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07 Feb 2014, 23:31
Ah, you must be just outside, whereabouts? We stay with friends in Upwey when we are there.
Penny, my philosophy is, if you can't decide then don't!!! I was in an agony of indecision over some lovely raybans and got as far as whipping out my credit card, but stopped!! I have two pairs, what did I need some more for. It was want, not need for me!
08 Feb 2014, 00:05
just wondering...........would 5:2 work for a cat???????? our heaviest has just jumped out of her hammock by the radiator and the thump when she hits the floor is quite scary!
08 Feb 2014, 00:12
@nursebean meet@lizbean..Lizbean ...nursebean..
Are you two related at all ..and is this guy a relative of yours!? :wink:
An uncle perhaps?
08 Feb 2014, 00:18
@madcatlady have you been to the WAGS tent..ive posted a great vid of cats stealing dogs beds and baskets! :lol: :lol: :lol:
08 Feb 2014, 00:28
CandiceMarie, how lovely of you, yeh! Us beans may be not related though a friend shared a room with Mr Bean at Oxford Uni - and they are both delightful funny beans. I love beans (not the ones you eat and do) .... Lizbean
08 Feb 2014, 00:32
Debs wrote: Ah, you must be just outside, whereabouts? We stay with friends in Upwey when we are there.

Hoppers Crossing. The trip in is quite easy if you go the back way through Footscray although last weekend needed a detour around the Chinese NY gala. A lot of Chinese folk in Footscray.
So you stay up Upwey way? I love saying that.
08 Feb 2014, 00:46
Hello nursebean, Well my bean is a term of endearment :heart: and fun :lol: - I have a new 7th great niece Gracie'bean' and lovely 18 yr old god daughter Liv'bean' etc. A Beanhome is a very good place to be - welcome! :wink: Lizbean
08 Feb 2014, 01:18
Evening all, I was having a great day till I went shopping, when I flicked my head around to speak to hubby and aggravated my neck badly. I spent the rest of the shopping trip with a useless left arm. I couldn't even lift it far enough to get the card scanner down for hubby. Luckily one of the lads came with us, its becoming a necessity now to have a third person with us when we go out. The carer being cared for.

@CandiceMarie I totally sympathize with the neuropathic pain, its what I have all the time. I decided that enough was enough when I could have sworn that someone had sliced my arm open to the bone with a scalpel, I could even feel the blood dripping. I have found some relief from a drug called 'pregabalin' or 'Lyrica'. I normally have the feeling that I've dipped my hands in nettles most days. The most aggravating for me at the moment is the the headaches induced by the muscle tension in my shoulders and neck, spreading upward and causing the headaches. Thankfully I am going for my regular massage on Monday, which should get rid of the present crop of knots.

For everyone else regarding the weather, you may be interested in this. Its constantly updated, so what you see tonight won't be there tomorrow, but something else interesting will be happening elsewhere. ... 1,5.01,416
08 Feb 2014, 06:35
Morning peeps. I'm back. I got an internet line today and I'm sitting in pure luxury watching BBC breakfast TV via naughty VPN whilst multi-tasking on here. The speed and quality seems good.

It's been quite a day today. New furniture in, rented furniture out. By 4pm I realised I was hungry and called down to the burger joint next door for a carry out. It's hormone and antibiotic free and cooked to order. Medium rare for me, but still a dirty burger. :lol: I don't feel guilty! It has given me enough fuel to assemble my desk tonight and it's starting to look like the place is lived in.

Off to bed now, it's 1030pm, but a very productive day. Nighty night all. :heart:
08 Feb 2014, 06:41
Night night rawkaren, it is nice to have things around you that you have chosen yourself, a bit more homely!
08 Feb 2014, 06:45
Hi everyone. I heard there was some bad weather I the UK, hope you are all ok over there.
I've spent the day cleaning our old house ready for sale. Wow you can accumulate a lot of dust and dirt over 29 years. I did clean it during those years but not like this. Well we are back there tomorrow and hopefully have it on the market early next week.
08 Feb 2014, 06:51
Good luck wino, hope you have more luck than we are trying to sell ours in Tas. Not a big market here though. 29 years is a long time in one place! Where are you looking to go?
08 Feb 2014, 06:57
Hi Debs. Sorry your having a tough time selling. We actually moved at the end of last November, just two suburbs down the mountain so 10 minutes away. We need to get our old place painted (we had the old 90's suede paint throughout) and the floors sanded before we sold. That's all done now, the agent is signed on so fingers crossed. Houses are selling like hotcakes here at the moment, many sell within the first week. Be nice if that happens.
08 Feb 2014, 07:03
Fingers crossed for you! I suspect the Blue Mountains are more popular than little old Elderslie! It wouldn't be a complete disaster if it didn't sell, so not too worried TBH.
It is just a very long way to fly home when you are working near Port Hedland! We don't want to live in WA but short term only flying to Melbourne or Adelaide would be easier. Tassie is where we want to stay though, love Hobart!
08 Feb 2014, 07:21
Oh everyone seems to have awoken now!

Good morning everyone! Hey, another bean @Lizbean - at last I'm no longer alone!! Aw "bean" is such a sweet name for little kids isn't it. My brother used to call me Bean when I was a kid and since I became a nurse it only seemed right to be "nurse bean" (original,huh?!)

Well it looks as though we're in for another windy, wet day (and on my birthday too :( )

Won't stop me having a fab day, though (even though I'm now officially middle aged!

Bean :cake:
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