The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

69 posts Page 4 of 5
Re: Before and so far.
11 Jan 2014, 10:17
:victory: @chickvic you're an absolute STAR :star: :star: .What a transformation. Congratulations to you and on track for your Valentine's target too. :heart: Such an inspiration to everyone. Well done and you should be proud of yourself.
Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 21:23
Finally posting me in my Christmas frock! (Size 16!) Wore it to a party yesterday - making the most of it :razz:

Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 21:26
You look gorgeous Chickvic! no wonder you have such a huge grin on your face! :like: :like: :grin:
Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 21:39
Well - doesn't your picture speak a thousand words?!! Absolutely brilliant - congratulations! There is not anyone on here who won't know just how you have had to turn things around in order to succeed thus far. What an inspiration - I look forward to seeing your next pic! :star: :star: :star:
Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 22:02
WOW! :like: You look like you have lost years! Fantastic! :victory: :heart: :victory: :cool:
Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 22:16
O.M.G.!!!! You look like a completely different person. What an inspiration! What a worthy (joint) winner of the most inspirational photos! Many, many congratulations!
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 22:55
Amazing - you look nothing like the person in your 'before' photo. What a fantastic inspiration you are to us all :like:
Re: Before and so far.
12 Jan 2014, 23:39
No way :shock: ...........that's two different people :wink: You look amazing.
Re: Before and so far.
14 Jan 2014, 20:26
Oh my goodness you look absolutely wonderful. Well done :)
Re: Before and so far.
14 Jan 2014, 20:37
That's all. :lol:
Re: Before and so far.
14 Jan 2014, 23:04
Wow, you're such an inspiration & what a happy picture! You look wonderful, congrats on your amazing work. Go, you!
Re: Before and so far.
16 Jan 2014, 13:46
What an inspiration to everyone - especially new members like myself - what can I say other than congratulations - you look beautiful :like: :like:
Re: Before and so far.
16 Jan 2014, 14:26
Dear Chickvic, you look absolutely amazing! Wow!
Re: Before and so far.
16 Jan 2014, 14:29
Oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow! Incredible! You look gorgeous!
Re: Before and so far.
16 Jan 2014, 19:21
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Fantastic loss! The number in your stats was already impressive, but seeing the progress in photos is so dramatic. Thank you for sharing your amazing success, truly inspirational!
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