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13 Feb 2014, 13:50
:lol: @Ballerina, I didn't just buy chocolate, I also bought their award winning Toro Roco Red wine at £3.69 a bottle, and their award winning washing up liquid to clean up afterwards :wink: .

@Silverdarling, I did get stressed out at the checkout as my trolley was overflowing, thanks goodness I had daughter with me.

Re adverts, the one I've got at the moment is for Pandora bracelets, this morning it was one of those '1 flat belly tip'.
13 Feb 2014, 14:10
:heart: Go with caution with those small chocolate bars @wildmissus They are very moreish if that's a word, I have to admit a few "items" just jumped in the basket carried by OH while out this morning (6 twix doubles £1)
plus another £4on similar!!! :shock: at least I can now rush past the sweets + chock area tomorrow in Aldi but I am going to be buying courgettes to try the spaghetti thingy next week.
Adverts now you mention it I've got none when logged in plus the site is faster again today the last few days has been rubbish for me and I then get board waiting and result in going elsewhere surfing + murdering a few angry birds. :shock:

EDIT::: Forgot to say I was looking for an item on my bill last week bought for my friend and there were 2 items put through twice each!!! so maybe worth checking because they do go so mad you've no idea what they're up to but I took my bill 2 days later and explained and my cash returned.
13 Feb 2014, 14:14
@sue.q I agree with you. I got distracted on chocolate to get through the first weeks here and I have found it hard to give up. Anyway at the checkout on Sunday, I picked up two truffles (the sort of thing that costs 75p at home) $10!!!!! I bought them without realising the cost of them until I checked my receipt. I was gutted. But then again - they were quite fabulous. :shock: :grin:
13 Feb 2014, 14:23
:heart: Hiya @rawkaren Yes very nice but your were overpriced so don't do it again!!!!
My OH has developed a massive sweet tooth since retirement and I've always got temptation around me its so annoying but I have noticed lately that his clothing is "pulling" in around the gut area maybe time to confess all and get him on 5:2 but not yet because he's very I'll
:shock: Man Flu :shock: has struck.
13 Feb 2014, 14:40
I have had an odd couple of days regarding pets.
Yesterday our neighbour came round to ask if we had seen their pet rabbit, which had somehow escaped from its hutch. We haven't seen it and I'm pretty sure it is now regretting leaving home as it poured with rain all afternoon.
This morning a delivery driver turned up at the door holding a very cute Jack Russell that eh had found wandering on the road. OH checked all the houses nearby and nobody was missing a dog. We took him to the local vet who checked him but he wasn't chipped. So that's where he is now. Apparently one of the senior vets who is on holiday recent had to have a very similar dog put to sleep and it's possible she might take him.
He was very cute, moulted a lot and I am allergic to dogs. My son found him much more appealing than the Physics revision he should have been doing this morning.
13 Feb 2014, 14:49
Had to go to shear part of one of my cat's fur because it was such a mess. She had big knots too close to the skin to take them off with scissors. So, now she has half her back naked, her tummy totally naked and looks ridiculous :rotfl:

Poor thing :heart:
13 Feb 2014, 14:56
wildmissus wrote: :lol: @Ballerina, I didn't just buy chocolate, I also bought their award winning Toro Roco Red wine at £3.69 a bottle, and their award winning washing up liquid to clean up afterwards :wink: .

@Silverdarling, I did get stressed out at the checkout as my trolley was overflowing, thanks goodness I had daughter with me.

Re adverts, the one I've got at the moment is for Pandora bracelets, this morning it was one of those '1 flat belly tip'.

@wildmissus the washing up liquid is very good, I think it is probably Fairy undercover, and it lasts ages. Couldn't tell you re the wine but am sure someone else will know :lol: :wink:
I did complain about their attitude at the till, and got the 'company policy' scenario quoted, but they are going to see if there are 'training issues' re the assistant's attitude which left a lot to be desired. :curse:
13 Feb 2014, 18:31
As we have a storm here with hail, I am cutting internet off for the night.

Stay safe
13 Feb 2014, 18:34
And you too @manderley x
13 Feb 2014, 21:55
OMG! @Sue.QYour poor poor hubby :shock:
I hope he's lying on the couch,Sue,rather than upstairs in bed,so he can keep telling you how awful he feels,and request the hot drinks that obviously he's going to need on a regular and ongoing basis..and so you can feel his forehead,plump the cushions,make sure the remote control is near to hand for him,etc etc etc :smile:
Don't forget Sue if theres anything he " thinks" he may be able to eat,get it cooked,soon as poss,because its important he keeps his strength up as he' ll be feeling much much much worse than any other male who's ever been stricken down by the dreadful malaise of man flu...which we all know is far more serious and ever so much more painful than being hung,drawn and quartered or stretched on the rack. :confused:
Please keep us posted on his progress!xx
13 Feb 2014, 21:57
Hope you've had a lovely day with your family @CandiceMarie and SIL's interview went well. :like:
And yes @Sue.Q, get peeling those grapes for your poor hubby! :wink:
13 Feb 2014, 22:16
Just to let everyone know.i won't be around tomorrow,as it always takes hours to wade thru all the Valentine cards that pop thru my door,and arrange all the flowers...then i end up in A& E as i usually have repetitive strain injury :shock: good job its only once a year! X X
13 Feb 2014, 22:32
Candice, you're on fire tonight!! Shall I send an aide to help open those cards?
13 Feb 2014, 22:34
:heart: Spot on @CandiceMarie And @callyanna short visit to town far to much for him returned home no help getting lunch then guess what fell asleep all afternoon woke up and wanted to go the pub for a meal!!!
Another fast day abandoned never mind will have to make it tomorrow now but its going to be a very long weekend. :heart:
13 Feb 2014, 22:57
thanks for the great laugh @CandiceMarie what a hoot!! :lol: :lol: - it's 10.00am here downunder and I am still awaiting my card, flowers and chocolates!! I think it's going to be a long wait!! :wink: :wink:

Don't forget the hot drinks @Sue.Q - lots of honey, tea and lemon with a good dash of brand or rum!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had a Valentine Baby 33 years ago, which was such a lovely present, he was and still is such a special boy. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Have a great day everybody.

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile:
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