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12 Feb 2014, 12:53
@Julieathome@nursebean I do agree that if you're not feeling up to scratch or if the weather is rough carbs are the first thing you go for - well I do :) they seem so easy and comforting.

I hope you can get to your appointment on Friday Julie; I think I am lucky living in dry old East Anglia. I've just phoned mum and dad as strong winds are forecast for their area in Wales. They were moving all the garden furniture into the greenhouse! (hope that survives). Dad said winds of 100mph are predicted and they've only had 85mph before. Their telephone line was fried by lightning last week so I hope nothing further happens to them. My sister works nights and has to drive 40 miles through the mountains to get to work tonight - so hoping she keeps safe. The wind seems to have increased here too; I live in some woods and I can hear it in the trees.
12 Feb 2014, 13:22
I'm on the Welsh Border, so I take my weather cues from the Welsh weather forecasts rather than the Midlands ones as they tend to be more accurate for this area. I don't have much loose in the garden, though I must remember to turn the wheelie bin around so the lid doesn't get flipped open and all the rubbish flies out. Anything that's moveable is full of water or has massive logs on them (chunks of wood seasoning for the wood turning) so they aren't going to blow away.
12 Feb 2014, 13:27
It's too heavy carbs for me as well. The Cheerios and cornflakes are really full of sugar, it worries me more than the homemade goodness

All those with rain or wind, please be careful
12 Feb 2014, 13:38
Oh dear what a buffoon I've bean! All this time Ive been "tagging" people when in actual fact I haven't!! :oops:

Sorry to hear you're struggling @Julieathome (wonder if that worked!) hope you get sorted soon, it's just so long now isn't it.

I've definitely bean eating the wrong sort of food (and me a nurse...although I've decided today I'm going to hang my badge up and cancel my registration :( )

So sorry to hear about that Welsh village. How sad is that.

The weather here today is truly awful: very strong winds and lots of rain. Is the whole of England going to be Atlantis soon?

And one more thing @Candicemarieyou are now "officially" Crazy Candice!

Bean :sleepy: :starving:
12 Feb 2014, 13:45
Oh that looks better! D'you know, I wondered why when I supposedly tagged someone it was never highlighted! What a useless Bean!

Thanks @PennyForthem couldn't have done it without you

Bean :starving: :bugeyes:
12 Feb 2014, 13:48
*claps hands in glee* some of my parcels are starting to arrive from ebay. I've just had some M&S jeans through. That I should have got a size smaller as they did up easily. There is also an Anne Harvey t'shirt and a plain black M&S one.

It's no wonder that people think that benefits claiments are on too much money. If they do what I do, which is buy brand names from ebay, instead of cheap crap from Primark. It means that my eldest is walking around in Marco Polo and Cotton Traders stuff, yesterday I got Andy a pair of Ralph Lauren trousers for £8, the same price as a cheap pair of Primark cheapest jeans and I try and get brand name for myself as well.
12 Feb 2014, 14:32
Stay safe today everyone in the UK affected by the gales and water. In Norfolk we're only getting the tail end of it, and that's quite bad, so I hope those of you in the west are OK.
I am gald you're happy with your parcels @Julieathome too. :heart:
12 Feb 2014, 14:48
In the Midlands and we've just had some heavy rain with hail and snow grains so that means that the pubs defences will have been breached. Some friends gardens are under water but so far the houses are dry and the canal boat community are just holding their breaths. Stay safe everyone, so far this is not as bad here as last year but who knows

Ballerina x :heart:
12 Feb 2014, 14:55
Whew! The wind has just hit. My wheeelie bin has gone walkies.
12 Feb 2014, 15:12
Thinking of you all suffering such bad weather--hope everyone is safe. I'm glad my sister who lives in Georgia where there is another ice storm today is in Florida for the month where the icy storms haven't reached.

I agree, Julie, about buying good clothing--my closet has a lot of nifty brand names purchased from thrift shops--no need to buy cheap junk or spend a fortune on the good stuff.

Like you, Julie, I had a mild cold earlier in the week--so thankful it didn't develop into a real honker. I'm back to exercise today and hope to make it to exercise class tomorrow, although the center might close if a predicted big snowfall arrives on schedule.

Now to work on organizing paperwork for filing income tax returns. :(
12 Feb 2014, 16:22
@nursebean yep the tags work now!
I've had the most delightful lunch and taken photos, though I did forget to take a photo of the starter. I'll post them here later.

The drive home along the North Wales coast was mot interesting - don't know what wind is gusting to, but my, it's wet and windy!
12 Feb 2014, 17:12
I've just opened my daughters mail (I'm allowed to) to find that British Gas, instead of putting her refund back into her account as they promised, have sent a cheque. Its little things like this that make dealing with these big companies so frustrating. What if she didn't have anyone in the UK to do this kind of tidying up of her accounts? Do you think they do it deliberately, in the hope that the person they are sending the money to just won't make it into an account, saving them money over time?
12 Feb 2014, 17:48
I'm off to the gym! I'm also off my rocker.
Mostly cardio today as the pain in my shoulders and left arm is too bad for weights.
12 Feb 2014, 18:27
nursebean wrote: Morning everyone! I trust you are all fine and dandy today?

Not having a good time at the moment so might not be able to type much today. Will see how we go!

@PennyForthem here's what I ate yesterday. I didn't weigh anything because I don't want to get "bogged down" on feast days. What do you think, though? Have I gone over my 1600 allowance?

1 Weetabix plus some Cheerios
Portion of my mum's delish macaroni/cauliflower cheese (my fave) with veg
Piece of coffee cake (again, my mum's)
A Warburton Thin with ham and ketchup plus crisps (naughty but nice)
A Perle De Lait
Orange pieces
A bowl of Cornflakes at bed time (didn't really want them, was bored)

Does that sound any good?

Bean :sleepy:

Penny is right too many carbs. And hidden sugars. Do you like eggs? Nuts cheese?

I'm pretty sure you could get fuller longer with other foods. Chewing food for longer fills me up too.
12 Feb 2014, 18:49
Could you try replacing your sugary breakfast cereals with porridge and bulk out your lunch time wrap with salad instead of crisps? Also have a snack of blueberries or strawberries with Greek yogurt or cream instead of the cake and low fat yogurt? Little steps at a time Bean, but you'll get there! :like: :like:
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