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Re: Who's missing????
29 Jul 2014, 15:51
Gettin back to justdee's original message..who's missing ..
How about our Julie@Julieathome maybe on hols..
And @philxjr seems to have been on holiday for yonks!
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 11:07
CandiceMarie wrote: Gettin back to justdee's original message..who's missing ..
How about our Julie@Julieathome maybe on hols..
And @philxjr seems to have been on holiday for yonks!

Hi Candice, Im still here but doing badly with the fasting with two failed attempts in the last two weeks. Its my birthday today so will have today off then try and get back on with it. Was doing well and never breaking a fast but fallen off the horse and it wont let me back on at the mo.

Onwards and upwards. Only 5(ish) weeks till I go on holiday so really must get on with it!
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 12:13
Happy birthday Young Philip! X
I sympathise totally,not doing well myself right now..BUT....Phil we' ve had successful weeks before and we will again! We just need More clip clop clippety clop and Less nosebags!
Our horsies need to NAG us more!!! :lol:
Hope you are having the grooviest of birthdays ! :like:
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 20:03
I'm back - never stopped 5:2. Just stopped coming on here. Wow it is changed!
Average loss is just under 1kg a month over the course of a year . This last 2 months I have been lazy and not sticking to 500/600 on fasts. But that is ok. I am back on track as from last Monday :)
I'm happy as I know this works for me .
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 20:24
Hi @geekycat welcome back
Has it changed for the better do you think?
The flippin yellow banner gets on my nerves i know that!
Well done on keeping on keeping on!
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 20:45
Who's missing! Anyone got any news on @julieathome?
Havent seen her for a while...
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 22:52
I dropped out for a while as life the universe and everything was getting on top of me. The fasting is going fairly well, maintaining though, not losing. I'm so busy now trying to get money in (we had to upgrade our car and have a holiday coming up) that I very rarely get on the PC anymore. I've just been given some tins of paint and have totally redecorated my kitchen in 2 days flat in some really zany colours, just in time for my daughter coming home (from Dubai) for 3 weeks. Tomorrow is clean, clean and even more cleaning, as Friday and Saturday I'm away, and then I see my lovely daughter on Sunday. I will be back, but, its not likely to be until late September when I can concentrate on fasting properly again.
Re: Who's missing????
30 Jul 2014, 22:59
Good to hear from you @julieathome. Enjoy your daughters visit, how nice. Maintaining is better than gaining :grin:
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 09:52
@Julieathome good to hear from you x
I admire how youve quickly redone yr kitchen, you dont hang about do you!
Youre a girl after my own heart with the zany colours!
Enjoy having DDhome..myD D& SIL are home for good tomorrow,moving back North,cant wait x
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 14:14
Who's missing? Drilinka but I know that's not her name. I can't remember it exactly though. She was having a tough time and then managed to get a wee car which was giving great joy. Please, someone , put me out of my misery and remind me of the proper name?
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 14:15
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 17:28
Yes @Drilakila like Cally said x where are you drila!
Where's @Wolfie and @LilSmiler? X
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 17:49
Hi @CandiceMarie it has changed quite a bit. I lost all my tracker info and few posts. At first I thought I had logged in with an old email but I have checked and nothing there .
I just browsed some forums and hardly posted but I liked to see the chart going doing in fits and starts lol. reassuring :)
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 18:37
Hi! How sweet of you to miss me. Most appreciated as I have been in a very dark place and lost the plot mentally. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I felt unlovable and pointless.
Having decided I couldn't manage without meds I am back on anti depressants and seem to have found one that has helped me feel good again. In fact I feel content. In recovery it's called serenity and I think I have found it! i hadn't realised until now how depressed I have been for far too long.
Lots has happened...I have put on 4kgs which refuses to shift. I wonder if it's the meds or am I making excuses? I went away for a weekend to a tattoo convention and met up with old friends I hadn't seen in over 14 years, made new ones and my faith in the human race was restored. I got tattooed too. I loved driving my car to Bristol and back. I rehomed my Iguana finally. Got a new rescue dog who has loads of issues but we will work through them.
Best of all I have found a buyer for my business! As of the 1st December I will no longer own my studio and I will be free!!!!!! I will still work there but no longer have the financial responsibility. I am going to visit Manchester in two weeks time and go house hunting in Glossop Derbyshire with a plan to sell my house here in London and move to Glossop after January. I have already got it valued and will have enough to buy a house outright and be mortgage free and have a big chunk in the bank. I will come back to London every month and work for a few days and go back again. Plus lots of people have offered me guest spots and there is an opening for paid union work teaching cross contamination prevention.
I have researched a place for my horse and am really looking forward to a new life and riding the peak district. Semi retirement and time with my horse, dogs and oil paints.
I have never stopped fasting despite putting on weight. I went back to 5:2 but recently went back to 4:3 and am enjoying it. The health benefits are worth it. Plus I am now taking Turmeric and it has made an enormous difference to my fibromyalgia which had got really bad and affected my hands!!!
So I am decorating and de-cluttering while pinching myself to make sure I am not dreaming.
Well, you did ask lol! x
Re: Who's missing????
31 Jul 2014, 18:38
Hey @geekycat maybe one of the Mods could look into that for you coz that tracker has important info for you on it x
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