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08 Feb 2014, 16:46
carieoates wrote: Bless him Karen, but not for giving you a mild heart attack though. :confused:

Hi @carieoates. I have now seen what it looks like via skype. Looks like he did a nice job :smile:
08 Feb 2014, 17:01
rawkaren wrote: Morning all. Raining here too, but we need it. Just had a phone call (in bed 6am), from OH in the UK to tell me there was a crisis. Sat bolt upright in bed and asked him what was wrong.
He said he couldn't find the baking powder to make his cake (Hairy Dieters Tea Loaf) :bugeyes: :curse: :lol:

:heart: Hi @rawkaren Hope all is well with you I seem to keep missing you on the forum. :heart:
Not raining with you, can't be as bad as here surely its absolutely pppppsssing torrential /windy /bloody cold :shock:
My central heating as just switched itself on coz its so cold!! nice to see your face now + again. Take care :heart:
08 Feb 2014, 17:19
Hi @Sue.Q Good to see you still strumming that guitar. Yes the 8 hour time gap does make it quite different. When I get to go on the forum, it's normally quiet here. Off to do some more shopping for the apartment....
08 Feb 2014, 17:24
I was pooping myself earlier as we had a power cut. An hour, I was passing up and down panicking about being cold, no internet, no hot water, no internet, no cooking, no internet, no cups of tea, no internet.
So I got my daughter to tidy her room. Was a good thing in the end.

So I am feeling so sorry for all those who have had really bad weather down South, with no hot water, no internet, no cooking. Etc etc, you get ......
We depend on these things and being an oil and all electric house/ village it would have been tough.
08 Feb 2014, 17:56
rawkaren wrote: Hi @Sue.Q Good to see you still strumming that guitar. Yes the 8 hour time gap does make it quite different. When I get to go on the forum, it's normally quiet here. Off to do some more shopping for the apartment....

Don't forget the scales @rawkaren!!! :heart:
08 Feb 2014, 18:25
Those man crises, Karen!
We have been out with grandkids. Got back home and I was ready for a cuppa. Hub announces, in stricken voice, "I've left my coat behind - and in it are my phone, wallet and glasses."
Hmmm. We go back out again....
08 Feb 2014, 19:03
carieoates wrote: I was pooping myself earlier as we had a power cut. An hour, I was passing up and down panicking about being cold, no internet, no hot water, no internet, no , no internet, no internet.
So I got my daughter to tidy her room. Was a good thing in the end.

So I am feeling so sorry for all those who have had really bad weather down South, with no hot water, no internet, no cooking. Etc etc, you get ......
We depend on these things and being an oil and all electric house/ village it would have been tough.

That was me yesterday @carieoates The internet was down for about 12hrs withdrawals or what :shock: The only conciliation was I went food shopping.
But yes there are a lot of people in dire straits with the flooding :heart: Hugs to all in the southern regions. :heart:
08 Feb 2014, 19:25
Hi everybody

Gosh, I have see what the floods are doing up your way on our evening news, looks bad in some parts and here we are down under sweltering in the heat, it was 41deg here in Melbourne yesterday.

Our air conditioner is working over-time, and we occasionally have power outages!

Can't wait for our next electricity bill!!!

Take care everybody

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile:
08 Feb 2014, 19:51
:heart: Hey @Maggiee You can send a little sunshine our way Please :heart: Today has been really cold + windy but at least we're not flooded out, my friends daughter moved out of one of the regular flood risk areas 3 weeks ago luckily for her they were renting, and god knows what a nightmare it is actually owning the home after a couple of floods per year, same again tomorrow apparently. :shock:
08 Feb 2014, 20:00
It was heartbreaking watching some of the affected families on last night's news. No amount of insurance could ever replace the loss of your home and livlihood and seeing everything you've worked al your life for destroyed.
08 Feb 2014, 20:04
Looking on the forecast for the next 10 days, we have rain forecast every day. Keeping a watchful eye on the stream at the end of the garden. Thankfully, I have no outdoor markets planned.
08 Feb 2014, 20:12
:heart: OH you're back @PennyForthem From your runaround :shock: MEN :shock: Mines asleep!!! 3 courses down 3 glasses down 3inches up!!! :shock:
Keep your eye on that river Penny when it all gushes down from those beautiful Welsh mountains, my son's been up the lakes + on one walk top of some fell there was a foot of snow well its all got to melt at some point and create even more havoc for some people. :heart:
08 Feb 2014, 21:29
Horrible weather, really nasty. Our friends have gone home, I had hours playing with their adorable 7 month old daughter. I may have mentioned her, she was hospitalised at 3 days and had a major operation at 5 days and still has daily, unpleasant and sometimes painful therapy. Yet she has the sweetest temper. but they got back and phoned us to tell us about the trip. I don't think they would have made if they were travelling tomorrow.

The cake was lush! It was so moist, and the little chunky bits of beetroot had the same texture and bite as a soft cherry in the mix. If I can find my camera, before the rest goes I will give you a picture.

The best phone call I ever had from hubby was when I was shopping and he called to tell me he had had and accident with the dishwasher. He had used washing up liquid, a good brand, he's filled the dispenser given it a good double or triple squirt as well because he didn't know how much you used. The call was to tell me that he had come back into the kitchen to find that the whole of the kitchen floor was knee deep in foam and the cats were loving it. All he could see of the cats was the tips of their tails. What should he do?
It was sorted by opening the kitchen door and using a large piece of cardboard and just pushing the foam out of the door.

I am in the need for a window shopping trip. I could really do with trying on some modern fashions and seeing what suits me. Everything I look at seems to be made from a pattern that closely resembles my mothers and Grandmothers curtains when I was 12 and the styles seem to be the same too. No cleavage, shapeless sleeves and drawstring bottoms, which means baggy shapeless bodies. They may look very chic on a size 12, but I really can't see the attraction in them.
09 Feb 2014, 07:47
Hi Everyone. Hope no one has been washed away. Been watching the UK news. Desperate. Well I'm late tonight, so best get off to bed. Night night and enjoy your Sunday :heart:
09 Feb 2014, 08:44
We are still here, Karen, but feel so sorry for people in the south. OK, our garden is a quagmire, the stream is slightly flooded and it's still raining, but, so far, we are OK. More storms forecast this week.
Hope you're enjoying all your new furniture xx
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