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05 Feb 2014, 18:06
I hear you both @PennyForthem and @CandiceMarie :heart: Hopefully by the time we meet in three weeks I will have regained a few pounds :like: If not you both have my permission to give me a good smack around the chops! Thanks girls, appreciate your support! :heart: :heart:
05 Feb 2014, 18:34
Hope you shake it off soon @callyanna. Keep warm and have some yummy soup.
My daughter is trying for a day off school with a cold. I said, you need to soldier on dear as when you're at work you'll think you need a day off ever time too get a cold.

Just reach down the thread and get yourself a cake, (which I uploaded onto the wrong thread) der.
05 Feb 2014, 20:35
Ooh i am glad i'm not the only one who puts things in the wrong places @carieoates
Can i have a cake pls ..
I noticed how scrummy they are,and thought they should be in the Temptation Tent! X :razz:
05 Feb 2014, 20:45
The butting in is something I have had to put up with for years with my youngest. He is getting better, but when he was younger he literally couldn't keep the exciting thought in his head long enough to wait his turn, so he had to blurt it out then and there. It has a lot to do with what is classed as 'short term memory' problems. I have longer term memory problems as I can't remember if I have told people stuff, so I tend to repeat myself. A lot of it is the tablets I'm on, but some is me just being a batty older lady..

@callyanna you need a bit of padding on your bones as you get older, it has something to do with keeping osteoarthritis at bay. Though whether its to do with hormones or chemicals, or just the fact that a little bit of weight puts more strain on the bones which causes the bones to become stronger. Take care of yourself.
05 Feb 2014, 20:51
Oh wow julie my bones should be megastrong then!
Its ok for kids to butt in,they can be taught its not desirable to do that..but i think women in their seventies should have learnt the art of taking turns to speak or listen rather than just jumping in with their latest thoughts! I do understand the 'short term memory' thing tho..wanting to say it before you forget..i have short term memory loss but my long term memory is razor sharp and mostly things that have not been of much importance for many years!
I am deffo a batty old girl too ! X
06 Feb 2014, 00:08
Totally off topic, but I thought you might like to play with this... Its an interactive globe of the earth showing where the wind is. I find it fascinating that Japan/China , just up an over the North Pole in a straight line is having similar wind strength that we are. ... ,49.58,416
06 Feb 2014, 05:05
Well, as long as we are on the topic of weather, outside my door it is currently -7˚F (that would be -22 for some of you). So thanks for asking, @Pennyforthem! And no this is not typical. What a wild year we are having, all over the globe.

@Callyanna, hope you are feeling better! I am going to send you a chocolate cake, as I have no hope of capturing the "lightest weight forum member" title if you continue this way. What, you all say chocolate cake is not a good way to add pounds?'s always worked well for me...

By the way, my doc told me that the reason for "older" women to not be too thin is that if we do fall, there is a bit of padding to keep the bones from breaking. Do we believe this? I'm not sure.
06 Feb 2014, 05:09
Oh dear, mine is 66 degrees higher than youra, centigrade that is!!!

Can we meet halfway?
Ah chocolate cake, yes please, I may have to go on a rampage when I'm home next week.
06 Feb 2014, 05:12
Julieathome wrote: The butting in is something I have had to put up with for years with my youngest. He is getting better, but when he was younger he literally couldn't keep the exciting thought in his head long enough to wait his turn, so he had to blurt it out then and there. It has a lot to do with what is classed as 'short term memory' problems. I have longer term memory problems as I can't remember if I have told people stuff, so I tend to repeat myself. A lot of it is the tablets I'm on, but some is me just being a batty older lady..

@callyanna you need a bit of padding on your bones as you get older, it has something to do with keeping osteoarthritis at bay. Though whether its to do with hormones or chemicals, or just the fact that a little bit of weight puts more strain on the bones which causes the bones to become stronger. Take care of yourself.

@Julieathome, my cousin's son has PDD-NOS (that's on the autism spectrum, for those of you who don't know) and he still, at age 24, can't wait his turn to talk. His parents are constantly reminding him, but I'm not sure he's ever going to "get it." So I think you're doing well with your son, as you say he is getting better.
06 Feb 2014, 05:16
Debs wrote: Oh dear, mine is 66 degrees higher than youra, centigrade that is!!!

Can we meet halfway?
Ah chocolate cake, yes please, I may have to go on a rampage when I'm home next week.

Hang on there, how many chocolate cakes am I sending out? I'll tell you what, @Debs, I'll send you a virtual one to cheer you up. I must send Callyanna an actual one, as I believe actual calories are called for in her case. I wonder what it would cost to send a cake over the pond? And what condition it would arrive in...
06 Feb 2014, 05:25
Oh blast, the white screen of death again!
Fasting today so a virtual cake might send me screaming over the edge! Sne one to Callyanna though, her need is greater!
I shall wait until next week and haunt my favourite cake shop for the mother of all chocolate cakes; I couldn't finish it last time which was a world first!
06 Feb 2014, 08:09
Cakes, it is something my daughter was commenting about in Dubai. She says the younger kids are slim and healthy, but it seems that as soon as they turn 13ish they start to pack on the weight. She thinks its too much mall time. As in once they reach 13 they are let out to do their own thing, so they meet up in the malls (when the mall has a full size ice rink in it, who wouldn't) but they also descend on the McDonalds and the cake shops as well. She thinks the cake shops out there are utterly gorgeous, she walks past a couple every day and has to be really strong minded not to buy one, or two or maybe even 3 a day.
@Janeg you may be pleased to know that she finds the expat kids to be much better behaved, better mannered and more disciplined than the locals too.
06 Feb 2014, 08:36
How funny @Candicemarie the cast and crew of Foyle's War came to Crondall a couple of years ago. We stood and watched them film and we chatted with Michael Kitchen! I find film sets really interesting. With Foyle's War they had to put false brickwork on the little church to cover something modern (can't think what it was now) and our pub had old fashioned posters outside. You don't realise what little things they have to think about do you. I was like you, though. I hoped they'd leave us in (especially as I had my two girls with me!)...but they never did!

When I was younger I wanted to be a film extra...but never got chosen!

Oh on that theme...when I was a kid at primary school, we had the cast and crew of "Oh Happy Band" with Harry Worth. Does anyone remember that? If you ever get to see it, I'm one of the school kids following the band which was used for the titles...each week!!

Bean :cool:
06 Feb 2014, 08:46
@Callyanna ? How are you today? Any better? Did Shawshank and chocolate help?

Bean :wink: :heart:
06 Feb 2014, 09:16
nursebean wrote: @Callyanna ? How are you today? Any better? Did Shawshank and chocolate help?

Bean :wink: :heart:

Hi peeps! many thanks @wendyjane,@nursebean and all you kind folk who have offered me calorific goodies! Not a lover of chocolate cake to be honest :oops: (I know!), now cheesecake is another matter! Seriously, I slept really well last night and feel much brighter and at least half human today. Meeting friends for lunch so will give full rein to my appetite and choose the most fattening thing on the menu! x Hope everyone else is well and has a good day.
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