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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I realised just yesterday that I've been doing 5:2 for 8 months.
Gosh@Silverdarlingthat was good, VERY flattered to be included, :oops: thank you, you have also be very inspirational on this thread and I feel I have made so many friends including @TML13 who is having a bit of a break but I have it on good authority she is now into her skinny jeans so all is well with the world. :lol:

I started 5:2 over a year ago and found the forum in February but I just love it here so a big THANK YOU to MOOGIE and her fabulous team, the 'wise one' is having a birthday today by the way :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Next week I will have been here 7 months and enjoyed every minute. Have learned so much over that time. Had many a laugh and some tears at sad stories. Miss some old friends that have just stopped posting, but nice to meet new friends just joining us. Long may it continue.
I'm still 5:2ing (without counting calories) and doing 16:8. My jeans are pleased with me, they were bored in the wardrobe...
Folks, I'm so happy to report, I'm still here as well! I've been doing this for over 6 months, and while I haven't lost like some of you, I'm still very pleased. I'm so thankful to all those here for listening to me go on, and I've been so pleased to see everyone's progress. I'm cheering for you! I'm cheering for me. :victory:

I am so slow on this fast. I sort of knew it would be slow for me, and yet... I still love it because it's the only thing that I can do and stick to. And the inches and pounds are coming off! So a heartfelt thanks, I'm happy to see so many that I started with still here. I'm very interested in how you all are doing, so please keep on posting :)
:heart: :clover: :like: :victory: :rainbow: :star: :sun: :party:
TML13 wrote: I'm still 5:2ing (without counting calories) and doing 16:2. My jeans are pleased with me, they were bored in the wardrobe...

God to see you TML xx
Its 8 months of 5:2 for me, having joined here some months later. I can see no reason to not be here in another 3 months or even 8 months (I have a long way to go).
Hi, TML good to see you back.
Over 6 months here for me and probably will be here till eternity :-)

Once i reach my target weight of 68kg i will be here in maintenance mode. I guess i might know more my then, had time to study the science behind it (i admit not being able to have had time to so yet) and be able to provide support to other people here now or newcomers later.

Even thinking about my own blog site one day. Got some ideas in the making.
I've been here for 7 months - am at a good weight but terrified of gaining and hoping to lose a few more "vanity" pounds so will be here for . . well, forever .... - I still enjoy reading your posts, especially the "old-timers" - so, let's keep going - and great to see you TML13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart:
Hey TML13, great to see you :) please don't be a stranger :cry:

I'll have been here for 8 months soon, you can see, by the time of day that I joined, that I was struggling with myself (unable to sleep as I was so unhappy with myself & didn't know how I was going to lose that horrible weight that was making me feel bad ... & therefore eat more !!!) ..... then I found this forum. It was a lot smaller then (I think maybe only in the 100's of members), but I straightaway knew I could do this. Reached maintenance nearly 2 months ago and so far so good.

Can't imagine my life any other way & can't see myself ever not staying on 6:1 now as my fast is so lovely and cleansing after a weekend :like: :like:
I'm still here 9 months on and 25lbs down. Sort of maintaining as my body seems comfortable at this weight and I'm quite happy with it too. Still doing 5:2 and likely to continue forever :)
:smile: Well I'm still here albeit with a hiatus in the middle for a big holiday. Needless to day I have a long way to go but have found this forum a huge source of information, inspiration, friendship and laughs across the world. This time round, i shall get there! :smile:
Where would I be without all your input and laughs for all this year, many thanks and let's keep going on this life together :0)
I'm still here 6 months on! What an amazing 6 months as well :smile: can't imagine never fasting again, onwards and downwards!
Gillb wrote: At present the Fast diet seems so sustainable. I was musing on how many of us will still be here in 3 months time or even more?

I think the main reason why the 5/2 is so popular and successful is that it is the most easily sustainable diet. The main reason is that it doesn't require you to change your behaviour every day - just for a couple of days a week. I think the prospect of having to maintain self control every single day is the reason most health regimes and diets fail. The 5/2, by contrast, let's you reward yourself for your successful days and enjoy special occasions without regret.

Personally, I've been doing this diet happily for just over a year now, and the prospect of doing it for the next 40 is actually not that scary.
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