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Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 07:32
Good morning everyone,

Wow the weather here in London is Jubilant. Yesterdays fast went well, I had a lovely fish dish for dinner, and did some walking too.

Today I have to skip training as my cut on my leg is still healing. Fingers crossed it’s okay for tomorrow and I can still have PT. The weather is so good all I want to do is go outside and do stuff.

I hope everyone is off to a good start in June, and I am happy to see loads of new faces on here :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 07:39
I also had a good day yesterday , fasting was fine and I got the gardening jobs done. DVD still in it's case though!
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 08:30
Good morning everyone :)

It is a beautiful blue-skied sunny day here in the North-West and I am spending all day in the house revising. Haha! Oh well, freedom on Thursday. Did the 30 Day Shred today, Level 3 is very difficult but the end is in sight now and feeling good.
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 08:41
I'm in too! Just finished my first week and am down 3 lbs :grin: , only 60+ to go but it's a great start! Good luck everybody :clover:
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 12:53
Yesterday's fast went fine, but the best news - I've hit my first mini-goal of 10 pounds! I was close last Saturday, today I was down 1.2 lbs! It'll probably go up and down a bit, but I am SOOOO happy!

Take Care all - be patient, fasting works!
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 13:10
High Five Debbiejgb!

It’s a great feeling when you hit these mini goals.

Try not to check yourself out in mirrors all day :-)

What’s your next goal? Or are you going to maintain?
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 13:19
HAHAHA! Thanks, Legoman! I did spend some time looking in the mirror today - and I look more like myself, I think! (The way I looked a few years back - most of my weight gain has been the last 2-3 years. A broken leg last year did not help!)

I would like to lose another 10 pounds. I see my Dr. end of this month and will check with her. I do have osteopena (precursor to osteoporosis), so don't want to lose too much. Thing is I am feeling fitter and more lively. Just love that this has been a relatively easy loss. Now for the next 10...
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 13:21
Well, I've dug out some docks, raked over a raised bed, planted some courgettes, cleared the weeds from a small patch of the garden, cut back the dead daffodil leaves which looked such a mess and put some geraniums and begonias into two planters. I've walked around the garden to admire the flowers and walked around again just to check how many more weedy areas need to be cleared - I've nearly had a nervous breakdown thinking of all the work to be done and now I'm having a welcome cup of coffee to get over the shock!

After all that I hope I've burned plenty of calories.

Not bad for a fast day!
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 13:43
Great stuff debbiejgb!

I have been doing the same with my mirror, it’s been seeing a lot more of me recently (or should I say a lot more of less of me...)

It’s great to hear that that you feel better as well as look better :-)

Good luck on hitting your new target - I amsure you will hit it sooner rather than later.

Wow I am jealous of you Coffeetime – I am currently trapped in a London office block, looking out at the sun. Your garden does sound lovely. What’s your favourite flower / plant in your garden? :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 14:11
Thanks Legoman, the garden is quite big which is why we decided to live here but now we are getting older it's too much for us.
I love all flowers so it's hard to choose just one, at the moment we have a gorgeous pink rhododendron in flower but the simple aquilegias (granny bonnets) are just as lovely. Each year I fall in love again with my plants when they start growing and flowering even when the weeds are towering over them, we have areas full of bluebells, red campions and cow parsley growing among the weeds which I can't cut back yet because they are so beautiful. My son suggested cutting down on the flower beds to make the garden easier to manage but these plants and shrubs are my babies.
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 14:26
oohh Coffeetime.. your garden sounds absolutely idyllic. Like Legoman, I have been inside working but looking at all the sunshine. Went out for a brisk walk at lunchtime [fast day so need to be occupied at lunchtime - especially as we had jam doughnuts available (someone's birthday!)]and looking forward to walking my dog later on. Doing the 36 hour liquid fast so it's a long time until Wednesday morning, but doing OK so far. The weather just makes you feel so much better and apparently it is going to be like this for the next five days.Perhaps I'll get out into our garden?! :grin:
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 14:43
I have to echo Hilaryjane’s comments on your garden it really does sound lovely.

I love rhododendron, they do take a little care but are well worth it now. The colours sound lovely.. and I bet the smell is fantastic..

That settles it, I am going to walk home from work tonight – don’t fancy the tube, although I do live over 8km away, but it’s a nice evening and I can cut through some parks on the way home hopefully :-)

Coffeetime by the sounds of it, in a few fasts time your garden will be looking amazing!

Good luck with your fast today Hilaryjane, and enjoy walking your dog later and don’t forget your shades... Not often you say that in a British summer...
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 15:07
Hey Legoman, just had a look at the June Stats and you appear as the 'biggest loser' for the men! Well Done - it shows that your 'Marvellous May' worked! :smile:
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 15:09
Oh, that's great! Congrats Legoman!
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 15:36
Enjoy your walk Legoman, 8km sounds like a awfully long walk to me but it should keep you fit and help you lose even more weight. Jubilant June indeed! :grin:

Thank you Hilaryjane, the sunshine puts us all in a good mood, just what we need after all those months of cold, rain and snow, at last we have some warm weather. :cool:
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