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Non-diet Chat

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06 Feb 2014, 18:41
Oh thanks @Auriga ;)

I wish they'd do something for people in their forties...we don't all have OHs or, indeed, a life!

Bean :bugeyes:
06 Feb 2014, 20:52
Very quiet tonight - haven't seen @silverdarling around for a while.
06 Feb 2014, 21:03
PennyForthem wrote: Very quiet tonight - haven't seen @silverdarling around for a while.

Haha, lol! Spooky that I was posting on the SMART thread when you were writing this! And what do you mean, 'quiet around here' and 'haven't seen SD around in a while' - some of us have to work, and are quiet library types not loud at all!!!
06 Feb 2014, 22:56
Evening all. Sat here sozzled on 3 glasses of wine. Lightweight that I am. Mainly because I didn't want to take anymore painkillers so thought that wine would either sort out the pain or get me so I didn't care.
I don't know what happened tonight, I went to the gym, did 6 minutes on the bike and had to give up. I must have twisted my neck or something, because I walked out of there unable to use my left arm or tilt my head to the left. I needed help to get my coat on or off. Its a bit better now, I can hold up a wine glass, though anything much heavier hurts like hell. It was nothing to do with the gym, just me dodgy neck.

Sometimes I wish that something serious would happen, then I would be taken in immediately and have this sorted, the hanging around isn't helping. Well apart from the finances, that is. The hanging around has enabled us to sort out our finances and for the first time in many years we are practically out of debt. So all clouds do have a silver lining.
06 Feb 2014, 23:06
Julie, as long as you can hold the wine glass, everything is OK!

Well, I'm dithering ladies... do I order these expensive jeans or not?
If not, I can have a few nice summer bits and bobs in place of ONE pair of jeans...makes sense, doesn't it?

But then again, I did say I'd treat myself. Only once, mind.

But do I ever go anywhere to warrant a 'good' pair of jeans?

And really, does anyone really notice if I have a nice pair of jeans? Or is it like Coco Chanel?

Oh, decisions, decisions....

Oh, now I think I'd feel too guilty spending all that in one splurge.

I bet @silverdarling doesn't suffer these agonies about buying a steam cleaner.
06 Feb 2014, 23:21
Hey @Julieathome Hope you're OK and yes I'm with Penny at least you can still hold you glass if not the wine :shock:
Hope you get a decent nights sleep that should sort
you out.
06 Feb 2014, 23:27
You won't regret it PFT - but take the time to try a few different styles first, to see what suits you best ... You will find they will make you look a lot more 'streamlines' and they are really comfortable - and they aren't 'for best' either - they are for wearing.

So go on, you know you want to :lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: :wink:

PS re steam cleaners, dithered for ages, no, days looking at various sites, including Which? (which wasn't helpful) and weighing up comments and reviews, before finally thinking 'what the hell' and going for handheld one costing around £30, which had nearly all good reviews. Could've spent upwards of £100 or more ... But wanted to be able to afford another pair of jeans when I get down another size in a couple of months ... :shock: :wink:
07 Feb 2014, 00:07
I have my eyes on a pair of BHS slimming jeans on ebay at the moment. New with tags.
As for gadgets, I have been dreaming about a Roomba for years and we walked into B&Q just after Christmas and there was a Vileda version of a Roomba for £90 instead of the Roombas £300 price tag. By the way a Roomba is a little robot vacuum cleaner, you press a button and off it pops, bumping its way around the room in a sort of pattern that does eventually cover the whole floor. Its changed the housework and the way its done. First you have to make sure there is noting on the floor to get tangles around the brushes, so you do a quick dash around and sort out all the laces, trailing wires, books, magazines, chocolate wrappers from the night before straight away (instead of leaving it for mother to do as usually happens in this house) and then just press a button and away it goes. you can then leave it to its own devices whilst you get on with other stuff. There is a little catch all bit you empty everytime, takes about 3 seconds, and once a week or two, you turn it upside down and clear any hairs etc from the brushes.
The Roomba
07 Feb 2014, 00:11
Watch out @Julieathome - @Debs is coming round saying 'lights out' and 'shouldn't you be asleep now?' - well yes you're right Debs ...

(Just need to check one last post :razz:)
07 Feb 2014, 00:14
I've also been looking at handbags on ebay. I need a bigger one, but it has to be an across the body strap one so I can have my hands free without worrying about it falling off. I might as well go into town and get one considering what the ebay postage is like. Though there are some nice looking ones from China, that I might risk.

Oops, I better sneak off to the Insomniacs tent.
07 Feb 2014, 01:08
Talkin of ebay@Julieathome a lovely top arrived today..£3 plus £3 postage
Have had lots of ebay stuff that didnt quite fit,now fits nicely!
07 Feb 2014, 05:47
Bean nice avatar,
SD don't work too hard
Penny you are worth it buy the jeans
Julie I am with Penny & Sue good you can still lift wine glass, cheers
I am hot tired and should be doing a whole lot of other stuff but here I am on forum ...
07 Feb 2014, 06:04
Silverdarling wrote: You won't regret it PFT - but take the time to try a few different styles first, to see what suits you best ... You will find they will make you look a lot more 'streamlines' and they are really comfortable - and they aren't 'for best' either - they are for wearing.

So go on, you know you want to :lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: :wink:

PS re steam cleaners, dithered for ages, no, days looking at various sites, including Which? (which wasn't helpful) and weighing up comments and reviews, before finally thinking 'what the hell' and going for handheld one costing around £30, which had nearly all good reviews. Could've spent upwards of £100 or more ... But wanted to be able to afford another pair of jeans when I get down another size in a couple of months ... :shock: :wink:

Hi @silverdarling. Bought a steam cleaner in Target last week. It gets it's road test this weekend. It's called a Swiffer Bissell Steamboost. It's blue and grey.
@julieathome. Home the wine was worth it. Have you ventured into M&S for slim jeans?
@nursebean. I think I prefer your original avatar even though this new one is great!
@pennyforthem auto correct says penet frothed. So are you back on the vino yet?

Proper internet tomorrow!.
07 Feb 2014, 06:06
gillymary wrote: Hello
Bean nice avatar,
SD don't work too hard
Penny you are worth it buy the jeans
Julie I am with Penny & Sue good you can still lift wine glass, cheers
I am hot tired and should be doing a whole lot of other stuff but here I am on forum ...

How are you doing @gillymary and @candicemarie?
07 Feb 2014, 08:06
Morning peeps! All ship shape and ready for the grandkids. They're not being dropped off till 10, so time for another coffee!
Hope we're all ready for a spiffing Friday!
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