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Hi@CandiceMarie I like the look of this one, it's so pretty but might not taste so, could be dire!
Time for a real fast day bake off? x
Oh and I love Northumberland too!
Rain rain rain..nothing but rain today..
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@lizbean that cake looks very sickly but i still wdnt say no to a whopping slice.... :razz: xx
@CandiceMarie You said, " keep wrapped up..i am dithering just looking at that snowy photo...
And i learnt something tonight..i didnt know Cornell was in Ithaca xX"

Yes, if it weren't for our local big university, we'd be just another sleepy little upstate city trying to survive in this rural, economically depressed area--instead we are bustling and prospering. Some locals don't like the "domination" of Cornell, but most are aware of the alternative.

As for the weather, we will be well-wrapped up today as we walk to Strength class. Right now it's 7°F (-14°C) with a wind chill of -14°F (-26°C) It seems endless til Spring come.
Hi @marybeth xx
I agree with you about students.. we have a very large student population here in Lpool - we have three Universities..i love having the studes..i ve never understood hostility between " town & gown"...
I often smile hearing them talking in the supermarket and on the bus,they contribute to the economy,and lots of them never leave again - they settle here. They bring life and laughter and colour to the city!
So @Lizbean did you make that wonderful creation? :shock:
Candy? I'm loving the little umbrella men ;) you're right about students...they're so refreshing aren't they.
Hi @nursebean sister I wish! Sadly not me this time round. SO busy I can't keep up with the forum, but will do in time. I'm on it!
Juggling BIG time! Best wishes to the fab forum. :heart:
Yes! I think so...a breath of fresh air
AND They can be so funny without even knowing it as well
A lot of them volunteer to do things in the community too..some studes cook at a church in Lpool every evening,making a meal for anyone who wants to show up..and one of my neighbours has several young student friends who help with her h/ work/ take her shopping etc x
@nursebean imagine the cake is chocolate, the best choc! @CandiceMarie mentoring and handing over to the young is the way to go. I spend a lot of my free time mentoring. Go Luverpool. xx :clover:
All you guys in the UK
Are you sure youre in the right band for yr Council Tax?
My neighbour told me to check ..turns out have paid too much for the past three yrs..
Have just today received a chq for £ 337 ..better in my pocket than the Councils!
Went straight out and bought my neighbour a big bunch of roses - she deserved them..wd never have entered my head to query my Council Tax!
Just joining in with the students convo.
Try being bought up, living and working in Cambridge..... Mum took students in, I worked at the university of Cambridge, now work in a school. It's a beautiful environment, and fabulous when it's May ball time and they're staggered home when you're going into work. Also a great atmosphere when it's graduation time. I was very proud to wear the mortar board and gown that's for sure.
Then there's the bikes.....everywhere. Bikes everywhere.
Sounds just like Oxford where I gained my First degree...
Only kidding...but I do love Oxford...never bean to Cambridge :confused: :wink:
Marybeth wrote: @CandiceMarie You said, " keep wrapped up..i am dithering just looking at that snowy photo...
And i learnt something tonight..i didnt know Cornell was in Ithaca xX"

Yes, if it weren't for our local big university, we'd be just another sleepy little upstate city trying to survive in this rural, economically depressed area--instead we are bustling and prospering. Some locals don't like the "domination" of Cornell, but most are aware of the alternative.

As for the weather, we will be well-wrapped up today as we walk to Strength class. Right now it's 7°F (-14°C) with a wind chill of -14°F (-26°C) It seems endless til Spring come.

I was fortunate enough to spend an entire summer at Cornell Uni in the mid 90's. Apart from the intense humidity, I only have very happy memories. The short plane hop from New York to Ithaca in a very bad storm where a woman screamed for the entire time that we were all going to die is an entirely different story....
@rawkaren I'm so glad you enjoyed your time at Cornell--sorry about the heat wave, though. Did you venture into the Engineering Library at all? I worked there from summer '94 til retirement in 2007. Hope you got to enjoy all the local things--summer theater, Sagan planet walk, free outdoor concerts, etc.

@CandiceMarie and others about living in a college town--I agree the students, faculty and staff add so much to the community--and so many of them love it here, so they stay and further enrich us, culturally as well helping the economy. I'd guess that at least half the members of our senior center where we have exercise classes are or have been affiliated with Cornell or Ithaca College in some way--makes for so much vibrancy.
@marybeth. Sadly I never got to the engineering library. I was at the School of Hotel Admin doing an advanced leadership program and it was pretty much heads down most of the time so I didn't make the most of my time there sadly. I met some very talented people from all over the world, many of whom I'm still in touch with after all of these years.
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