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Thanks for rising to the challenge... you know you can do it!
I am in. I always find a challenge is something good to keep you on goal and keep you motivated. Looking forward to my first Challenge as this is my first week doing 5:2. Took a sneaky look at the scales :lol: this morning but am going to wait till the end of my first full week to update as I know that the morning after a fast day although it shows a good weight loss maybe not be as realistic as after the weekend will. I am not about the quick fix but the long term loss.....the Challenge begins
Ooh, I'd like to join please!

If I meet my Valentine's target of 9st (not 100% sure I will at the moment, I seem to be plateauing between 9st 2 and 9st 3lbs) then my new target will be 8st 10lbs, which was my original goal when I joined the forum last year. It might not sound like much, but I'm down to my stubborn fat now and I think it'll take me a long time to shift it. If I meet it early then I will re-adjust to my ultimate goal of 8st 7lbs!

So, in short. I am going for 8st 10lbs and measurements of 36.5-26.5-36.5 (currently 37.5, 28, 32.5). Sign me up!
Can I join please too? I would love to be able to lose 14lb in ten weeks (and just in time for me to go away for Easter too).
Hi @PennyForthem , great challenge. I'd love to join in too please as it'll help me stay motivated. A realistic goal for me would be if I lose 7lbs in the 10 weeks to Easter. I'm adding in a 16.8 day into my week as well as 2 x 5.2 days so fingers crossed. Thank you for setting up this challenge. :heart: Good luck to everyone taking part :clover: x
All good goals, we can do this, yes we can!
I am in! Thank you for doing this!

My scale goal will be to get to 165 lbs. (75 kg.) This is more conservative than my VD goal was! I officially weigh in on Mondays and hope to be 175 by next Mon. So, it will be 10 lbs. in 10 weeks.

My non-scale goal is to train for a 5K. I'm registered for it on April 26th. I have done it the past 4 years, but have never run the whole thing. This year I want to do that. So, in a few weeks (when it's a little lighter in the morning or evening) I will start training 3X a week using C25K. I should be able to run 5K by Easter.

My birthday does fall at the end of March, but it happens to fall on a weekend, when I splurge anyway, so hopefully it won't make a difference. I will say that on previous diets, my birthday is often when I would fall off the wagon. I think this time will be different!

Good luck everyone!
Sign me up! This will be my first challenge.
My goals will be to lose 14lbs, 3cm from my waist measurement, not over-enduldge on feast days and get started an a sustainable fitness routine.

Good luck to everyone! :like:
Count me in too please I am currently at 57.4k and want to get to my ultimate goal by EASTER of 55k I think that's possible @PennyForthem!
I find that challenges keep me motivated. I shall put myself down to lose 2kg in 10 weeks. I am a slow loser so I don't know if I can get there but I found that the Christmas Challenge helped keep me focused.

So current weight 59kg. Target 57kg for Easter.

Onwards and downwards.
:heart: Yes count me in @PennyForthem I will report back next week with my goal. :heart:
I am in please penns!
I will aim for a safe ten pounds! Should be able to do a pound a week,by hook or by crook! :clover:
Good luck everyone! Can we do it,yes we can! X
Count me in as well. My goal is to get to 11st exactly.
Just joined up to the forum, and would love to join this challenge. 10lbs byEaster would be great to achieve, that would take me to 168lbs and only another 14lbs to get to what I should be!

Not sure if I just ask you Penny to join as I can't find any box to tick or whatever. Finding my way around the site is testing me a bit! My fault, not the site's
You'll be number 23 @mfh. Go for it and good luck!
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