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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have been fasting for eight months now and I am sure glad that I gave this WOL a shot. A few weeks ago my mum asked me what am I going to do when I hit my goal. I told her that I would continue fasting but I would no longer be focusing on weight loss but on maintenance. She was surprised that I planned to keep on fasting even when I achieved my goal.
6 months and liking it more and more.
I'm still here, more than seven months on, happily continuing fasting, very close to my goal weight. Did not dare dream of getting here so quickly when I started back in March but am very pleased of course!

This is a wonderful, supportive and friendly place. Thank you to everyone who contributes to making it so! :heart:
@Silverdarling you take the cake

TML how lovely you are back :) :heart: :grin:

On 5:2 for 8 months here for 7 months, so grateful to have lost the weight and I have developed an addiction, you lot, but won't be seeking treatment as :heart: you heaps
Oh, Gillymary, you are so right about the lovely folk on here being addictive. I don't need to be here as I reached my target weight way back in March but I love to keep up with others who have been here for a while and also to welcome and encourage new members, this is without doubt my favourite way to waste, not waist, my time, LOVE IT :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Hello everyone :)
I am still here after 7 months and really enjoy being on the site. I just wish I had more time to spend on here, and also that this site was not blocked at my workplace!
Can't see myself not doing 5:2 for ever - well, for a very long time!
October 25 will be 6 months 5:2 for me, only missed a total of 6 fast days, am getting better every week. A fast day is nearly almost a non event apart from the odd day.
I plan on doing this long term, I want to avert lipitor if its possible, but maybe one 500cal on a Mon and perhaps a 700cal on a Thursday each week, have to see how my body behaves weight wise. I will assess this January 1 New Year. :smile:
Silverdarling that is my kind of low carb diet: fudge, cake, er tablet (yes I know u taught me what that is...I think :wink: ) Did you used to LIVE in the sweetie shop!! LOL

I think a lot of us started around March - must have been a lot of publicity then - 7 months, eh? Will we all be here for the 12 month mark?
Yes, I'll be here in 3 months time, and in 12 months time I'm sure.

Been here for just over 7 months now and have 5 kgs more to lose so maybe I'll be on maintenance by Feb/ March (there is Christmas and summer hols in that time!)
I know for sure I would not have continued without my forum friends to commune with, especially on fast days.
SO and I have been on this WOL for a smidgen over six months. It has become something we will do from here on out.
I've being doing this WOE for 10 weeks (lost 8kg). This has been the EASIEST way I've lost 8kg - and I've done all the 'crazy' going. Try doing Atkins or Dukan as a vegetarian! But I tried and, of course, the weight++ went back on.

I have another whopping 33kg to go. It will take me a long, long time - which I think is part of doing 5:2, the acceptance that this isn't another quick weight loss diet and that it's a marathon not a sprint.

So, yes, I will be here in 3 months' time - and a year after that by my calculations! I've FINALLY found a way to lose weight and be healthy while eating my favourite foods and any sense of deprivation is gone in a day.
I have been doing this woe since January, and found this forum Febuary. I am a very slow loser now and have been stuck again since August. I am getting very frustrated and doing so much reading about IF it's scrabbling my brain. I have tried Fast five and 16/8 but I've not budged.
So today its back to basics, 5:2 only two days, and low sugar woe the rest of the week.
I am still not sure about breakfasts though.
Keep posting everyone, I've not much to say, but I am still reading.

Chris x
November 1st was 7 months. I am not as diligent as I could be so I lose weight slower than the average, but I have lost 40 pounds in these past 7 months in the easiest way I have ever done, this is a life long program now! Thrilled.
I've been here about 10 months now. Reached my target which I then made into an interim goal and therein lay the problem. Have struggled with my fasts for the last 3 weeks or so. Manage fine until the evening and then just ruin. However today I am feeling more positive so I might be back on track. I do plan to fast in one way or another forever now and I do enjoy reading the posts :)
hi all

ive been on the 5.2 since July now and hoping to reach a target eventually so I can do the maintenance bit :-)

oh and I will defo be here in another 3 months lol! :-)
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