The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

79 posts Page 2 of 6
:like: :bugeyes: :star:
Your picture says a thousand words
You look fabulous and you are another inspiration for us coming along the 5:2 path
Well done
Fantastic and amazing journey! I can see that the combining of fasting and exercise has worked really well, you look great.
Maintenance will also work well I'm sure :0)
Congratulations and well done. The difference is amazing. Good luck with maintaining. :like:
I love reading all these fantastic success stories! You look gorgeous Domane, well done! :like: I hope you'll keep posting about how you go with maintenance; wishing you the best of success! :heart:
Wow, you look amazing.
Well done indeed, you look great and must feel fantastic! Let us know how you get on with maintenance won't you? :)

By the way, it'd be great if you'd post your before & after shots in the before & after forum too, to increase our collection of inspirational photos!
Fantastic!!!!! And again thank you for sharing - YOU MADE IT and its such an inspiration for those of us who are struggling.....Can you share a few of your TOP TIPS?? Thanks and good luck! But I think your determination has got you where you are and you won't give that up in a hurry!! ENJOY the NEW YOU!
Fantastic Domane. :heart:
Wow indeed you look absolutely amazing :heart:
On to the next phase for you enjoy your gym and thanks for your inspirational story and posting your photo's.
Good. Luck with maintainance. :clover: Sue. :clover:
A huge WELL DONE, you look fabulous :smile:
Wow you look fantastic. Hopefully I will be saying maintenance one day xx
Wow! Amazing difference! :like: Congratulations! :star:

Please do post your pics in the before and after shots section...or I can move this thread there if you prefer...
A picture says a 1000 words. We can all see how hard you have worked and how well you have done. You deserve the rewards you are reaping now.
carorees wrote: Wow! Amazing difference! :like: Congratulations! :star:

Please do post your pics in the before and after shots section...or I can move this thread there if you prefer...

Yes please, Carol.... it will save clogging up with a duplicate thread.

Thanks everyone.... I've just got back from the gym..... no resting on my laurels yet!!!! :confused:
You look amazing. What a fantastic achievement. :like: :heart:
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