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Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 07:27
Good morning everyone,

I hope this finds you all well. Not very pleased with my weigh in this morning gained 600g. But that was down to a generally bad (actually horrible) week of eating everything (mainly sugar...). I think I had three takeaways, over the weekend.... I wanted to post this here as a commitment to smash it this week.

Even though my friends are over tonight, and I am cooking I am going to do 5:2 today. I hate not doing it Monday. I might eat a little bit with them, but I also feel like a liquid only fast – I will see how it goes.

I managed to hurt my calf a little bit over the weekend which prevented me from doing my usual long run on Sunday. Hopefully its heels quickly as I really want to get out running again. If not I will hit the gym for a little while.

So as we have past the half way point I have re-assessed and I want to make the last two weeks Jubilant. Sorry for letting the team down over the first few weeks of June, but now I have a focused mind and will do my best.

Anyway.. How are you all doing? Hummingbird how was Scotland and the wedding?
Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 08:14
Hi Team Jubilant,

As Legoman wrote: June seems to pass very quickly. Sorry to hear you hurt your calf, hope it will heal soon. Beckie, sorry to hear about your computer stress, it's terrible when technology stops co-operating isn't it. Good for you for sticking with it. Gillymary I hope your ankle will heal quickly. For me it's another fast day, I used to do 4/3, but couldn't quite keep that going - I was starting to feel a bit faint and headachy, so I am considering to turn that into 5/2. I have lost 5.5 kg so far (in 11 weeks) but I have been on a Dreaded Plateau for quite a while now :cry:. Ah, there are worse things. Anyway, off to do a few of my morning things now. Have a great day and for the fasters among you: a good fast! :clover:
Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 08:34
Hello Jubilant Juners
Thanks you all your lovely messages. Good news only an ankle sprain and ought to be back to gym and walking Maxy by the end of the week. Meanwhile I think thanks to my 16:8 arrangement the scales are being kind as well. So might have been handy to be on this regime when I am not able to be as active. Hope everyone is going well and sorry Legoman hope your calf is better soon

Keep up the spirits :clover: the month is half done :)
Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 08:57
Morning all!
Sorry it has taken so long to find this thread, and I have still only read through the first few days so apologies to more recent posters but I just had to join in and list the things I feel jubilant about!
Firstly, I'm in maintenance and using Libra to check trends in loss/gain - twice so far this month I have hit my minimum weight (both times on a Sunday morning, the start of a fast day) but have managed to avoid dropping any lower by doing 16:8 style fasts with more calories.
Secondly, the new road bike has been setting new best times around local circuits of up to 23 miles, although the winds of late have been a pain.
Parkrun on 1st June gave me a wrong time (a few seconds too slow) which was disappointing but last week I ran well and managed 23:09 which was my best performance since March 2012 - and this Saturday I beat that again by 5 seconds in windier conditions, which means my RunBritain handicap has improved from 15.3 to 14.4 in a fortnight! I realized last month that the long bike rides were taking more out of me than I thought so these are saved for Sunday/Monday to give time for recovery. All the running I do in the week is intervals 6 by 400 meters on Wednesday evenings for speed, this is horrible but seems to be effective!
Thirdly, wife had her birthday last week and despite two cakes and lots of chocs we are both still where we want to be weight-wise. She also repeated her PB on Saturday (not as good as setting a new one, but nearly) but hopefully her birthday shoes will do the trick next weekend.
I think that is about it for now, got to fetch younger son & friends back from the Download festival, will look in again soon and thanks for the opportunity to share the jubilation!

Oh, and the woodpecker is on the bird feeder - must get some more fat balls!
Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 09:13
Good morning all!

Just got back from my weekend away and had a great time. Don't think I overdid it with the food quantity wise but it was all fast food :confused: I must have been on my feet for 15+ hours a day though and plenty of walking between stages so feel OK about it. In other news, I got turned away from the zip line across the arena for being TOO LIGHT!! This has never happened to me before... Felt slightly frustrated but then thought that I am now in my healthy BMI range and that is worth more than the zip line (though I really wanted to do it!).

CreakyPete - I hope your son had a good time. It was amazing! Though hope your car doesn't end up as caked in mud as mine has :smile:

Odd week for me this week as I have an exam Weds/Thurs and still off work today so going to fast Tues/Fri. Hoping that will work OK but usually have my fasts well out the way by the weekend so we'll see.

Lovely to come back and catch up with all your news. I especially love all the stories of success whilst still getting on with living your lives (attending weddings, celebrating birthdays, etc). Keep up the good work everyone!

Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 13:21
Hi all, I had a great weekend - without doing much! I did exercise - did 2.5 miles with 3 HIIT intervals mixed in (or should it be one series of HIIT?). Did some shopping, though haven't gotten around to buying new pants - waiting until I reach my goal. Been practicing my bass clarinet - joined a band for the month and will do a couple holiday (Fourth of July in the U.S.) concerts. The music is much harder than I am used to! But I enjoy playing. Fasting today and Thursday. Have a great week and take care.
Re: *Jubilant June*
17 Jun 2013, 13:42
Hi again,

I got a little caught up on my weight in this morning’s post and forgot to mention the below -

I cleared out my old clothes – two black bags full of clothes. I decided to weight one of the bags and it was 7kg and that’s actually quite heavy. I have lost more than that since starting 5:2.

It really hit home to me how much I have already lost (and how big I actually was). It is strange to think that I used to carry more than that around everywhere and my poor heart had to pump around all that fat.. Ugh..

I love this way of life and it really works. I know I gained this week but that could be anything (anyway I now have a great tool to deal these setbacks). I have a big deadline in work due next Friday so I won’t drink much till after that, so that will help my efforts for the rest of June.

How are we all doing – half way through the month now.. Are you happy with your progress? Or like me plan a big push to finish the month strong?
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 07:20
Good morning everyone!

I am in better spirits today as I weighed myself this morning and I am lower than I thought.. must of been something strange yesterday.

Anyway have to wait until my official weigh day to compare.

Yesterday was a good fast day, made it till dinner and with friends over I had something small with them. Was glad to get Monday under the belt.

My calf is feeling fine today, so I will either go to the gym later or go for a nice long jog.

Oh like Hummingbird I bought “Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar”. I know I eat too much sugar in my diet and this way of life has meant I now take interest in my overall health, so it’s time to become more aware of sugar.

Oh sorry if i seemed a little rude yesterday as I forgot to welcome you CreakyPete! It’s nice to hear from someone on maintenance. As it will come a time that we are all on it and I love hearing how you are doing (so I can take tips for when I will be on maintenance) :-)

Happy Tuesday All!
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 07:32
Morning all Jubilant Juners,
Apologies for not posting much lately, gardening has taken over my life at the moment. Probably a good thing that I live in Scotland, short summers and all that, otherwise I could just take up residence in the garden shed! Anyway, having to get rid of the Worzel Gummidge look today, as off to meet up with Janeg and Nessie for lunch!! So, no fasting today then, off to the bright city lights - I love Glasgow :heart: We'll be sure to make a toast to all you lovely folks on the forum :drink: :drink:
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 08:28
Just returned from a week at beautiful Kew, with no scales in siight, except those on the branches! Plenty of really lovely food around Chiswick area, you Southerners do have a good selection of fresh and interesting stuff to hand. Glad to say, I have lost 2lbs in last 3 weeks, yet have been enjoying loads of fresh strawberries, rasps and raw choccy. Back home to good old Supermarkets, who try their best in our food desert where I live, but I will miss the variety I have enjoyed last week.
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 10:52
Hi everyone,

Had a good fast day yesterday. Usually the Monday fast just gets me back to where I was on my Friday morning official weigh in as weekends are more indulgent. This weekend I didn't actually consume too much volume, but what I did eat was much generally much higher in salt - Chinese takeaway, sausages, gammon, plus homemade pizza. I didn't have a huge amount of each, but I definitely had a case of water retention by Sunday night. Yesterday's fast nicely got rid of all that plus a slight weight loss compared to Friday,so that's all looking good for this week's official weigh in.

Making the most of the lovely cherries available at our market now. We've had them four times in the last 10 days and I've just bought another bag full this morning. I'm still hanging on for the unforced British strawberries though - they are late this year. I expect I'll be picking the first of our gooseberries this coming weekend.

Less than 8 weeks to our holidays now, so I've been reviewing the wardrobe and starting to buy the odd thing as most of what I wore in the last couple of years is like a tent on me now. Have dug out a couple of pairs of crop trousers which were too small and they now fit nicely (UK size 14 - haven't been that for years!). I don't want to buy too much as I expect I will have shrunk even more by next year, so I'm trawling the charity shops and have picked up a couple of nice tops. Hubby also needs new clothes.
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 12:01
Hi all.
I am in the middle of my fasting day, sipping water and squinting at the screen! I have left my reading glasses at home, so I apologise for any typo errors! :confused:
It's really great to read everybodys news (and it stops me really hearing the rumbling tummy!)It is my lunch break after all!

I'm pleased that you are feeling better today, Legoman. It's OK to have a little rant on this topic as we all know what it's like and sometime any 'diet' can be frustrating. The best thing about this one IMO is that it is flexible! And sometimes you lose weight when you least expect it (and sometimes gain it too!) :neutral: I haven't read the book 'Fat Chance'but wasn't there a youtube vid about it. I seem to remember watching something about sugar. Perhaps I ought to read the book as I sometimes do well and then give in to Haribos!

I really ought to eat the cherries that No-More-Mrs-Michelin mentioned. I love cherries, probably as much as raspberries. Not so keen on strawberries but they seem to be taking ages to ripen this year that it won't be strawberries for Wimbledon! I'm a couch potato compared to lots of you but I do enjoy 'watching' Wimbledon! It's something to do with men's legs :lol: I really ought to get the step counter out and do more walking.

By the way, welcome again Creakypete. I have read some of your posts on other topics, so I know you're around. (You and your OH are always so active - is it 100 pushups, climbing, cycling, ironman?? :?: )

Well I've rambled on for ages and will now go and get a green tea before starting my afternoon.
Have a good day everyone
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 13:38
Thanks H, but not Ironman! Rubbish swimmer and the marathon distance is too far at my age, although I have done ultra events in the distant past, which probably explains the creakiness now... Expect I could still do the bike distance, just not very fast!
This is a maintenance day for me, basically 16:8 and no calorie restriction, but I did 30 mins biking and an hour sunbathing (vitamin D) before lunch to make sure I was properly hungry.
Forgot to mention in previous post - I have several pairs of new trousers courtesy of my wife - 30 inch waist, instead of the 32s I have always needed before...

Jen - Download traffic was terrible but the kids seemed to have enjoyed it - mine has slept for most of the last 24 hours...
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 17:06
Hi all

Feeling rather jubilant today as I have sailed through today's fast! Usually I feel rotten - tired, lethargic, ravenous, irritable and I get nothing of any use done. But today I felt fine - some pretty loud tummy growls approaching lunchtime (but I would anyway on a non-fast day) and after my berries &yogurt I was ok. And now its 6pm and I have a lovely steak stir fry to come.

I don't expect every day will be like this but if it's the start of things getting easier I'm pleased.

Hope you have all had a good day :)
Re: *Jubilant June*
18 Jun 2013, 20:17
Hello lovely Jubilant Juners :D and welcome, Creaky Pete :)

Apologies for abandoning you all for the best part of a week!!

The wedding in Scotland was absolutely perfect, such a beautiful ceremony, beautiful weather and lots of festivities... there was also, I have to say, lots of food :s

I'm thinking of having a go at 16:8'ing for a while as I guess I'm not looking to lose vast amounts of weight and it might be more manageable. I've recently gone from finding fast days really easy to being a bit scared of them (for absolutely no good reason... no idea what my brain is doing). So, as of now, I think I'll see how 16:8 goes for a week or so - I'll report back :)

As legoman mentioned, I'm also going to have a go at this 'decreasing your sugar intake' malarky. I'd started living almost completely sugar free last week but then a weekend with the other half completely blew that out of the water!! Now he's deploying for a couple of months so that should give me some uninterrupted time for working on my sugar intake :) (my attempt at finding the silver lining!).

I did manage to squeeze in a run whilst I was away!! It was the first time I've ever run with my OH and it felt great to be able to finally join him in something that he enjoys :) we ran for 20mins and he was puffing and panting more than I was!! We even had a sprint at the end for giggles. On Monday I ran for 25mins and tomorrow I'm hoping to run for even longer - my C25k app says to up it to 28 mins, but that's *so* close to 30mins that I don't know if I'll be able to resist running the little extra :p

I can't believe that I've gone from not even running for a bus to running almost 5k in about 7 weeks :) ... next stop 10k :p

How is everyone else doing? Has your DVD been used yet Merlin? I hope everyone with injuries and ailments gets better soon and that you're all enjoying your gardens :)

H x
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