

PS Ballerina - I keep meaning to say how much I (and I think lots of others) really enjoy and get a lot out of your posts. Your quick wit :grin: amongst your own experiences of this WOL is just what is required and much appreciated - thankyou and have a wonderful holiday in France.
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 05:52
Hello Juners! Well, I'm in but won't be posting much as I'm off on holidays and working a bit.
My June will start with the second week of 4:3. My weight hasn't shifted for 2 months. Waist measurement hasn' t moved this past month either. Getting rather hacked off.
I'm into level 3 of the shred thing and will finish that before I tootle off.
Contemplating 16:8 while I'm away but will decide as and when.
Lots of positive goals and ideas on the thread, will drop in regularly and rooting for everyone
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 06:07
Morning Gang!
Blue skies, sunshine and birdsong - June is finally burstin' out all over, and so is my clematis. It is glorious in my back garden, Been up since early, out with my Oor Wullie bucket on a snail hunt. Those wee blighters have been chomping on the nicotiana (must be the snail equivalent of a fag! :lol: ).Hoping to be more active this month too - back to yoga as my teacher is back from his holiday stateside, and will up the gardening too. Janeg, remember we are meeting up later this month - canny wait!! :smile:
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 06:09
Sounds most verdant in Stirling dhana! I've sent you a wee message to arrange a meet up. I canny wait either!
Mental image of snails sooking on a fag is quite amusing...
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 08:48
Morning all!

My first fast day of June went well yesterday... but forgot how hard fasting on Saturdays is! I much prefer fasting during the week when I'm busy at work. But I got through it under 400 cals so feeling pretty pleased today :smile:

My (not so) baby sister got her first car yesterday so is picking me up for a drive followed by some lunch today. Not sure how my nerves will cope!

Hummingbird - I so want to be involved in a flash mob, or even just see one while I'm out. How did it go??

Have a great Sunday everyone!
Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 08:55
The DVD is still in it's case, but as I did 3 hours gardening yesterday I don't feel guilty at all.planning more gardening today- so I suspect the case will remain firmly shut!
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