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21 Mar 2014, 07:25
@WinsomeI am in :shock: Those cakes leave me speachless, and, believe me, it's a start for me, and I am a bit worried for the person who will make my Bday cake as there's no way it will be as beautiful as these. Special mention to the kitty one, because I am a cat freak :cool: :grin:

Good morning everyone !

Last time I came here was nearly 2 weeks ago. Good to be back !

Still learning how to deal with the one hand thing. As I am a neat freak, it's kind of had because it drives me nuts and as I am a pride freak, I tend to not ask for help. So you can see how complicated things can be :confused:

Anyway, everything is fine, I have a huge book to read (and maybe watch the miniserie instead if it bores me too much) and my furry nurse is purring on my lap, how could it be better ? :grin:
21 Mar 2014, 07:52
@winsome you are a true artist. Absolutely fantastic.
21 Mar 2014, 08:01
Winsome- they are truly beautiful! I am very impressed. My poor weans get a hedgehog cake as that is my limit. Small's 21st is on Tue and she really wants a turtle. It could be a turtle surprise- a hedgehog. I haven't really tried anything other than a hedgehog since the great rabbit with myxomatosis tragedy when she was three... (she's still psychologically scarred from that one...)
Anyhow, the cake is baked and in the freezer, the icing ingredients bought, and the back up plan in place for when I get back on Tuesday and try and put it all together.
What a talented group of folk are on here.
In other news @Wildmissus non diving daughter is in your neck of the woods this weekend viewing hooses for their impending move . Exciting stuff.
21 Mar 2014, 08:57
@Winsome, your cakes are just amazing, very professional and unique works of art! I particularly love the Very Hungry Caterpillar one!
21 Mar 2014, 09:02
Thank you all :oops:
21 Mar 2014, 09:10
Oh my word @Winsome those cakes are just awesome!!! How long do they take to create?

Don't suppose you do requests do you?

Wow! I don't think I've ever seen better decorations in my life. I am mightily impressed I can tell you!

By the way, I LOVE your avatar xx

Bean :heart: :bugeyes:
21 Mar 2014, 09:59
@winsome your cakes look amazing. @nessie you need to come over and have a look at the previous page.

@janeg, hope your daughter has fun house hunting. The furniture shop that I work in also does house removals and we have noticed recently that we are doing more than we have for a while, not sure yet whether the housing market is actually picking up or whether it is just that time of year anyway. Where abouts is she looking.
21 Mar 2014, 10:14
Incredible cakes, just as well they are covered in such gorgeous icing otherwise I would be salivating by now. Oh wait, I already am!!
21 Mar 2014, 11:36
Holy cow - you made these :o Such talent, you might apply for Cake Boss show and move to NY ;)

I take my puny little pieces of fabrics and go hide in a corner...mutter, mutter :bugeyes:
21 Mar 2014, 13:03
Oh @Wolfie youre talented in your own right! I can neither cook nor craft nor create..i can't even guarantee a batch of scones will turn out ok! X :grin: :lol:
I can draw faces but thats about it! :cool:
21 Mar 2014, 14:06
I need all the positive vibes you can send me

My dog has a heart condition, we know that since last week. Today we have to go to the vet because he breathe quickly, he has some mucus in the throat and can't get it out so we need something to help him. I am quite worried as he is 10 and we're not used to see him like that. Sure, the vet told us last week that his treatment may need some adjustment but even so, I am worried

3 hours to wait before having the verdict....
21 Mar 2014, 14:46
@manderley the dogs and I are sending the waggiest tails and positive vibes to your poorly pooch xx
21 Mar 2014, 17:13
@Winsome love the cakes, they're stunning.
@Manderley hope your dog is ok. We have a cat with a heart condition; they discovered it when he was only about 4. He potters about quite happily and still chases and kills things. He had a check up last week and it hadn't got any worse so that is good.
21 Mar 2014, 18:37
Thanks for the positive vibes...

@Loulou51 The thing is he was breathing really quickly all day and we could hear he had trouble to breathe, which is always worrying. Plus, the vet we saw last week told us, in substance, he could die pretty quickly so you can imagine.... :confused:

We just came back. He has an acute pulmonary oedema which comes with the heart condition and so I'll have to give in antibiotics shots every 3 days for a week. Plus, to help (and only to help, not as the primary treatment), he has some homeopathy to take.

It's the first time we saw this vet as our usual one was out but I think we'll come back for him as he really is calm, competent and knows how to deal with stressed out owners and how to reassure them (and be realistic at the same time but stay positive).

This dog don't live with me, but at my parent's house, however I love him just the same and the funny this is, he always stick by my side when we are at the vet, as if he feels I can protect him. I know, it's silly but still.

And as the only boy in the middle of all the cat girls, he has a special place in my cold cold heart :heart:
21 Mar 2014, 18:50
I'm sure your heart isn't cold, manderley. We would go a long way to see our current vet; he has a way with the animals and doesn't talk down to the owners, which we have found a few others do xx
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