The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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You look amazing Domane, well done!! :star: :victory: :star:
Wow!!!! I beat you to maintenance & I'm not a wildly dissimilar BMI but WOW do you look good. I dream of looking like you, now how does that work :confused:

More importantly ( :wink: ) I'd like to see who you were long-reining the first picture !!!!
Congratulations to you!!
Thank you everyone for all your lovely supportive comments, I'm really touched that you've all bothered to comment. I'm amazed you all think I look so young too.... I think the camera caught me in a good light.... or I have good genes, I guess! ;)

AnnieD... I was long-lining my Joey - that photo was taken in September of last year...


I'd had a nasty riding accident back in the May of '12 - badly broke and displaced 6 ribs and damaged my spleen so my confidence was shattered and I vowed not to ride our 16hh Clydie as he is too tall!! Joey kind of found me in August, about a month before the above pic was taken and has been a true "lifesaver" in terms of not having put a hoof wrong since he arrived. He came to me overweight too so I was trying to lose some and working him from the ground back then!!!

Fast forward to last weekend and we're looking a lot trimmer between the pair of us. My confidence has grown SO much now... I feel happier riding than I have done for years, let alone since my accident and it's all down to my gorgeous little tri-coloured man. He never showed a problem carrying me when I was 13 stone but just because he could, doesn't mean he should - he was a very important part of my reasons for losing the weight... and I'm sure he's a lot happier for it!!!

How lovely to see you, literally, back in the saddle, well done, both of you,

Ballerina x :heart:
Brilliant! :star: :victory:

Love the pony pics too. :like:
What a fantastic pic Domane - am sure all the horsey people on here will love it! You both look great!
Oh if you want to see the gory details....


I got carted off to hospital, thinking I'd just winded myself and then found out I'd done all that. Was a bit tiresome as I had a mare with a month-old foal at the time!!!
Blimey Domane that really puts your achievement in perspective - even more well done :clover: :victory: :clover:
Really inspirational! Hope you'll stay in touch and let us know how you're getting on with maintenance.
Wow amazing. a big applause for reaching your goal. Thank you for sharing as it helps us all do the same
Not that you looked too bad in your before pictures, but your AFTER picture looks like it is a different person!!!! You look much- much younger than 50 - I would say, some 30-40-iish! So inspirational! Thank you! :like: :like: :like:
Congratulations on reaching your goal Domane. :like: :clover: :heart: :victory: I am so happy for you. :-) :victory: :victory: :victory: I agree with Benchurki, Domane, if that's what 50 looks like bring it on!
Cheers, :drink: :drink: :drink:
julianna - age 45
Joey is a complete dreamboat :heart: :heart:

Amazing what our boys motivate us to :lol: it's Apocalypse who motivated my weight loss too :) :)

Cripes, I'll be 50 in December, wish I looked as good as you :(
Deleted as posted on the wrong thread!
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