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Re: Who's missing????
28 Jul 2014, 11:04
Thanks for that@Sallyo I realise that last post sounded a bit ungracious. I am naturally rather shy and tend to assume people will not be interested in my opinions.
If there are people out there who feel their weight loss is slower that some and need encouragement I'm your woman.
I've also been hypothyroid for 20 years so I know a bit about that.
For me 5:2 has been a revelation after years of yo yo dieting and then becoming resigned to the fact that I would always just be fat. It is not a miracle 'cure' but if you are patient and honest with yourself about what you are putting in your mouth - I still write verything down in a book on my fasting days - it should work.
I am luckily in a fairly strress free period of life which helps . I have retired from my main job, we have no particular finacial worries, my parents have both been dead for some time and my 3 grown up children are all settled for the time being. I realise that not everyone else is so fortunate
Re: Who's missing????
28 Jul 2014, 11:37
Hi @Lil being a shy person too I understand but sometimes I just jump and and say my bit, interesting or not : :grin:
I'm glad things are going well for you, nice to know you are at a point where you can enjoy life without stresses. Good on you :heart:
Re: Who's missing????
28 Jul 2014, 11:52
Hi Lil, you are as valuable as everyone else! Some of us rabbit on a lot for different reasons; personally I am on a lot because I work away from home three weeks out of four and find it a source of friendship, advice and the odd much needed wet fish!
I enjoy the banter and there are people who joined recently and those who have been around since it started, like me, but we all have valid opinions, and advice too!
Re: Who's missing????
28 Jul 2014, 23:33
It's funny @lil we all get different impressions don't we..
As you've been a member from the very early days and for much longer than me,i see you as part of what i think of as the " oldtimers group" rather than inner circle,the folk i sort of look up to coz many of you have been doing this twice as long as i have! And been more than twice as successful than me! :lol:
I want to know what the camel thing is all about? X
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 05:58
Camel thing??? @CandiceMarie :bugeyes:
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 06:28
@Candicemarie and @Lil I think the camel thing might be referring to the Prancersize lady and her err umm camel toe :oops: . Let me see if I can find the link.
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 06:35 ... ata_player
Hope this link still works, and thanks to @GMH for the original post on this.
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 06:40
OMG I remember the prancing camel toe thread...hahahaha
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 06:56
Hilarious :lol:
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 07:36
Oh, that prancing link is just wonderful. You have to respect that degree of lunacy! And just the sauce for my lack of motivation lately. Winter colds that hang around, cold weather and just too much on my plate have seen me finding the 5:2 just so difficult. It seemed so easy last summer!
So I'm much cheered by all the affirmation I've been reading on this thread. Thank you all so so much. It's a joy to see all the different people with different lives encouraging each other. So I'm not only here, I'm making two resolutions. First, to contribute more and lurk less, and secondly to revert to my nike motto, and just do it.
Love yez all!
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 07:37
@wineoclock thanks! Prancercise!!! Camel Toe now I remember, bloody hilarious! :lol: :grin: :razz:
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 07:42
You have to respect that degree of lunacy @suefromsydney Hahahahahah I'm laughing like a Looney!
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 11:41
I think the nicest thing about this thread is that it is a real reflection of what this forum offers us all. Laughs even at ourselves, support and encouragement. Welcome sue from Sydney and welcome back GMH
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 12:34
Glad to see you back @GMH missed you. This was a great idea for a thread.
Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 15:42
Wineoclock wrote: @Candicemarie and @Lil I think the camel thing might be referring to the Prancersize lady and her err umm camel toe :oops: . Let me see if I can find the link.

Thanks WineO @wineoclock you know, i had a sneaking feeling that the camel was gonna refer to camel toe! :lol: v funny vid! :lol: love the name Prancercise! Reminds me of being at a party yrs ago and a guy saying to me,fancy a prance? :lol: but he said Praaaaarnce and i thought he said,fancy a prawn! :lol: thinkin of food as usual...
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