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20 Mar 2014, 08:55
Morning from a rather chilly corner of Wales.
Sometimes things just happen like that Julie and I'm glad you were there for him and that you achieved a lot.
I am meeting a friend for lunch - I haven't seen her for a few months, so I bet she mentions my weight. Then we're going to son and family for evening meal, which I happen to know is chilli!
But, I have a lot to achieve today, so I shall love you and leave you for now, as they say!
20 Mar 2014, 09:01
Wow @Julieathome, isn't life amazing sometimes? It certainly sounds more than coincidence that you with your inside knowledge of autism and coping techniques should pick up that young chap and provide him with a lifeline . :like: :like: :heart: Well done on the bargains too, love a good auction! You'll have plenty of projects to plan now while you're recuperating.
@CandiceMarie, is it today your DD and SIL are coming up to Liverpool to househunt? If so, best of luck and hope they find the perfect property. :clover:
I'm meeting a friend for lunch today but will wrap up warm as it looks wild out there!
20 Mar 2014, 09:16
@callyanna yes my baby and hub are home! They were sposed to stay with friends last night but friends' baby has got scarlet fever,poor little chap, so they are here..lovely surprise to get them sooner!
Sooooo excited,maybe they' ll put in an offer this weekend!
Cally hope you enjoy yr lunch,ditto @Pennyforthem and yes it's pretty cold, i nipped to the corner shop at eight a.m. and it was very chilly and damp! X
Mmm nice brekky coming up soon for Candy & Co! X
20 Mar 2014, 09:54
It's sunny and bright here today, and I'm wearing a new frock (Tesco) and new shoes (irregular choice) and feel very spring-like :smile:
20 Mar 2014, 10:15
Happy Equinox everyone! It's official, we're sunny side up for 6 months :0)
20 Mar 2014, 10:39
Is it just me? I find @winsome's avatar very disconcerting with those huge eyes!!

I can see lots of buds on the damson trees - here's hoping for good weather and a bumper crop!
20 Mar 2014, 13:01
Afternoon all. The housework is done except for one more load to go on the washing line. Its a lovely blowy sunny day out there. I'm off to my shed in a bit, well after we have shoe horned the bandsaw out of Adams car that is. It was a bit of a tight fit. Then I will be planning the new shelving that's going in the shed. I am thinking of turning the old workbench (which happens to be my old dining table sawn in half) into an upright tall cupboard and putting in some drawer compartments as I have 5 sets of drawer kits to use up.
Lots of planning to keep me occupied for a while.

I've also had call from the Ward Sister at the hospital about calling her if I come down with even a sniffle. I am seriously thinking that a trip to the supermarket on Saturday and a meal out with hubby may not be a good idea, just in case I catch a cold. All these extra precautions are making me nervous. I have never had to be this cautious with any other procedure before.
20 Mar 2014, 13:30
Hi all. I quite like @winsomes avatar! Well, I'm coming home today until April 1st. It's going to feel rather strange I think. On the plus I will be on the same time zone as the Brits here for a few weeks. I enjoy taking to my US and Ozzie forum friends, but it is quieter on the times when I'm on and hope to be able to join back into the banter if you will have me...

Better get ready to do some calls before I start thinking about packing a bag. I also want to clean the apartment before I go, so it's nice for when I get back.
20 Mar 2014, 13:38
Bon Voyage Karen!
20 Mar 2014, 13:43
Thanks @auriga. I decided to make today a fast day instead of yesterday. Plane food is pretty terrible (even in business class), so I thought it would be a good day to do it. Given time zones when I get in, it will be Friday afternoon - so it will be a short "long" fast! But I guess that is cheating...... :oops:
20 Mar 2014, 13:46
@rawkaren welcome back to the uk!
Will be lovely to have you round more x x
20 Mar 2014, 15:56
Nice to have you back amongst us @rawkaren and of course, you'll be spoilt rotten by hubs and moglet. Safe journey

I have got my business internet gizmo working again. I know there are so many layers of security, but it doesn't help when one person calls a PIN a USERNAME. It fair confused me! Then I thought about it logically and bingo, it's all working!
20 Mar 2014, 16:07
Safe journey @rawkaren
20 Mar 2014, 16:39
My daughter & My son in law been put up in swish hotel by his new employers while they house-hunt...just been over for a cuppa...and a piece of ...peanut butter cheesecake,with milk sorbet! To die for...just one portion between three of us :like:
@rawkaren! Just thought,you' ll see Archie! Wonder if he will punish you for being away by ignoring you for a while! Cats n dogs often do this!
@winsome you sound very springlike ! Oh and i like the big eyes!
@azureblue happy equinox!
@angie090465 how you today? (((((((( big hugs )))))))))
20 Mar 2014, 16:43
CandiceMarie wrote: My daughter & My son in law been put up in swish hotel by his new employers while they house-hunt...just been over for a cuppa...and a piece of ...peanut butter cheesecake,with milk sorbet! To die for...just one portion between three of us :like:
@rawkaren! Just thought,you' ll see Archie! Wonder if he will punish you for being away by ignoring you for a while! Cats n dogs often do this!
@winsome you sound very springlike ! Oh and i like the big eyes!
@azureblue happy equinox!
@angie090465 how you today? (((((((( big hugs )))))))))

Hi Candice!!
That cheesecake indeed sounds divine lol, am ok today thank you for asking :heart:
Work tomorrow,so not looking foward to getting up stupid o'clock!!
Hope you are ok too, still house hunting? :grin:
Hugs right back at you (((()))) xxx :heart: :smile:
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