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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'll still be here. In for the duration......

I'm still here and so is my husband! We are now just starting our 19th week and have lost fairly consistently. However, we both put weight on when we went on holiday recently. Previously it would have stayed on - and been added to! This time, though, we just fasted the day after our return and got back into the routine so easily. Not many more pounds for me to get to my target, three and three quarter pounds. A little more for my husband but we're in no rush and we're staying right here - even when we're both at target. Love this forum and this WOE!
Well, I'm here for the long haul. I started 5:2 in September/October last year and joined the forum at the start of February and it very quickly became a huge part of my life. This is the first forum I have ever even looked at never mind joined and I love it, :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ballerina x :heart:
Started in January 2013 and am still here. Love reading the posts as they make me realise that I am not alone and the support from everyone is so positive. As I have loads to lose (to even get into the 'overweight' category) I shall be here next year too!
Caro wuz 'ere....
I started on April 4th and I'm here... and will be here a while! :)
13 weeks in and going strong
I'm still here after 5 months. Still losing the weight.

I just love reading the supportive, motivational and funny posts on here. They keep me going. Thank you.
Actually, I'll be here 'till New Year's Eve 2014 or so... looooooooooong way for me to go.
Hello there folks. I am still here after 4 months, and will certainly be 5:2ing and 16:8ing for as long as it works, which I think is for the duration. But as I have incorporated low carbing along side, I feel it is not appropriate to keep posting my stats, as it is not possible to equate which regime is affecting me, when in fact, both must be helping, if not equally.
My first goal was 150 lbs, and I met it comfortably. My current goal is 140lbs, so I will post when I reach it, as I am optimistic that reach it I will!!! I have never been so sure of anything diet wise before.
So, watch out for my next post, 'cos it will be to show that I will have reached 10 stones, ringing wet, from a start weight of 12 stones 8 lbs. ( and as high as 13 stones 4 lbs at one time in the past).
Realistically, I reckon it will take a couple of months to part with the next 8 lbs.
I will still be watching what is going on with you all, so keep posting!!
Nearly coming up to a year's anniversary for me on this WOL - just thought I'd bring this thread to the top of the pile again for interest. There are so very many familiar faces/avatars still on here - what a great bunch, what a fab forum... love it here, thank you all my 5:2 buddies :heart:
Great idea Suchard - I'm 6 months and counting...

And you're right - this is the best forum ever! Thanks all for making this a friendly and supportive place! :heart:
Yes yes yes, I will be doing this WOE for the rest of my life. One day I will be saying ' I'm on 6:1' but that is a long way off. What I keep telling myself , it's took a good few years that I've piled the weight on so therefore I'm looking at late next year to enjoy the slimline me!!
I already feel better, my clothes feel looser, my face has already gone thinner. I've taken pics but I'm not ready to post them yet :wink: but I will :smile:

Good luck to everyone :clover: :heart:
Thanks Suchard. I remember this thread when I first started looking on the forum. I joined about a month later. It has now been almost seven months since I've been here and I have no intention of stopping any time soon :)
Still here Suchard, been here since February. Lost about a stone fairly easily then have had lots of people to stay since April so have not been fasting when we have guests. Consequently have been losing and gaining the same kilos since June. Fingers crossed I can post a loss tomorrow.
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