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10 Feb 2014, 20:48
You're right Callyanna! I'd never made that connection. Mind you I wouldn't as that was 'foreign' and as I was growing up in the 50's/60's I doubt my Mum had heard of it. No, just orange squeezed onto a flat pancake and a bit of sugar - no rolling and definitely no folding or sauce involved.

What's wrong wi' tinternet Penny? Still working on the new router?
10 Feb 2014, 20:57
New router has never worked. I need to call them about it.
10 Feb 2014, 21:47
Sorry for your internet troubles Penny

Bean, your girls are really beautiful :heart:

I have a question, I found a slow cooked porridge but, in the recipe, they talk about jumbo oats, which we don't have here, only regular oats (not the pre cooked one but small nonetheless) can I replace the jumbo ones with the regular ones ? (it needs to cook on low for 7 to 8 hours)
10 Feb 2014, 21:55
@manderley normal oats will be fine. Show cooked porridge is wonderful!
10 Feb 2014, 22:12
I've only missed a day on here and it has just taken me ages to catch up! My JL card has arrived, too, so I'm all set for tea and cake when I am next in Peterborough. :smile:
I was supposed to be fasting today but couldn't face a 4pm hospital appointment, for a cystoscopy, on an empty stomach. :frown: I was very brave (had a bad experience last time but fine today) so I rewarded myself with fish and chips in our local 'award-winning' fish and chip shop, on the way home! Can't fast tomorrow or Wednesday, so Thursday it is then! :heart: Looking forward to a good fast already!
10 Feb 2014, 22:24
@carorees, hope you haven't been affected by the floods? Just seen on the news that Worcester is threatened too. :frown:
10 Feb 2014, 22:33
:heart: @stowgateresident I think you deserved F+C can't spell it out coz I've gone and done a good fast today
Well yes hope you enjoyed you know what!!! Hope all went well it sounds awful and how come it always us ladies that have to suffer all the nasty procedures. :heart:
10 Feb 2014, 22:36
F & C sometimes the only thing, SGR.
Hope everyone is safe tonight xx
10 Feb 2014, 22:40
Not a bad day here temperature wise but there is a bit of smoke haze about from the bush fires. Always a bit scary.
10 Feb 2014, 22:42
@carorees is there a John Lewis in Worcester? If so I am tempted to get a John Lewis card just for the free cake for when I pop up to see you.

I forgot about the orange and Cointreau topping for pancake with a blob of cream on the side. Now that is lush, I wonder where I can get a miniature of Cointreau? I think I may go a bit more inventive this year. I usually do a savoury dish as well. So its likely to be pancakes stuffed with mushrooms/chicken/ ham covered in a cheese sauce on a base of tomato's and baked till bubbly, followed by a pancake desert.

Today is the second day of a back to back fast and I thought I had gone a couple of hundred over, but I was actually under my allowance. Its amazing how much salad you can eat and it not add up to much. For convenience today as I was in and out like a yoyo, I decided to risk frozen bread-crumbed chicken breasts, with a massive salad and some pickles. Adam took one look at it and said, thats going to be way over, and, it wasn't.

I'm still having the symptoms of a cold, yet they are really mild. Its weird, its as if my body is really fighting back. I had the usual 3 days of sore throat (mild), then two days of a ticklish nose that developed into sneezing and sniffles. But the sneezing is one sneeze an hour, not the usual 4 sneezes every 20 seconds, my temperature isn't up, its a nothing cold. Weird.

Hubby finally got to the docs and had his injection. So he has one buttock on a very soft cushion till the pain from the injection goes away. Then he should have a decent amount of relief for a few weeks till it wears off. He seems to have a wicked glint in his eye. Do you think I should be worried?
10 Feb 2014, 22:52
I should be very worried Julie....enjoy!!
10 Feb 2014, 22:53
@callyanna Not troubled by floods near the house as we're at the top of a small hill. The brook at the bottom of the hill may flood and make the road impassable tomorrow or Wednesday as we're expecting more rain. Sent DS to school on the train instead of by road as the bridge across the severn in Worcester was closed. The train bridge is much higher above the river so the trains could get through no problem. The bridge is likely to be closed again tomorrow.

Slightly worried that I might miss a trip to the cinema planned for tomorrow evening if the river rises again. :frown:

@julieathome no John Lewis in Worcester I'm afraid...have to go to Merry Hill for that! But the card works in Waitrose too doesn't it?
10 Feb 2014, 22:59
There won't be a Waitrose in Hereford till they finish off the new complex. I'm not sure when that will be.
10 Feb 2014, 23:05
@StowgateResident you deserved the fish and chips! Xx :clover: :like:
10 Feb 2014, 23:22
I' m a happy little CandyFloss tonight..daughter and son in law up tomorrow..only for 48 hours,but will be so nice to see them,first time since Christmas.
and deffo squeeze one or two nice dindins in...sharpening my giant knife and fork and putting my pig mask on in preparation for a good blow out! Not going too mad of course.. :razz: followed by probably a friday rather than a thursday fast then out saturday night for gentleman friend's birthday meal at Carluccio's. X
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