I think I am hitting a plateau which is a shame as things have been going so well all this time. It's not unusual is it. Happens to everyone sooner or later it seems.
I don't think it helps that I have had a few alcohol days, winter is on it's way and I have felt the cold which has made me want to eat more carbs and chocolate. Not a lot more but obviously enough to slow the weight loss. I keep an eye on my calories on food days and have been keeping under my limit on fast days.
Biggest issue for me at the moment is Fibromyalgia. My doctor refuses to acknowledge I may have it but my osteopath is pretty sure. It might explain the pain, swollen joints and horrible bouts of very low moods I get. And this week has been a humdinger! I don't like to complain about it, or let it define my life so mostly I try to ignore it. Yes I feel under pressure and stress, just like everyone else my life is a challenge and not easy for all the usual reasons. The pain I can mostly handle, I never know which bit of me will hurt on any given day although once one part of me hurts more than I can ignore it sometimes stays for weeks or months, and I can take painkillers when I really have to. It's the bone crushing sadness that overwhelms me that makes things even harder to deal with. The last thing I should do is become even more of a recluse but when things get very black all I want to do is hide away, which probably makes it worse!
So maybe this is partly why I am plateauing. Or maybe it just is what it is and I must not worry about it lol.
And I have a confession to make...I don't enjoy Christmas! The only good thing about it is I give myself 10 days off work lol. I don't have much family and even fewer friends...my kids are grown up and want to be elsewhere or in the case of my youngest he's not a fan of Christmas either. I have very little money so gifts are problematic in that I want to buy expensive things for my sons and their girlfriends but can't afford to. I try to make things like knitted stuff but then time is not a luxury I seem to have. Started making son no.1 a jumper for his birthday at the end of September..I have half a sleeve to do yet so it's now a Christmas present.
I am such a whinge-bag! I am sorry lol. Sometimes I think if I talk about it all, it might go away hahaha!
I caved in and I tried the size 10 jeans on...got them as far as my knees! I hate them, not my knees the jeans, so they are going back and getting exchanged for a size 12. I will forget about being a size 10 for a while I think. Why torture myself more, eh? x