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Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 13:42
A LOT to smile about here in Jubilant June. Congrats again to No_More_Mrs._Michelin and coffeetime. Enjoy your new home, Hummingbird!

Nicky, I have had problems sleeping this week in particular. Sometimes my mind just doesn't want to shut down (and I've been this way for years). I've been taking the Magnesium, which seemed to work Mon and Tues, not the last 2 nights though. Oh, well, hopefully it'll work itself out.

Looking forward to a great weekend. Taking son to his gig and hoping to visit friends and/or some historic parks or a museum while he is busy!

Take Care all!
Re: *Jubilant June*
21 Jun 2013, 17:04
I was feeling jubilant today as I have fasted all day so far and wasn't really planning to when I woke up. Now I just feel starving - 6pm and no food all day! Hubby not home til 8pm - no pizza tonight as can't face making anything and the m&s ones were v high calorie, so I got some meatballs in lentil ragu instead - they look yummy & even have cheese on! I think it's less than 400 cals so I might even allow myself a glass of cava to go along with it. If I can just get through the next 2 hours...
Re: *Jubilant June*
22 Jun 2013, 11:00
Just a quick note before I head out the door, still losing, still happy! Reached 50% of waist/height ratio! Take care all!
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 07:20
Good morning everyone,

Just a quick pop in as I have been super busy.

I have this report to have submitted on Thursday and it is just taking up all my free time. ugh..

Last week was a strange week with one fast and two half fasts as that’s all i could manage.
I had my weigh in today and very happy with the results I lost all my gain from last week and an extra 400g.
I have reached another mile stone.. As I have now lost just over two stone on this way of life. Boom!
I was looking back at old pictures and I can really see the change, and I am certainly getting fitter as I had a really good match last week and I noticed that I am not getting tired.

Anyway good luck to everyone, last week of June, let’s make it count team :-)
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 07:58
I've had a rather traumatic weekend, hubby fell backwards down the stairs and I found him lying in a pool of blood surrounded by broken crockery with rhubarb and cream dripping down the walls and door, it looked like a crime scene on TV. He had a two inch gash on the back of his head, refused to go to the hospital so the ambulance crew had to get someone else out to stitch him up. I was shaken up, nervous twitches and eating far too much. I hope I haven't put last week's weight loss back on. I had to abandon yesterday's fast day so I'll try again today.

Well done Legoman, passing the milestones gives us a real boost.

Good luck for another jubilant week everyone.
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 08:23
Coffetime, I do hope that all is now OK with your husband. Why is it that men rarely go to the hospital when injured like that? I'm not surprised that you were twitchy and eating anything and everything. It must have been a real shock. Just forget about fasting for now and you can always do it another day.
Legoman - it's good to hear from you. I know that you said in an earlier post that you had an important report to do. Being busy like that often means that you forget to eat (at least I do when under pressure). It's also good that you are feeling fitter.
Did OK last week (lost 1.5 lbs) but hoping to push on for the end of the month. Bought some fitflops at the weekend to boost the 10,000 steps per day.
Have a good week everyone
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 14:13
Hi Team Jubilant,

Sorry I've been absent for a while, due to a plateau-situation that I didn't want to bother you with. I still managed to sort of stay on track-ish, and hope to start losing weight soon. Well done, Legoman, it IS very motivating that this system works so well for you. Sorry Coffeetime, to hear about your husband's fall. I hope he will make a full recovery. You'll take up fasting soon enough, I wouldn't worry about that for now. Hummingbird, how's the new house? Exciting! I moved house three years ago and still haven't unpacked some of the boxes. Wishing you all the best, fasting or otherwise, :clover:
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 21:11
Good evening Team Jubilant :)

Goodness Coffeetime, I hope that both you and your husband are ok now? Sounds like a really scary experience.

And *hurrah* legoman returns :) well done on your two stone - that's absolutely incredible! You are all doing Team Jubilant proud, even tiny changes that you make add up to improving your long term health :) we'll all be super-people at this rate :p

I finally managed to run 5k!! Well.. I set out to run 5k and accidentally ran 6k! So I've gone from running 1 minute at a time and nearly dying on the 24th of April to running 37minutes quite happily on the 23rd of June!! I'm heading out for another run tomorrow, might do something a bit smaller to keep it changing a bit - don't want to get bored with the same thing each time!!

I've also been managing to do 16:8 quite happily for 3 days now and I feel really good for it - it means that I'm getting that lovely clean, empty feeling each morning now and I don't worry about calorie counting at all which is a major step!

My efforts to eliminate refined sugar from my diet are going really well too, for the first time in as long as I can remember (possibly my whole life) I have zero interest in cakes/biscuits/chocolate/sweets etc etc and I really notice the *gimmee gimmee* feeling after eating sugar in fruit. It's amazing how much sugar is actually like a drug.

I've also discovered 'juicing' this week - I saw a great movie 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' which inspired me no end, I'd really recommend it. I also saw one called Hungry For Change which was equally fascinating. I can quickly feel myself becoming a bit of a 'health freak' but I feel like this is a very positive relationship to have with food, especially compared to the relationship I've had with food over the past four years. Both highly recommended watches!! I've bought a juicer so hopefully I can, at the very least, get some more veggies in me :)

My move is going quite well - I now have a bed (!!) plus a few other bits of furniture and tomorrow I have the challenge of plumbing in a washing machine :s literally no idea how this is done. I've procured a mop.

Only 6 days of June left!!! Keep going everyone... it's nearly time for... Joyous July?

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 21:21
If we have a plumbing problem I usually google it. There are some really helpful sites-often with a video.
Re: *Jubilant June*
24 Jun 2013, 21:22
Wow Hummingbird, you are doing so well, a real inspiration. I hope you get on OK with the plumbing and won't need the mop when you do your first wash :wink:

Husband's head looking OK thank you, a nice row of stitches but now he has aches and pains all over, he should have gone to the hospital and got himself checked for other injuries. I'm OK too, trying hard not to keep saying "I told you so" out loud.
Re: *Jubilant June*
25 Jun 2013, 13:08
Sneaky post whilst at work....

I just walked through the office, past FREE CUPCAKES, and didn't even consider eating one!

Mind. Blown.

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
25 Jun 2013, 13:19
I am feeling very jubilant as yesterday I did my first ever liquids only fast and managed it! Thought I might need a couple of oatcakes to settle the tummy rumbles before bed but didn't need even that.

Tomorrow's fast is going to be a standard 500 cal one - I think I will save my liquid only ones for mondays only if I do any more.
Re: *Jubilant June*
25 Jun 2013, 13:25
Hummingbird, I have also watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Died from a link on this forum. Mind Blowing :shock:
Coffeetime, so glad your husband is on the mend. As you say, he should have got himself checked out at hospital, but then they never do!
Well done greenmonster! I do 36 hour liquid fasts and they get easier. Having said that I never do back to back fasts, so good on you!
On a fast day today, and there are cakes at work, but have avoided them by sitting outside in the sunshine! Two weeks (actually 12 days, but who's counting!) till a small break in Cornwall. Looking forward to it!
'Jubilant June' has really helped me this month and I hope I can continue with 'Joyful July'
Re: *Jubilant June*
25 Jun 2013, 21:13
Wow... this evening has been a battle of wills (between my healthy self and my sugar monster)...

I found an absolutely amazing green grocers earlier and went a bit mad, buying loads of lovely fresh fruit and veg! It felt great being in there and it was cool that I genuinely wanted all of the fruit and veg as much as I would have wanted everything if I'd been in a sweet shop when I was little.

The only downside, if you can call it that, is that I then wanted to sample all of the fruits... so I had some grapes, an apricot, one of those delicious doughnut peaches, and a couple of fresh english strawberries (absolutely the best tasting strawberries I've had so far this year)... which must have added up to quite some amount of fructose because, this past couple of hours, I have been absolutely *fighting* the urge to go and buy a big bar of chocolate, which I haven't done for a really long time.

I literally have a little voice in my head daring me to go buy it and my actual normal brain clearly says 'no, I don't even want it, the idea of eating it makes me feel sick, why would I buy it??' but the little voice (sugar?) says 'do it'. I've had to walk myself up to my room and make myself get ready for bed so that I cannot possibly go to the shop (far too proud to walk to the shop in pjs :p).

My sugar shoulder devil is really hard work sometimes!

BUT I have actually pushed through (for the second time in a week in fact) and not bought anything unhealthy!!

I think I'll learn from this - not too much fruit in one go!! Stick with the veggies where possible!!

I hope you've all had a good temptation free day :) (well done hilaryjane for avoiding those cakes!!).

H x
Re: *Jubilant June*
25 Jun 2013, 23:03
Hi all, busy week again for me, and having to move the fasts around a bit. Fasted as usual on Monday but I'm doing it again tomorrow instead of Thursday. We will see how it goes as I often find it harder with only one day in-between. I have to do it then because we are having a family fun afternoon at the boys' school from 3:15 on Thursday and I'm on barbecue duty. I've got to cook 200 burgers! Resisting eating is not the problem, as general food hygiene practices mean that you shouldn't be eating while serving food at public events, but it's more that it's the time of day when I can feel a little lightheaded on a fast day and I don't want to get all dizzy due to the heat from the barbecue.

Hummingbird, I know that sugar devil well - I don't think I'm quite as far along the line as you in avoiding sugar though. You are doing great!

coffeetime - gosh you don't need accidents like that do you? Hope he is recovering well. Does he know what caused him to fall?

2 stone Legoman - well done! I'm nearly at that too, but not sure if it will happen this week

I've decided not to go for liquid fasts. I think I could do them without any problem, but the family meal is a very important part of our evening, both in terms of teaching our boys good manners and good eating and the chance for us all to just chat together. I do all the cooking and they would find it odd if I didn't then eat.
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