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10 Feb 2014, 23:29
Sounds really nice CandiceMarie.
10 Feb 2014, 23:30
:heart: Enjoy your daughters visit @CandiceMarie Bet you can't wait and at least you've fasted today in preparation.
:heart: Romantic meal with your partner that is no longer a surprise your loose mouth + wayward typing hands will get you in trouble. :shock:
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: Have a great time. :heart:
10 Feb 2014, 23:33
Thank you all for your comments regarding the F & C. They really were delicious! :smile: I left most of the batter but ate all the chips and some bread and butter. No excuse really but sometimes stuff just happens! :wink: Healthy eating for me tomorrow, I think!

@CandiceMarie, I had lunch at Carluccio's in Peterborough a week or so ago. I had the sea bass, which was lovely, but my friend had one of the salads and she was a little disappointed. I printed out a two for one 'mains' voucher which made it even better for us! I hope you have a lovely time. :grin:
10 Feb 2014, 23:40
Thanks Sue and Julie and SR xx
Sue,Will be far too busy munching my food and swigging my wine to have any wayward ways!
What was that saying in the War..Loose Lips Sink Ships!
And noooooo Sue, i wasnt in the war..I was just a little twinkle in my dad's eye! X X
10 Feb 2014, 23:48
Just want to say hi to @rawkaren
Feels like days since our paths have crossed
Hope youre ok xxxx* waves* xxx
11 Feb 2014, 08:59
@Julieathome how did your back to back fast go? Not sure I could go that crazy...yet! :wink:

Oh @Candicemarie I really hope you have a wonderful 48 hours with your daughter. It'll be a wonderful lift for you won't it! Enjoy xx

@Stowgateresident I hope you really enjoyed those fish n chips. Don't spose they put them in newspaper did they? For some reason I'm sure they used to taste that much nicer when placed in newspaper!

Anyway, I hope you are all safe and well today, wherever you are. Here, in Crondall (Hampshire) it is raining just for a change :wink:

Just gonna pop out for a coffee again. I know how to live the high life!!

Bean :doh:
11 Feb 2014, 09:33
Morning peeps.
I think I got out of bed the right side this morning!
Have a lovely visit from DD, @candicemarie - is this the one for the interview? If so, fingers crossed.
Beanie, raining here too and snow forecast for later. Our dogs are on short walk rations, as everywhere is so muddy. Luckily, they play together and run round the open plan downstairs, so exercise is still achieved!
11 Feb 2014, 09:34
Thanks Penny! Yes they arrive this avvo,then SIL has to do a presentation Wednesday and the interview is Thursday! I am very excited this morning! X
11 Feb 2014, 09:47
Oh dear, will it ever stop raining there? Pollies shown on the news over here tonight trying to blame each other!!

Just to note, the blueberry, goat's cheese and honey ice cream was excellent, creamy, fruity and not a hint of nanny goat!! Salted almond caramel underneath, so onto that tomorrow!!
11 Feb 2014, 09:50
Are you back home now @Debs? Did you escape the storm in time? hope so!
11 Feb 2014, 10:09
Morning everyone !

It seems that there are floods and storms everywhere, please be safe :clover:

Here, I am manless for the next 14 days and that drives me crazy. I know I will count the days and that they will be the longest ever....

Yesterday's fast went really really well. Had a lovely lentils and bacon soup, a few pieces of pineapple for the sweet side and I felt stuffed and slept 9 hours. 9 HOURS :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Today I'll keep reading Brave new world from Aldous Huxley. It's cold and fairly windy outside so no bike today, only indoors exercises

And tonight I'll put the porridge to cook for tomorrow's breakfast :razz:
11 Feb 2014, 10:19
Yes thank you PFT, got out before it got a bit windy! A long day, up at 4am and in to bed at 1am, but worth it. Very dry at home but we are watching the miserable weather back in the UK and feeling sorry for you all. Nothing worse than soggy, muddy puppy dogs is there?!
11 Feb 2014, 11:06
Eeek, we are closed off here. Trapped by flooding, its not at our door, but its closed all the roads to shops, post office, doctors etc. I'm awfully glad we got hubby to the doctors yesterday as that village has now flooded. We did the shopping on Friday so we have plenty in and don't realistically need a big shop for 2 weeks, the road to all 3 big towns and the city of Hereford are now flooded. A minor road near us has collapsed along 100 metres of its length.

I am getting really fed up of the flooding in this country, we lost 2 cars to flooding 3 years ago and are not willing to risk it again.

Back to back fast went really well, I'm not hungry yet so today may be a 16:8 as well. What bugs me slightly is that I put on 1lb from yesterday to today. Its all water weight of course, but it still bugs me. Too much of the ' want results NOW' mindset. I must learn to be more patient. What I want is to lose another 30lbs before my surgery date, its possible, depending on when my date is.
11 Feb 2014, 11:16
Oh dear Julie that sounds awful please stay safe.
Ugh my kids used up all my bytey broadband things so now the interweb is on go slow until Monday.
11 Feb 2014, 11:20
4 computers here, with all three men online gaming plus hubby uploading to his youtube channel, we have to have uncapped. We have even thought about getting a satalite uplink as this area doesn't seem to be on any lists for upgrading to cable at all.

I seem to have a very grumpy adult son at the moment. I will have to find out who and what feathers have been ruffled. Gawd, why did god invent autistics and aspergers.
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