The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

79 posts Page 5 of 6
Fantastic achievement Domane, great pics - well done you. Good luck with the maintenance looks like you've got it sorted :like: :smile:
Wow you look so good...everyone who posts photos look so much younger than they say, congratulations!!
Amazing....well done not only do you look fab but I am sure you feel fab.
You can maintain your weight loss, I lost 7 stone and have kept it off for over a year, it is tough but believe in yourself and say this time things are different now and I won't go back to my old self.

Wishing you all the best for the future xx
Couple more pics... (as requested by Carorees! :wink: )

Size 16 (UK) to size 8 derriere...

And sideways....

It's really hard to believe that those pics are of the same person ,the transformation is so incredible! Congratulations again!
OMG that is a stunning transformation !!!!!
Wow. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread, and looking at your pics. I am amazed at your transformation, and you must be walking around with a permanent smile on your face. Thanks so much for sharing. Very inspiring.
Thanks everyone! You really are all so lovely and kind....

I've just changed the title of this thread from "So... my Journey is Over..." because, in hindsight, I've realised that my journey will never be over until I pop my clogs! Now that I'm maintaining, I've accepted that it is going to be a permanent journey for me... a war against the demons that want me to re-gain weight and that it is going to take me a very long time before I feel I can relax. I won't be taking my eye off the ball for a long time. My commitment to lose the weight earlier this year, meant that it has come off in a short time, (5 months), compared it to the length of my 50-year life so far.... so it is going to take a long while for my brain to adjust to the new regime. That said, I don't feel like it is a battle.... more of a learning curve, with a liberal dose of nerves and lack of self-confidence thrown in. It's going to take me a good few months of maintaining before I think I will start to believe that I CAN do it......
I think you are wise to talk about it as a lifetime journey, but completing the first leg is a huge achievement, and you look FAB! Your figure is amazing, and it's a great boost to see what can be achieved.
I'm glad you ae continuing to post from the far away (getting closer) land we all want to visit!
Domane, you are so right about not taking things for granted. I've been maintaining now for about 9 months and I still find it hard to believe that I may have 'cracked' this. I still expect to wake up one morning and find myself 3 stone heavier again. Like you though I shall happily live like this for ever as it is SO easy but there is NEVER any room for complacency. You DO look truly fantastic, well done, and I am happy to see you have no plans to leave us, :like: :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Thanks for being our pioneers @Ballerina and @Domane. Keep sharing your maintenance musings please.
Xxx julianna
Wow Domane, you look absolutely amazing! well done cheers, all the best for maintenance mode.
Those photos are amazing. Well done! What a great inspiration you are to everyone :like:
Amazing! :like: :victory: :like: :victory: :cool: :cool: :wink:
Not only do you look amazing, I'm sure you feel so proud (rightfully so!) of yourself. And you did all this in only 5 months?! Amazing. You are truly and inspiration.

So--now that it's been about a month, how is the maintenance going? Please keep checking in on this thread so we can collectively bask in your glory.
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