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Re: *Jubilant June*
02 Jun 2013, 08:58
Well I'm jumping in here too I think, this thread seems to be bursting with positivity which is very much needed!

June will indeed be jubilant for me, I think! Yesterday I got on the scales and had shifted a pesky pound which would sort-of-officially take me down to my goal of half a stone lost. But I, like janeg, started Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred today and am expecting to put weight on because it's really hard work. Perhaps I should hold off weighing until the 10 days are up? Someone remove the scales from my house please...

Anyway, got my last exam on the 6th and then I will be FREEEE. Must not drink too much (although I have had a month off alcohol, I think I deserve a pint). And then the week after I'm off on holiday to Portugal! Fingers crossed the weather is nice because I have been sitting in my room studying for days and days now... I need some Vitamin D :P

Happy fasting, everyone :)
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 07:25
Good morning!

Another fast for me today. Ended up at an impromptu family BBQ yesterday so feel like I need it. One of my Aunts has just started Lighter Life so wasn't eating - made me appreciate this WOL all the more as I ate my burger!

BethP - hope your last exam goes well and enjoy that pint. I spent all of March/April in a library so know the feeling of being stuck inside all too well!

In other news, I got back into the exercise post-hols this morning with a bit of Jillian NMTZ so feeling particularly Jubilant on my way to work.

Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 07:36
hello Jubilant Juners! I'm in too!
We're off to France on holibobs later this month, so I may be taking a break from 5:2! The tablet will be going with me though, plus our laptop, so, wifi permitting, I can keep in touch and feel focused.
We have no fixed final destination, but we'll look at the forecast just before we leave and aim for the sunniest spot!
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 07:50
Hello Jubilant June peeps, I'm in too continuing the 5:2 way of eating as it's been working for me! Think I overdid the food at the weekend as it was a long holiday weekend here but what the heck! A fast day or 2 this week will take care of that. I'm working towards a holiday in early August and would like to be looking like my old self - pre menopause - with a decent figure again!
All the best everyone, especially the lucky northern hemisphere folk heading on holidays already. :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 08:13
Hello Everyone,

I am in this for June too. The May tread really worked for me, so just looking to continue on from May.

I started off June with a lovely 10k just to kick the month off well, Then walked around my local park and went out for some food.

Yesterday I had a tournament. Three matches of 80min each.. we won two and just lost our last match by two points... I supper tired last night and I just collapsed in bed. All my mussels are sore this morning and I have a rather sore cut on my leg to remind of my weekend.

Anyway today is my first fast of the month and it’s also summer now, Boom! :-)

Its great reading all your posts!

Have a great day team and happy fasting if you are fasting today :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 08:13
Morning all

I've had an odd weekend as my husband's working away so felt a bit lost. He always works away during the week which I get on ok with but I've really missed him this weekend. He won't be home til friday which will be 12 days :cry: Saturday was a fast day which was surprisingly easy apart from feeling a bit light headed during choir practice - stuffy room, hunger & singing not good for blood pressure methinks!

Spent a lovely afternoon yesterday with my parents in our garden trying to teach my mum how to crochet & just enjoying the sun.

Was going to fast today but doesn't feel right today. I think it would feel too soon after saturday. Feeling a bit meh today. Won't cheer myself up with food too much though!
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 08:35
Can I join in? I read all the posts for the 'Marvellous May' and everyone was so supportive! I need the commitment of setting myself goals as I can be very weak willed (particularly when wine is involved!) :smile: So for June, I will continue with 5:2,possibly try 16/8 and do a bit more exercise!
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 08:42
Hilaryjane - Our motto has always been the more the better, so consider yourself part of the team.

Greenmonster - Sorry to hear that your having a tough time. Its great being able to switch your fast days around. Your Meh feeling is just that monday morning feeling.. happens after a good weekend. :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 08:55
Count me in too! I am going to give 4:3 a try, as I find the fasting days easier. I will also get out on my bike more, I really love it when I'm whizzing along, but it's such a hassle to get my bike out of the shed (shed full with hubby's stuff). I think I might just leave it locked in the back garden, them I'm ready to go anytime I have a spare hour!

Good luck everyone, the salad days are here :wink:
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 09:17
I'd like to join in too please :-) June is going to be a tough month for me as I'm in my final year of my doctorate, and my 30,000 word thesis is due 24th June, scary times!

Am loving 5.2 though, and have lost 5.5lbs so far :-) don't have a lot to lose but getting married in October and at my fitting a few weeks ago my dress didn't fit!

goal for this month is to try and bring exercise back into my life - especially as it helps with my mood too.

Fasting Tuesday and Friday this week, not usual monday and thursday as I'm off work studying.

Good luck all!
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 09:30
feeling chuffed as my June pledge, where I promise to walk Maxy our dog more, is on track. He had a lovely time out walking doing what dogs like to do, a veritable smellathon. I feel good that I am nearly done & dusted for my first fast day utilising 16/8 window. Tomorrow ought to be easier as I am on a feed 16/8 day
Hope all the JJpeeps have a great June. 3 :)
Beclec101 big month you will be having here is hoping for you smooth sailing to the phd finish line and for your wedding prep, day and married life, big wishes but why not :clover: :heart:
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 10:11
Hello everyone,
I'm joining in again this month too.

The weekend was glorious and I spent a fair amount of pottering in the garden. Everything is growing madly now that the weather is improving. Weeding and sowing seeds was the main thing for us.

We discovered a mining bee nest in the front garden when tidying up. It was fascinating to watch them and having just looked them up in the guide book, I see that they've been attracted to our gooseberries and currants. Looks like we'll be having a bumper crop this year. The strawberry bed is also covered in flowers.

Determined to get the exercise going again this month. Today is the first fast of the month and I'm doing Pilates/Callanetics to start toning up. Aiming to fit that in at least three times a week. I also tried on my swimming costume at the weekend, so I'm ready to go along to aquafit on Wednesday evening. Ten weeks to our summer holiday, so that's my motivator.

I'm also hoping/expecting to the two stone lost mini-goal this month. So plenty for me to work at in Jubiliant June.
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 11:57
Spent yesterday afternoon gardening again-so DVD is still in the box.Just posting this to delay going out to give the garden furniture it's annual coat of paint.
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 12:02
Hello everyone,
I would like to join you for Jubilant June, having finally reached my 10 stone mini goal last month, I didn't think I would ever get down to that weight again. I'm now trying to get below 9 stone after the shock of seeing a photo of myself taken last year - I looked like a beached whale! :cry:

I've noticed that I have more energy now so June will see me tackle the jungle which is my garden. I made a start a few weeks ago with help from my son who did most of the heavy work, now it is up to me to carry on. There are still some parts of the garden which have monster waist high weeds and I'm hoping that the digging and hoeing will help to shift more weight.

Another bonus is that if I'm outside in the fresh air I'm less likely to rummage through the food cupboards looking for naughty food treats!

If you don't hear from me for a while it means I'm lost among the vegetation but I'll have my shears and pruners with me so I will be OK!
Re: *Jubilant June*
03 Jun 2013, 23:12
Thanks gillymary :-)
Had a good feed day today, ate healthily but enjoyed my food and had a piece of caramel shortbread with no guilt :-)
Going to fast Wednesday and Friday this week now as my fiance cant do tomorrow and fasting on the same days helps us stick to it!
Going to aim to go for a run tomorrow, need to kick start jubilant june!
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