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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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6 Months in for me, I'm sort of in Maint mode but still doing 5:2 most weeks. Dont need to lose any more but find the WOE just feels right. I'm bouncing up and down in my weight 170-175 lbs. Continued success to all fellow 5:2 people !
6 months for me too. Thanks for bumping this thread, I remember it from when I started too. I love this WOE, I get on fine with the fasting and I love being around you lot x
Hi @Wendydarling nice to bump into you, and yes, 9 months on here for me and I'm not going anywhere soon as I just enjoy being here so much,
Ballerina x :heart:
Freezing, hungry and feeling sorry for myself (on fast day) a part of me wanna scream "shuck this", but the better part say "stay on the track".
I'm pretty sure I will be here in 3 months and beyond, even though 5:2 is not a diet, it is the only way that works for me. Since my weight loss is rather slow, it will take "forever" to reach my target weight :wink: And after that I (as others?) need to stay on maintenance for like forever.
I am gonna stick with this WOE firstly for the long term health benefits
The losing weight side of things, i find this so very different in that i never feel deprived and am only hungry for short periods of my fasting and repair days
If i can't lose weight and sustain that loss,i have nothing else to fall back on as no more WW or SW for me which case i will sit bythe fire toasting crumpets and be a very fat old lady...but i think this is going to work forme..12 lb lost in eight weeks even tho i overate for two of those weeks..feels like a promising start x
I've been here since the beginning of June and will still be here (DV) next June, as that's how long (at least) it will take me to get to my target - and I've already lowered that once so who knows? I just think of 5 2 as how I eat now - I fast Mon and Weds and that's the way it is, though obviously that is flexible. When I get to target then I'll do 6 1. LOVE this WOE because it has changed my life - I've been miserable about my size for years and this is the way not to be. Fab! And no small thanks to this forum either - it is invaluable and (dare I say) better than the 'official' forum.
Think I'm going to be here for a while as I'm loving this WOE, but MOST of all, I'm making new buddies who keep me going. Intelligent, saavvy, witty, fun and welcoming - thats you lot! Thank you. :heart: *group hug* :heart:
I hope to be still hanging around then! I have a very challenging 2 weeks ahead as I go back to my home town and family visits are always rather fraught! I'm an emotional over eater and I can already feel the resolve I've had for the last few months slipping just at the thought of what's ahead! Still I really feel I'll be able to get back on track afterwards!
I've been 5:2ing since the New Year and found my way on here in April. Learned an awful lot from you wonderful folk - and not just about dieting! I've been maintaining since end of July and seem to manage staying at 55kgs (54.9-56.1) with no real effort - I'm totally amazed. Now doing mainly 18:6/19:5 with an occasional scrambled eggs on toast breakfast. Would like to lose a few more vanity pounds from around my middle but I think I am just about at the "lose any more and my face will become gaunt" stage. As someone once said 'at a certain age it's either your face or your ar**e' - 58 would seem to be that age (for me anyway).

So I'm not going anywhere for a loooooong time! I need this site. Thanks to everyone for your help.
Wow! Fancy this old thread coming up again. It seems like an age since I posted it but here we all are. Well done us!
I'm still here. Started this WOL at the beginning of January. Almost at goal weight. Just got those last 5lb to go.

I have gone from a size 18 to a 12. Feel great. So much more energy and feel younger. I don't intend to stop doing this. I am in it for life.

So nice to see a lot of old friends still on here.

A week on Sunday I will have been here 6 months :shock: :wink:
And what a 6 months!!!!

Belt notches
Soup (especially cauliflower and garlic)
Less bread and pasta
More protein, less carbs
Bought new scales ...
Scottish tablet, shortbread, black pudding ... FSB including porridge with a dash :shock:
More chocolate
5000 members ...
What do we think of ? threads
A forum so good it was copied by Dr M and Mimi :cool:
Inches off the waist
Old white jeans from back of wardrobe
Bollox du Jour!
A near miss head on crash :shock: ... leading to 16:8 - and weight and inch loss :victory:
A wet fish or two around the back of the head!
Inches not pounds ...
Midnight conversations
Midnight feasts!
Midnight altercations!
(And some Midnight Mysteries ... :cry: :curse: :dazed: )
Moogie's Blog
Book Club (with cake!)
The Slow Losers thread ...
The 69ers thread
The Sassy Senior Sanctuary thread
Learning British / Stateside / Strine!
A Certain Shed covered in a passionflower in Deepest Herefordshire :shock:
10,000 members ...
The Growing Band of Mainteneers!
Size 12 trousers getting loose ...
Clothes to charidee shops
Waist half height!
Oh and did I mention CHOCOLATE, TABLET, SHORTBREAD and SALTED CARAMEL which I can STILL HAVE in moderation (and have a small supply waiting in kitchen cupboard for that weak moment ...)

Whatever next???
Onwards and downwards ...
:victory: :cool: :victory: :cool: :victory: :cool: :victory: :cool: :victory: :cool:
Good here init??

Been here since April and I'm here for the long haul, cos I'm still fat!! Hahaha :)
Brilliant Silverdarling. Thanks for that, you said everything I was thinking :like: :smile:
Been here just over 7 months!!!
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