Why am I still up watching this inanity? I'm even considering EATING!?!?!?!
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We are a ball free zone. It's bliss!

Has anyone seen the BBC's 'advert' for its summer sports coverage with the team from the Great British Bake Off? I really laughed out loud! Mary Berry's goal celebration and Sue Perkins comment about being on the Battenburg again!

Azureblue wrote: Why am I still up watching this inanity? I'm even considering EATING!?!?!?!
@azureblue no low flying fried egg sandwiches - or there might be a low flying wet fish with @janeg attached coming your way!

Eating? That's an understatement! I'm on the red wine and sweets here. Help

@carorees saw the advert this morning- I tell ya, I should be an Olympic floor exercise gymnast with the amount of Battenburg I have eaten over the years.
Really miss a good battenburg. We got an amazing one made in Orkney. Soft yet crumbly sponge, lashings of apricot jam and a thick layer of the yellow stuff.*drool* . That was the Friday treat- Shetland Times (weekly rag), battenburg and coffee sitting reading, munching and slurping. Afraid Mr Kipling's effort (which I can occasionally get here) just doesn't do it.
Really miss a good battenburg. We got an amazing one made in Orkney. Soft yet crumbly sponge, lashings of apricot jam and a thick layer of the yellow stuff.*drool* . That was the Friday treat- Shetland Times (weekly rag), battenburg and coffee sitting reading, munching and slurping. Afraid Mr Kipling's effort (which I can occasionally get here) just doesn't do it.

Oh enough with the Battenburg. I have only ever had Mr Kiplings but bet a proper Battenburg is a thing of joy and beauty! The joy of early morning football is the lack of temptation to snack!!

I succumbed to only a rice cake (covered in dark chocolate) and went to bed after half an hour. Did England win?

@Azureblueapparently not

Oooh that's a shame. The young lads at least seemed to be trying hard which was a change to see. I don't mind a good attacking game of football, it's the tippy tapping, patacakeing, pass to me back to you load of rubbish that bores me!
Anyway, Happy Fathers Day everyone :0)
Oooh that's a shame. The young lads at least seemed to be trying hard which was a change to see. I don't mind a good attacking game of football, it's the tippy tapping, patacakeing, pass to me back to you load of rubbish that bores me!
Anyway, Happy Fathers Day everyone :0)

After our Indian meal out we of back to watch the football well OH watched I popped on here much more interesting I went to bed half way through second half.
Surprise apparently we lost + someone else had a surprise win which makes our next match very important!!!
Anyway meal very good and I didn't go to mad with the rice and naan so maybe lowish carb that's my plan of attack this week.
@Riel Why not pop into this tent its a good starting point for getting to "know" people.
Surprise apparently we lost + someone else had a surprise win which makes our next match very important!!!
Anyway meal very good and I didn't go to mad with the rice and naan so maybe lowish carb that's my plan of attack this week.
@Riel Why not pop into this tent its a good starting point for getting to "know" people.

Absolutley no football here at all. Generally I tend to hope that England get knocked out as early as possible because then the TV's get turned off in the pubs when there is a match on. I hate it, trying to have a pleasant meals and the blare of the TV on football, the men (usually lots of men) yelling and screaming at the screen, much to raucous, much to un-civilised.

Not that I will be in any pubs for the foreseeable future. We are so broke that we went shopping with £16 this week (new car pay back blues). Its a freezer diving, cupboard scraping week this week. If we weren't fasting it would be no trouble as I have plenty of flour in so could make lots of high carb baked goods. But fasting days require low fat, low carb protein and lots of vegetables, preferably fresh.
I have two small chicken breasts, so could eek that out by turning it into soup. Plenty of eggs so a pastryless quiche could be another fasting day basic, and tins of tuna for the third fasting day. I also have dried beans in the cupboard so can do something with them. It will be O.K. We have milk, salad stuff and toilet rolls, the rest fall together as needed.
I have two small chicken breasts, so could eek that out by turning it into soup. Plenty of eggs so a pastryless quiche could be another fasting day basic, and tins of tuna for the third fasting day. I also have dried beans in the cupboard so can do something with them. It will be O.K. We have milk, salad stuff and toilet rolls, the rest fall together as needed.

CandiceMarie wrote: AB@AzureBlue i have neighbours who are watching in the garden,two gardens away..a projector screen up on their garden wall..
have to keep my windows closed so i dont have to hear commentary,loud shouts,groans,cheers,guffaws etc..i DETEST having the windows closed.
I hope they freeze out there,its now dark and chilly! X
I haven't read the previous posts but you are talking about the football right? Or is it something else the neighbours are watching????

Yes wineo@wineoclock the footie
Well off young guy,or maybe its his Dad who's well off, has set it up for himself,pals and a load of beer! Lets hope it IS just the footie and doesnt become a regular thing watching who knows what! Maybe we could turn his garden into a drive in cinema..maybe its time we had one in England? X

Well off young guy,or maybe its his Dad who's well off, has set it up for himself,pals and a load of beer! Lets hope it IS just the footie and doesnt become a regular thing watching who knows what! Maybe we could turn his garden into a drive in cinema..maybe its time we had one in England? X
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