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21 Mar 2014, 18:52
Oh wow. @winsome :cool:
21 Mar 2014, 19:37
Are you at home now @rawkaren?
21 Mar 2014, 19:58
Hi @pennyforthem! Yes here I am watching sport relief. Have found airplane days are good fasting days. Did not sleep so hoping to catch up tonight. How are the doggies?
21 Mar 2014, 20:18
Doggies are fine, Karen, thank you and send you doggie licks in copious amounts!! Have a lovely relaxing time x
21 Mar 2014, 20:20
Glad you're home safe and sound Karen. Hope you have a lovely relaxing time with hubs and Archie! x
21 Mar 2014, 22:53
@winsome just catching up and I too love the very hungry caterpillar one! :like:
@Manderley hope things are improving for you and your dog, it's horrible when animals are ill, and they do seem to have a sense of what is going on, which somehow makes it worse
@rawkaren hope you are not too cold :lol: enjoy your time this week

I have been busy with the remortgage and all sorts of other financial add-ons resulting from it this week - all very time-consuming but necessary; but I should be in a much better position once things are sorted. As well as this, about to move location with job - still in same county but different town, and a different team. I will miss the colleagues I've worked with for the past 3 or 4 years :cry: but at least things are happening, rather than being stuck waiting like it has been since early Dec :dazed:

Also looking forward to the Edinburgh meetup next month, must go and revive the thread tomorrow :victory:
22 Mar 2014, 01:24
Evening all, I've only just had the strength to or time to catch up as I've been baby sitting next dors kids for quite a few hours today.

@Winsome Wow!

@Manderley I hope your doggie gets better quickly.

I have a sore/ poorly pussy cat. She is very sore on her left back leg, to the extent that if you pick her up she will actually attempt to bite. Absolutely not like her at all. I think it happened on Thursday when I was walking down the stairs with a full basket of washing, I didn't see her on the stairs and I stepped on her (nearly sent me flying). Shes bruised or sprained something we think. She's walking quite well, eating well, no problems with breathing etc. so we don't think there is anything really badly hurt that time won't fix. So we are giving her warm laps to lie on when ever she wants one and picking her up as little as possible. If there's no improvement over the weekend we will take her in on Monday.

I'm off for a meal with hubby tomorrow/today (Saturday), for me it feels a bit like ' The condemned woman had a hearty meal'. To the rest of the family its me getting my last chance of solid food and alcohol for a while. 3 days and counting, I'm not happy having the operation, being backed into a medical corner is not a happy place to be. I think resigned is the word I will be using today. I will be back Sunday if I can't make it today.
22 Mar 2014, 08:10
CandiceMarie wrote: Oh @Wolfie youre talented in your own right! I can neither cook nor craft nor create..i can't even guarantee a batch of scones will turn out ok! X :grin: :lol:
I can draw faces but thats about it! :cool:

Oh THANKS CanciceMarie - you made my day :smile: since right now I still under the weather waiting for the higher dose of levaxin to hav any effect. :heart: :heart:
22 Mar 2014, 09:24
@Julieathome, one of my cat hurt her leg last year and I couldn't touch her for a day or 2 but everything else was normal so I watched her carefuly, made her life easier (she's used to eat on a countertop) and after 2 days, everything was normal again...

Damn these pets are hard work :heart:

@rawkaren, glad to read you, I don't remember, you are staying home for a week ? :dance:

Morning everyone ! :wink:

The dog is much better today, he seems to breathe like he usually does again, thanks to the antibiotics and all the mucus gone from his throat.

Don't know if some of you have read "the pillars of the earth" but I can't read it. I am still at the page 217 after 2 weeks and there are still 950 pages to read..... I find it boring with too many characters and really don't know if I won't watch the miniseries instead..... And I usually love to read....
22 Mar 2014, 11:12
Hi all,
Glad to see you home for a while @rawkaren, enjoy!
Hope your doggy is on the mend @manderley.
Off to the docs on Monday as I may finally have to admit that I do have high blood pressure, which must run in the family. Not happy :cry:
22 Mar 2014, 11:20
Today I am planning on adding some books to my kindle. I don't actually expect to be able to read or remember any of them once the anesthetic hits as it affects your ability to remember anything for a while, but if I put some old favourites on it I should be able to follow the storyline easily enough. I have some lightweight films on the tablet as well to keep me going and to be able to keep in contact with the family by email, remembering that I won't be able to talk for a while so a mobile phone isn't going to be of any use to me. I'm not even listing on ebay this weekend and its a free listing weekend too.

No shopping for me today as I don't want to risk catching any kind of a cold, which is more likely in a supermarket full of kids. Balanced out with the hope that nobody goes for a meal in the same restaurant as us with a streaming cold either.

I'm phoning the ward sister in a bit for a bit of advice and I'm ready. I am sounding such a worrywort, even to myself at the moment, sorry for off loading on you all.
22 Mar 2014, 11:34
P.S. I jumped on the scales this morning and I seem to be maintaining even though a bit of comfort stress eating has crept in, which I am really chuffed about as it means I am eating naturally at my TDEE. So when fasting resumes I should start knocking those pounds off again. I must remember to lower my TDEE once I have my operation as I won't be exercising for a few weeks, whilst also keeping up my calcium and protein intake to ensure easier, faster healing.

Hey talking about protein, my son found an article that shows that there are more nutrients in a prepackaged 'Crusha' milkshake than in the top brand 'protein sports shake'. As the Crusha is only just over £1 and the sports shake is £2.35 for the same amount I know what I will be buying for my recovery if I need it.

Now why did I suddenly think that I needed to go to Hay-on-Wye for some books? I love the place, its a bookworms paradise, at the last count it has 28 bookshops in one quaint little town with cobbled streets and lovely cafe's. The book shops range from Antiquarian shops where the books are kept under glass and have price tags that you need a mortgage for, to second hand bookshops that literally have a half a million books on their shelves (that shop is fantastic, it rambles all over the place, in the cellar, in the attic and every floor between) and new sellers of the over run or misprint types where every book, although new is only £1.00, to normal new book shops. As I said, a bookworms paradise. I can easily go there for the whole day and come back with a boot full of books. I will have to plan it as a reward day when I'm better and the sun is shining.

Right I'm off, I have a busy day planned.
22 Mar 2014, 11:41
Hay-on-Wye is one of my favourite places @Julieathome :like: like you, I could spend all day just browsing all the book shops there.
22 Mar 2014, 11:48
Never been to Hay on Wye, but would like to. You must call in to the award Old Stables Tearooms!

Hub has been doing some back strengthening exercises and today, he has.... a bad back. Not only is it a bad back, but he has a touch of man flu.

Oh dear.

@debs sorry to hear about your blood pressure. I've taken tablets since 1989 and weight loss has certainly helped, as the doc was going to send me to a specialist as, even with the tablets, it was still dangerously high. Last visit, it was perfect. Still daren't come off the tablets though.

Enjoy your meal @julieathome and keep us all posted on your progress xx
22 Mar 2014, 11:54
Thank you PFT, it looks like tablets for me too, I am fighting it and now having a bit of a mid-life crisis as it doesn't feel like something I should have :curse: . It's not fair (stamps feet).
I seem to be at the age where everything seems to be going wrong just at the moment. As long as nothing drops off :wink:
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