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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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This will be my first Christmas since starting the 5:2 and I hardly dare say it but I'm quite looking forward to managing it from an eating point of view!

First of all I was thinking I'd have to just abandon the fasts and give in to the usual round of mince pies, chocs and drinks.

Then I looked at the calendar and realised I actually might enjoy the feast days even more with the odd fast day thrown in. For example, I've nothing planned on Monday 23rd December that means I can't have my normal Monday fast. OK, so Thursday is Boxing Day which isn't ideal, and we have family here on Friday 27th, but Saturday 28th is also clear so that might be a good day to fast.

What is everybody else doing - are you planning ahead which days to fast, or going with the flow? Will you be trying to eat moderately, or just having a normal Christmas and not worrying about it, because after all IF means you can be flexible? Am I being naive thinking it's going to be easy to fast in the face of last minute invites and people's hospitality?

I'm interested to hear how people coped with last Christmas, any strategies, what worked etc. Thanks peeps.
Good question, looking at the schedule I think I could probably manage Monday 23, then Friday 27 and again on Sunday 29. I know I will want to fast as I always feel rubbish when I over indulge.
Being realistic.... 23rd to 2nd Jan, a fast isn't going to happen. 2nd is first day back at work so thats a defo fast.

I will be able to pop some 16/8's in which I don't actually do now. Got a couple of days where I can be more careful in the day, but I can't see myself being silly either over the festive time.

1. I can't eat as much !
2. I don't want to feel bloated or stuffed!
3. Get some walks in!

Of course, the beauty of this WoE is everyone can pick it back up in the new year, throw in additional days, be a bit stricter on the feast days, lots of options for everyone :like:

I imagine there could be a January club to loose the xmas gain :wink: :grin:
Monday 21st and Friday 27th will be my fasting days either side of Crimbo....
Isn't it a great feeling though not dreading what, for most people ,is a massive over eating time of year that we can plan accordingly and with the knowledge we've gained from following this WOE feel confident that we can start the New Year still in control. There'll be no need for anyone to throw in the towel if they feel they have blown their diet as knowledge is power and that power can put right any over indulging. :like: :like: :razz:
Yes, I've been thinking ahead. I normally fast Mon and Thur. I'm working on Monday 23rd so that is an easy fast. Boxing day, I plan to skip breakfast and lunch. 27th is my daughters birthday and my sister and her family come to visit so will only be able to skip breakfast. New Year week will be similar - fast on the Mon and skip a few breakfast and lunches. I am hoping to start the new year a similar weight to what I am now and like rawkaren I know I will want to fast.
Apart from going to a restaurant for lunch on Christmas Day we have no social events planned,so I guess it's the usual two fasts during the week for me! New Year is also a non-event due to my numerous food and environmental allergies, but looking back I have never joined in celebrations at this time of year since I left the family home at age 18!
Last year at this time was well before I started this WOL, but I had already lost a lot of weight just with the traditional methods of calorie restriction and control. That got me down to just under 12 stone by last Christmas and at that point, I took a complete break from my health regime (including exercise) over the Christmas and New Year period. During that period, my weight went up to 12 stone 4 pounds but within a week or so of returning to that method of calorie restriction and my exercise regime, my weight quickly dropped to below 12 stone once again.

That showed even then, that I can take a complete break from any form of health regime and then get almost instant results when I return to it. I'm guessing that it will probably be the same with this WOE and so, I will probably be taking a break from fasting on the weeks beginning 23 December 2013 and 30 December 2013, before returning to it on Monday 6 January 2014. During the Christmas period itself, I will be visiting my parents in Hawick (which for the benefit of the forum's international members in particular, is a small town in the Scottish Borders region).

My mother will usually expect me to be there by Christmas Eve and so, I will be expecting to go down there on Monday 23 December 2013 before returning home on the day after Boxing Day (Friday 27 December 2013). Although I normally fast on a Monday (since I am currently doing 6:1), the fact that I will travelling down to Hawick on the Monday before Christmas means that there won't really be an appropriate time to do so during that week and so, I feel that I am just as well just enjoying the break from fasting and just going with the flow.

I expect that this will probably result in some weight gain after the festive period but for that very reason, I will probably then return to doing 5:2 until my weight returns to where it is just now at which point, I will go back to the 6:1 routine that I'm currently on for weight maintenance. Given that most of any weight gain over that period will be water weight though, I don't envisage having to do a second fasting day per week for more than a week or so once the festive period is out of the way.
I can only see two potential fast days between 13th and 31st, due to visitors and visiting! So I've done 4:3 (with the third day being slightly less strict) for two weeks, which means I've 'banked' two fast days! Not sure if I'll manage another one though.
This banked approach works for me mentally, because I won't feel so behind at the end of December.
I shall be enjoying all the lovely food on offer, but trying to eat just two mince pies at a time, not three! And Fitbit will hopefully make me do my 10,000 steps a day.
I guess most of us will gain... so we'll just have to accept that and then lose it!
Monday 23 will be a normal work day so that will be one, but not Thursday Boxing Day. As it's likely to be hot weather then it will be relatively easy to keep to low calorie days with salads and some low fat protein. I'll go back to regular 5:2 from Monday 6 January.
Will do usual monday fast n repair but normal Thurs one will be put back til Fri as thurs is boxing day....
Hoping to do extra fasts for the next few weeks..4:3..havent done this before :lol: and not sure i will pull it off - finding 5:2 challenging enough right now..
But nothing ventured nothing gained..and if all else fails,they can turn into 16:8s!
Good luck everyone at this perilous time of year! Keep the FiveTwo faith! X :wink: :like: :clover:
Have to be honest and say I've not thought that far ahead yet. Last year I remember that I actually fasted on Boxing Day.... now how on earth did I manage that. I think I'll just see what's happening nearer the time and fit it in around me. I think it's highly unlikely I'm going to make my goal weight for the Christmas Club :frown: and although I shall have a few treats over the festive period, I'm determined not to overdo it. I think that maybe in reality I've only got about another half a stone to go and I just feel that everything is slowing down.... so we'll see what happens. Definitely won't be a fast day on 25th though :rotfl:
I will do my usual tuesday and thursday that week, i would normally spend xmas ay home in France but i cant go this year so in a way that will help me :-) :lol:
No usual xmas eve dinner for me, its going to be a different one but hey variety is the spice of life as they say!! :heart: :like: :heart:
I usually fast Mon/Wed/Fri, but obviously not Christmas week :wink: I won't eat til Monday evening (23rd) but am having friends round for a curry so will go over 500 cal. Probably fast Tuesday (24th) not on Wednesday, we're cooking dinner for us (4) my parents and an aunt so 7 altogether.

Thursday and Friday we go to my in-laws and then my parents so they won't be fasting days either. Will probably do Saturday. But the best thing about this WOE is it's flexibility, I will indulge over Christmas and I'll be weighing on the Friday, same as every week. My tracker will probably show a rise then (it usually does when I've been on holiday!) but it will soon come off again.
I reckon I'll go for 16:8's. Love the idea of a January club @minigill
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