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Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 07:21
@Goldilox supportive thoughts and good wishes coming to you fae me.
Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 07:22
YAY @drilakila so good to hear you're doing well. That's some transformation in your life. Go you! :victory: (and I've finally clicked as to your name :doh: )
Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 07:25
@imcountingufoz- missing too?
Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 07:35
So sorry to hear this terrible news @Goldilox what a tragic turn of events my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family take very good care of yourself and return to us when ready.
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:

Great update @drilakila sorry you've been in a dark place but glad you're crawling out into a calmer environment with the dogs, animals always stay your best friends unlike some humans
Love your new life in Derbyshire's beautiful peak district such a lovely area, worry not about your weight gain that will soon get blown away when your body is also calmed and ready to drop it
(I gained 5kgs just on a week holiday earlier in the year!!!!)
Take care of yourself and pop into the forum more often. :heart: :heart:
Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 07:37
So sorry to hear your news@Goldilox. My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family.
Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 07:54
Goldilox here.
Thank you so much for all your love , kind thoughts and good wishes. I'm truly touched by all of them . (Apologies if I've forgotten to thank someone. )
As @Peebles so aptly put it , right now what I weigh isn't far up my list of priorities ( funny how things fall into perspective at times like this ).
I know that in time I'll feel better and more able to face the world again . And yes, I WILL be back on the Forum again . . . . .
Till then , Goldilox xx
Re: Who's missing????
01 Aug 2014, 08:04
thanks Sue.Q..actually I did lose someone I considered a good friend. She suddenly stopped all contact because she didn't like something I didn't do with my horse/didn't follow her advice. I was devastated as I considered her my best friend but realised it wasn't about me. Something is wrong with her world and she doesn't want my help or friendship. It's ok. Some people pass by having been the right person for that time then move on. Her loss really.
This drastic change in my life is either going to be the best thing I ever did or a huge mistake lol! I am both terrified and excited. My eldest son is moving to Manchester in about a year or so which was one of the reasons for going there.
I will try and pop in more often now I am in a better state of mind. x
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 12:27
CandiceMarie wrote: Hey @geekycat maybe one of the Mods could look into that for you coz that tracker has important info for you on it x

Hi I pm'd @Moogie about this yesterday.
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 12:44
@Goldiloxjust read this and my heart goes out to you :heart: take care and looking forward to seeing you back here when you feel ready. :heart:
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 12:48
@drilakila great to see you back on here and sounding so upbeat and great news about you coming north. Glossop is a great town, and wonderful countryside all around, am sure you have made a great choice. Keep posting as we will all want to know how things are going for you :like: :clover: :heart: :cool:
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 15:13
We've not heard from@Jemima for a while either.
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 15:18
Had problems getting on here so just catching up. Sorry to hear some have had it so tough. I do hope life becomes easier.
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 15:49
@Goldilox Sending you and your loved ones my deepest sympathy, kind regards and a big forum hug :heart: . Liz
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 16:11
Who was it had the strap line 'fasting is mental'? Think she was from Belfast/ NI.
And where is @jools7?
Re: Who's missing????
02 Aug 2014, 16:17
@Goldilox, sending you & your loved ones sympathy and hugs from here too. :heart: :heart: :heart:
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