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09 Feb 2014, 09:01
Morning everyone!! Hope I find you all well on this windy morn. Windy outside that is...not in! Wait a minute, what's that? Sun? Blimey, I'd forgotten what it looked like! I think we're due for lots more rain aren't we? Those poor people,in Somerset. They must be terrified. I think they should set up an emergency disaster fund for them, so we can do some small thing to help. After all, we always help,other countries, don't we.

Changing the subject, I have to say that I am actually looking forward to my fast day tomorrow. Not so sure about the chocolate abstenance but we'll see. D'you know, I didn't even have any cake yesterday...and definitely no chocolate. Maybe today will be different ;)

Have a good Sunday everyone, whether your're fasting or not

Bean :wink:
09 Feb 2014, 09:17
What, no cake on your birthday, beanster? Hope you still had a lovely day though!
I'm looking forward to my fast tomorrow, too. Now, about this no chocolate thing.... I did the Dryathlon and I remember you saying

Would love to sponsor do I find your Facebook page?

There's not really that long to go is there?! Maybe I should do the same with chocolate and then see if it feels such a short time!

Bean :clover

So, if I can do it, you can too xx
09 Feb 2014, 09:21
Good morning world,

I am quite shocked at how bad some poor folk are having things down south. We had bad flooding her in the midlands a couple of years ago and whilst we were fine a lot of our friends were having problems and it was all hands to the deck. We have a submersible pump so that was in full use in basements and friends who live on narrow boats were totally marooned on the their boats for days. It was touch and go as to whether the pontoons would float free which would have meant all the boats being evacuated as they would have drifted down the river. Very worrying, the pub has an old red telephone box in its beer garden and the water level came up to the top pane of glass. The river is currently very high again so everyone is just holding their breath and praying. I think the government should be declaring the south a disaster zone and doing more to help these people.

Rant over, hope you all have a great day, I shall be joining beanie bobs and others tomorrow for my lovely Monday fast which seems to be becoming a very regular feature as I just love the rest my system gets. Roast chicken with a mountain of fresh veg today, no potatoes though, strange how I don't miss them.

Ballerina x :heart:
09 Feb 2014, 09:22
Atchoooooooo yes I have a cold courtesy of two unrelated grandsons so multi strain virus bleurgh.
Is it feed a cold and starve a fever?
:doctor: :panda: :cloudy: :umbrella: :bigfrown:
09 Feb 2014, 09:25
Azureblue, I think it's do what ever makes you feel better, so, I hope you feel better soon, colds are horrid so here is a hug, not too close as we are getting over our seasonal whatevers.

Ballerina x :heart:
09 Feb 2014, 09:27
Yep right on the nose there Azure - but watch the low flying fried egg sandwiches :shock: :wink:
About to have my weekly bacon sarnie very soon ... :grin: I would have what you fancy, I'm sure it will do you good!
09 Feb 2014, 09:29
Thanks @PennyForthem I need that sort of encouragement. I believe you didn't find your Dryathlon that difficult did you? :confused: I still haven't sponsored you, though. You never did give me your Facebook details!

D'you know, we went out for my birthday lunch, I had a starter of smoked salmon blinis (small), a main of steak and chips (with side portion of battered mushrooms). I left a lot of the chunky chips and was too full to have pudding! And too full to have a slice of my mum's most delicious coffee cake! Years ago .i would have polished all three courses AND had cake!! Mind you, I probably wouldn't have felt that good afterwards. No,I think this WOE has a lot to answer for...and I LOVE it

Bean :smile:
09 Feb 2014, 09:30
Beanster - you don't need Facebook, will PM you
09 Feb 2014, 09:34

Bean :bugeyes:
09 Feb 2014, 10:09
Give up chocolate :?: :silly: :worship: :curse:
Nah, sounds too much like lent to me! Couldn't possibly do it, life without chocolate is like a blunt pencil-pointless!!
09 Feb 2014, 10:18
Chocolate who mentioned chocolate. Guilty @Debs made a no flour choc cake yesterday to take to my writers group. They polished off the lot and loved it and called it sinfully chocolate, the dry part of cake was a cup of coco on t op of 200gm melted dark choc.

None for me today but I did manage yesterday to have dessert o f a square of the cake double cream and ice cream . Serves me right I work up at 3:30am feeling like I had a brick in my belly. Doing penance today with a fluid fast and loving it

Hello to all my lovelies nice to pop in here
09 Feb 2014, 10:31
Will and need absolutely to fast tomorrow cause yesterdays dinner with friends went totally over board. Made cheese tartlets with shrimp on top, grilled bacon wrapped filets of pork, oven roasted potatoes, my "famous" tomato sauce and a lime meringue pie. Plus - more wine than is good for you :bugeyes: :shock: :wink:
09 Feb 2014, 10:53
We've just had our second power cut in two days. I'm so grateful it's back on, and counting my blessings that I'm not down south with all those poor people who are flooded.
Off to newmarket with my daughter, I have £40 of pizza express voucher to use or lose today. So it's got to be done. Glad that they do lighter options. And. Bit of shopping too. See you all later.
09 Feb 2014, 11:01
Yes, sorry gillymary, shoot me! :grin: I have a lovely flour less choccy cake, so rich I have it with sour cream!
Your dinner sounds lovely Wolfie too, lime meringue pie sounds interesting!

It has to be done carieoates, go forth and eat for victory! :victory:
09 Feb 2014, 11:08
Debs wrote: Give up chocolate :?: :silly: :worship: :curse:
Nah, sounds too much like lent to me! Couldn't possibly do it, life without chocolate is like a blunt pencil-pointless!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: from the Chocolate Queen!
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