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Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 20:22
I am not at home this week so the DVD is unused probably until ?? July
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 21:35
I can't run, but am within a gnat's whisker of my first target and feeling jubilant...
Yesterday my OH commented that I really ought to get some new jeans! He's right. Even with a belt, mine are beginning to look ridiculously baggy.
Yay! :victory:
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 21:58
Lovely to read this thread and catch up with how everyone is going :)
My foot is coming along nicely and those beautiful pair of big brown chocolate eyes of Maxy are imploring me for an adventure. Doc says test it out on the weekend so will be back on that walk routine with Maxy ASAP. The weight is also dropping little bit by little bit so my fasting regime is holding even though I am not moving much. So June hums along despite a hurdle or two

Keep up the jubilance everyone Moving and fasting well :)
Re: *Jubilant June*
19 Jun 2013, 07:22
Morning all!

Got through my fast day successfully yesterday... Though I was liquid fasting to repair the weekend's damage and that steak stirfry sounded amazing greenmonster! Got an exam today and tomorrow so am not going to worry about what I eat though seem to eat more sensibly now I can feel what certain foods do to my body (e.g. I don't need any sugar crashes!!).

CreakyPete - I could have used 24 hours of sleep. Very jealous of them!

No_More_Mrs_Michelin - congrats on getting in the size 14s!! I always feel better fitting into previously too small clothes than I do seeing the scales move :smile:

Right I'm off to break the fast with some fruit to fuel up for the day ahead. Have a good one!

Re: *Jubilant June*
19 Jun 2013, 07:39
I'm jubilant. I'm JUBILANT!!!

I've lost 4lb! I don't know where it went but I never want to see it again!

I've been stuck on 10 stone for weeks and now it's dropped down almost overnight. I can't remember how long ago my weight started with a 9. I can't stop smiling, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and I want to dance.

I hope all my jubilant friends here will have similar results, enjoy your running, cycling and walking and smile with me.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: *Jubilant June*
19 Jun 2013, 11:04
Well Done Coffeetime! :smile:
It always feels like an achievement to go through a stone barrier and although I still have a way to go, I shall celebrate with you :high5: :drink:
Re: *Jubilant June*
19 Jun 2013, 13:55
I am just happy to be here! I think this fast has improved my moods - at least on nonfast days! :lol:

Welcome back Hummingbird! Good to hear you can start walking this weekend Gillymary! Good luck to you, Jen! And BIG congrats to Golarne and Coffeetime!

Take Care all.
Re: *Jubilant June*
20 Jun 2013, 10:24
Late morning greetings to you all. Fast day today, and I'm knocking back the coffee. Lots of work deadlines at the moment so that's involving working late and not getting a lot of sleep. Hope that doens't affect the weight loss too much...

Well done Coffeetime - good to have a big loss after a plateau. I seem to go in phases with a big loss one week followed by several small losses. I thought at one point it was a monthly cycle but that doesn't appear to be the case.

I've failed on getting to aquafit again last night and it looks like it's out for the rest of the month as I've re-twisted my knee. Whatever it was I did in December, it's obviously left the joint a bit weak as the slightest wrong position seems to set it off again. I'm not even sure what it was that did it this time. Just generally playing with the kids I guess and having fun and not being careful enough with mey knee. Aquafit is definitely not an option for me as it involves quite a lot of squats and jumping around. I can't fully rest it as I can't avoid walking - I've got to take the boys to school at the very least, plus general up and down stairs at home.

Hope everyone's day is going well
Re: *Jubilant June*
20 Jun 2013, 11:37
:frown: Thats rough no more mrs michelin can you get some kind of support for your knee for now, hope your knee feels better soon.

Great work coffee time :smile: and thanks debbiejgb and all the best for your exams imajen

Today was a fast day so am looking forward to lunch tomorrow and walk Saturday. All the best to the Jubilent June team in your endeavours :clover: :clover:
Re: *Jubilant June*
20 Jun 2013, 13:41
Sorry to hear about your twisted knee No_More_Mrs_Michelin, so annoying (and painful) when these things happen, I hope you soon recover.

I tried doing some qigong exercises when I broke my foot, not too much movement in the legs. Quite gentle exercise but better than nothing, more like a warm up really, even so I didn't get on very well as I was so unfit - it was before I started 5:2. I have more energy now so I might try again.
Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 07:05
Morning all :)

We seem to have hit a week-3 slump in motivation!! How are you all doing? Are you a little bit healthier than at the beginning of Jubilant June? Weigh a little less? Exercise a little more?

After my 30min run on Wednesday my ankles really ache so I'm leaving my next run until tomorrow!! I've got a new route planned out so I'm quite looking forward to going for a jog around a different area :)

I'm managing to eat much less sugar fairly easily now that I'm putting my mind to it and today is my first day of a week of 16:8'ing (I meant to start a few days ago but my love for (/addiction to?) oats lead to me having muesli both days!! At least it's not unhealthy though).

I get the keys to my new house today so I'm *very* excited and am considering taking the day off to start moving in :) I also have my next set of rehearsals for the nutcracker tonight so that will be an energetic start to the weekend!!

How are you all doing?? Any exciting weekend plans?

Good luck to anyone that is fasting today :clover:

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 07:54
I have certainly suffered from a mid-month slump, but I have still kept up the exercise, just a little less than planned. Anyway, now is the time for me to up the ante, my swimming race is in exactly 2 weeks so I have no time for messing about anymore!

How is everyone else getting on??
Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 08:12
I can confirm, imajen8tion, that the steak stir-fry was yummy. Not quite as amazing as I'd hoped as the jar of 5 spice powder had bigger holes than I thought, so the little shake was a huge cloud. Still hoovered it up though. Unfortunately I slept really badly after Tuesday's fast - it happened last week too after a fast. Just couldn't get off to sleep. Hoping it's cos it was really hot in bed and it's not very dark at night at the mo - never sleep well around midsummer!

Well done coffeetime, sounds like you're on a roll!
Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 10:37
Whoopy-doo, it's a great day for me! :victory: Offical weigh-in and another 600g off - and the absolutely fabulous thing is that I am now under 13 stone! I know for you slimmer people that's no big deal, but I wasn't even that slim on my wedding day 12 year ago! :oops:

In terms of weight loss I'm having a very Jubliant June as I've reached my monthly target and we're not at the end yet. I've planned on losing a realistic 2kg a month, and I'm over that already this month :victory:

I think I'm doing well this month because I've really lowered my sugar consumption and cut my portion sizes at meals. Stopping the snacking last month is starting to pay off as well.

Exercise is failing miserably for me though this month. :confused: Too much work and then the knee injury again. Actually yesterday's fast seemed to help with the pain as I woke with it feeling considerably better this morning. I understand that fasting helps reduce inflammation, and if my knee is anything to go on, that does seem to be the case. It's not better yet, but at least I don't need the painkillers now. I don't like to take too many of them as I'd rather be aware of the niggle, otherwise I might move it in a damaging way again.

I am however doing the callanetic upper arm exercises. Just picked up a couple of lovely tops for my hols in the charity shop (size 14 - whoop!), so need to try and make my arms look a little better for the hols. I've also worked out that I can do some crunches without any knee strain if I rest my lower legs on the bed (which is fairly low) and then crunch in that position. Would love to do something about thunderthighs but can't work out what exercise I can do without any knee strain.

New keys Hummingbird! How exciting! Hope the move goes well.
Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 11:19
.....Still smiling :smile: :smile:

No bingeing at all this week, I didn't even notice until today, now that's an achievement! It must be the influence of my fellow Jubilant Juners, many thanks everyone.

Well done No_More_Mrs_ Michelin, such a great feeling to break a record by getting below the next stone. :victory:
I hope you will be happy in your new home Hummingbird and that Greenmonster can get a good night's sleep.

All the best for a successful weekend everyone and here's hoping that we will all be that little bit lighter by Monday :clover:
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