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Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 15:49
Thanks Everyone,

I was more than a little shocked to be the biggest male loser. But I really did commit to Marvellous May (the support of the team really helped me). Well chuffed with myself now. I think I will treat myself to an ice cream on my walk home now.

Yeah it is pretty far I always get the tube home but after last summer’s wash out I really want to spend as much time as possible out in the sun. (Anyway If I get tired can just jump on the tube or bus.

And I did buy new ray-ban’s last month and they need to be taken for a long walk :-)

Jubilant June it sure is :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 17:39
Hi all,

Just checking in for today. My fast went really well yesterday and didn't wake up starving this morning so managed to have a sensible post-fast day breakfast.

I've had the day off work today to prepare for my exam in a couple of weeks, which has left me with little desire to cook. However, I popped on to the forum to read all the positivity and now think I'll whip up some tuna steaks and veggies rather than ordering pizza (it's 2 for Tuesday as well and I definitely do not need 2!). Small wins, eh?!

Legoman - congrats on your Marvellous May and being the biggest male loser (so to speak!). I hope your Jubilant June is just as successful :grin:
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 19:07
Still gardening in this glorious weather. The DVD stands no chance
Re: *Jubilant June*
04 Jun 2013, 19:31
Hello team :D

What a beautiful start to June! And it sounds like we've had a brilliant start to Jubilant June too :) well done so far everyone!

Well done Legoman on being the top male loser for the month that's amazing news :D you've certainly done the Marvellous May-ers proud :)

Merlin - I feel like I can offer advice on your DVD situation... Starting an exercise session is, mentally, the hardest bit. I often wake up in the morning and feel like staying in bed a bit longer instead of getting up and going running or doing some pilates or something, but I force myself to put on my running stuff and plonk myself outside the front door, or I force myself to roll out my exercise mat and pop the DVD in and once you've got over that hurdle you're off, you're exercising, you're doing it :) So my advice is to just force yourself to take the DVD out of it's box and pop it into the player. Once it's playing the time will fly by and suddenly you've done 30mins/an hour of exercise and you'll feel good about it :)

I'm in a similar situation tonight - I have a new exercise DVD that's just arrived and whilst I feel like I'd prefer to curl up with my book and a glass of bubbly, I'm going to stick the DVD into my laptop and just do it!! Good luck!! It will be great to hear that you've had a go, when you get round to it!!

My marvellous May is going well, I've been on two runs and done a couple of pilates sessions, walked a whole lot and had a fast. I think I'm going to start doing liquid only fasts because, whilst I'm finding it easy to get to 7pm without eating, once I've started eating I find it hard to stop and tend to go over my 500 calories, which is a shame when I've been so good all day. So perhaps just not allowing food that day will actually be easier.

ALSO I bought my first ever proper running shoes!!! I'm *SO* excited about going out in them tomorrow morning! I'm starting week 6 of the couch to 5k program... I'm thinking about registering for my first 5k in July... hmmmm...

Keep up all the hard work everyone :) lets make June our best month yet!

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 07:51
Good morning Team Jubilant,

Yesterday was a good non-fast day. I loved my walk home although it took nearly 2 hours. Won’t be rushing to do it again, by the time I had a shower and cooked dinner it was bed time for this little Legoman.

Thanks again, I re-read your comments and I just love how positive everyone is.

Oh Hummingbird, it’s great to hear that you are getting back out jogging. If I were you I would just sign up for a 5k in July. Nothing focuses the mind like a deadline. And there are even some free timed 5k runs out there. A few people on here do Parkrun (, it’s a free timed 5k every Saturday morning – well worth a look. I hope there is one near you.

I do the odd liquid fast, but I allow myself tea with a drop of milk and a low cal hot choc if I need it (the Cadburys highlights range is quite nice).

Oh and let us know how your new runners get on.

My leg is nearly healed and I will give PT a try later on.

Keep up the marvellous work Team Jubilant.
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 08:20
Very glad to be able to,say Maxy has had a very long walk today and is now having a snooze. Beautiful still reflections over the water so that was nice too. :cool:

As to my fasting progress. I am doing the 5:2 x16:8 combo which I thought would be easier than it is. Maybe its because I am trying to get my head around window of eating later in the day but the realisation I am a breakfast person has dawned :doh: Am still doing the plan and getting to the gym as well.

Well fellow Jubliants keep up the good work, best of luck :clover: :clover: had to lol about the dvd Merlin
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 08:27
To see if joining Jubilant June will make a difference to my weight loss, I've just had one of my rare weigh ins, my weight is exactly the same as it was few weeks ago and my waist measurement is two inches bigger. I've always been relaxed about this way of eating, now I realise that I've been too relaxed. I must start counting calories again just to see where I've gone wrong.

I'm sure I can do better with the support and encouragement from Team Jubilant - I love the name, it sounds so positive!

I had a few twinges in my back when I woke up so I won't go quite so mad with the gardening today, I'm not used to having so much energy (or any energy) I must learn to use it more wisely.

My main problem is eating too much during the evening, I certainly don't need the extra food but I'm having difficulty breaking the habit. Reading through these posts does help to keep me focused, perhaps I should read them again each evening. :?:

Good luck Team Jubilant, we can do it together. :cool:
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 08:42
I have one home made triple chocolate cookie left that was calling my name from the cupboard last night but I resisted, and thank god I did, because my dinner took me over my 1400cal goal to just over 1500! (The cookies are 300cal each... but so good...)

Stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment because I'm going away next week so don't want to buy any more food but I've basically run out of fresh stuff so my last few days before holiday will be full of beans/soup/pasta/noodles! Can't afford to buy any more so just got to really control my portions so I don't balloon before I leave.

Student life!

Oh the bright side, I am fasting today and the 30 Day Shred was alright this morning and I have my last exam tomorrow. So I am nervous but just have to work my butt off all day and tomorrow will be the real beginning of Jubilant June for me! :)
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 09:27
I have the day off uni today so I'm off to Covent Garden today for a wander around and to try and get something for my boyfriend for our anniversary next week (men are impossible to buy for!)

Beth, I'm very jealous about you having your last exam tomorrow, I don't finish mine until the end of July :( good luck!!

Right, now to get out of bed and get moving!
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 09:30
Your triple chocolate cookies sound delicious BethP, my mouth is watering!

I had a look at the 30 day shred on YouTube yesterday, you must be really fit to do that, I felt worn out just watching it...

Good luck with your exam tomorrow! :clover:
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 10:02
It seems like a few of the team are doing the 30 day shred.

Is it all on youtube or do you need to buy anything or is there a web site?

Oh and Faye speaking as a guy – we are not that hard to buy for at all. Just think of men as large kids and it becomes easy :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 11:20
I've signed up to my first 5k race :D :D

One month to go...


H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 12:12
Cool go you :-)

Happy training and keep us all posted on your endeavours

Nearly time to take the tags of your new runners and to strut your stuff!
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 12:34
My shoes had their maiden voyage this morning and they felt amazing!! My shins didn't complain once and I haven't been in pain post-run either. Hopefully this isn't just a coincidence and super expensive shoes = no shin splints (nearly had a heart attack in the shop when I found out how much decent running shoes cost).

This morning was the first time that I actually had to force myself to keep running though - 10minutes is more of an effort than I thought it would be!!

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
05 Jun 2013, 16:08
Had a lovely afternoon in Covent Garden wandering around in the sunshine and managed to get some pressies for the boy! I got him some painted scenes of parts of London that mean something to us :)
Now to squeeze in a couple of hours of work before I head out for dinner with my housemates - we're having Mexican yummy! The food is amazing though, as are the cocktails, must remind myself not to go overboard!!
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