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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Wow!
01 Nov 2013, 12:38
Oh wonderful. And new jeans too....... Best way to celebrate your new body :like:
Re: Wow!
07 Nov 2013, 08:37
Carrots are my saving grace!! I struggled with fasting yesterday. I was ok until about 4 pm when I had to go and buy something to eat.Perhaps it was being in an unheated studio as the boiler broke last week and I had a new one fitted which took all day. I was careful about calories and carbs and had quorn fake chicken and some raspberries.
But oh boy was I hungry all eve! I made quince jelly and had to taste it so a couple of sugary tastings didn't help. Neither did the rosemary foccacia I bought for today, staring at me saying eat me, eat me.
Someone on here said they eat sprouts stir fried with garlic and chilli. I made that and it was really good but I didn't make enough. Still wanting to eat I had a small bowl of low fat ice cream and totted up my calories for the day.493 in total after the ice cream.
But the hunger didn't go away despite drinking enough fluid so I chopped up a carrot. Phew, that hit the spot so I had another one. There's something about munching on fresh raw carrot that satiates my need to chew lol. I usually find after eating them my jaw aches and I can't chew any more.
Anyone else have something that helps stop the need to eat and eat and eat? x
Re: Wow!
07 Nov 2013, 09:17
Well done that is amazing!! Keep it up x
Re: Wow!
09 Nov 2013, 08:42
Pffft. 81kg today but everything else had ground to a halt. I am feeling very down and miserable for no reason and struggled with my fast yesterday. The daytime went well but once I had my evening meal it went a bit wrong. Only 100cals over but it's not like me. The compulsion to eat crap was almost overwhelming! Went to bed instead. Go me!
I am not my usual happy self so am going to be anti social for a short while, indulge my miserable side by going off and having a good cry (or ten)and maybe it will lift in a few days. Happy fasting my virtual friends x
Re: Wow!
09 Nov 2013, 15:29

Hang in there - happens all the time: post71147.html#p71147

Good Luck!
Re: Wow!
14 Nov 2013, 08:49
slowly crawling out of the hole I fell in a few days ago. A couple of things have helped...the scales read 80.9kg this morning. That magic 80kg is in my sights well before Dec 25th. More importantly, yesterday I passed Level 3 online in the Parelli Natural Horsemanship that I study. There are four official levels my lovely horse and I are really progressing.
I got my size 10 'inspirational jeans' and it's very hard resisting the temptation to try them on. Unfortunately they aren't the style I thought I was buying, the denim is horribly shiny and thin but hey they are for inspiration and I can always buy a different pair.
I bought thermal long-johns this week because I spend a fair bit of time outdoors with my horse and got chilblains in my thighs last year. Size 14 proved to be a bit loose, I was expecting them to be tight. It is taking me time to adjust to my new size it seems lol. But they fit under my jeans without making them tight. Wonderful!
Fasting has been easier as the week went on and Friday should be really good. Am a little excited about weigh in on Saturday! x
Re: Wow!
14 Nov 2013, 09:06
Keep going drilakila! :like: :like: Glad you are feeling better.
Re: Wow!
14 Nov 2013, 09:39
aww thanks rawkaren xxx
Re: Wow!
16 Nov 2013, 08:56
I think I am hitting a plateau which is a shame as things have been going so well all this time. It's not unusual is it. Happens to everyone sooner or later it seems.
I don't think it helps that I have had a few alcohol days, winter is on it's way and I have felt the cold which has made me want to eat more carbs and chocolate. Not a lot more but obviously enough to slow the weight loss. I keep an eye on my calories on food days and have been keeping under my limit on fast days.
Biggest issue for me at the moment is Fibromyalgia. My doctor refuses to acknowledge I may have it but my osteopath is pretty sure. It might explain the pain, swollen joints and horrible bouts of very low moods I get. And this week has been a humdinger! I don't like to complain about it, or let it define my life so mostly I try to ignore it. Yes I feel under pressure and stress, just like everyone else my life is a challenge and not easy for all the usual reasons. The pain I can mostly handle, I never know which bit of me will hurt on any given day although once one part of me hurts more than I can ignore it sometimes stays for weeks or months, and I can take painkillers when I really have to. It's the bone crushing sadness that overwhelms me that makes things even harder to deal with. The last thing I should do is become even more of a recluse but when things get very black all I want to do is hide away, which probably makes it worse!
So maybe this is partly why I am plateauing. Or maybe it just is what it is and I must not worry about it lol.
And I have a confession to make...I don't enjoy Christmas! The only good thing about it is I give myself 10 days off work lol. I don't have much family and even fewer kids are grown up and want to be elsewhere or in the case of my youngest he's not a fan of Christmas either. I have very little money so gifts are problematic in that I want to buy expensive things for my sons and their girlfriends but can't afford to. I try to make things like knitted stuff but then time is not a luxury I seem to have. Started making son no.1 a jumper for his birthday at the end of September..I have half a sleeve to do yet so it's now a Christmas present.
I am such a whinge-bag! I am sorry lol. Sometimes I think if I talk about it all, it might go away hahaha!
I caved in and I tried the size 10 jeans them as far as my knees! I hate them, not my knees the jeans, so they are going back and getting exchanged for a size 12. I will forget about being a size 10 for a while I think. Why torture myself more, eh? x
Re: Wow!
16 Nov 2013, 09:20
Aw drilakila, so sorry to hear you are feeling so low and sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes to try and cheer you up. Have you ever thought of changing your GP if you don't think he is acknowledging your fibromyalgia? ( and possibly depression?) :?: I think lots of people share your dread of Christmas and not living up to all the hype and expectations. Just concentrate on yourself this year, have a good long rest from work and give yourself some little treats. It's only one day and you have done so well so try not to let things get you down. I know it's easier said than done but re-read some of your posts and you will realise you've come a long way. :victory:
Will be thinking of you and checking back on your future posts! :wink:
Re: Wow!
16 Nov 2013, 10:07
Bless you, you are not alone, you are here with all of us {{{+}}}

Have a look on the primal blueprint site that is as you may be able to alleviate some of your symptons eating less to no grains. It's fascinating reading.

:like: :clover: :heart:
Re: Wow!
19 Nov 2013, 08:56
Sometimes I forget that I have probably got Fibromyalgia and when it gets bad like it has this last week I am a mess lol.
But when I got on the scales this morning to my great surprise they read 79.7kg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's about 12 and a half stone!Never ever ever been this weight (not since I was a teenager probably!!!) so I am trying to smile and not crack the scab I have on my bottom lip from Sunday when Freyja my Bull Terror headbutted me and split my lip open. The amount of blood was shocking!
Had a good fast day yesterday and I know the scales will read more this week as my weight fluctuates but it's a real boost for now. x
Re: Wow!
19 Nov 2013, 09:05
Way to go Drilakila! Every New Low counts IMHO! :like:
Re: Wow!
19 Nov 2013, 09:12
Hey does this mean you have already hit your Christmas target???????
Re: Wow!
19 Nov 2013, 09:20
erm...yes! Blimey! I need to set a new target maybe lol. But let's see what happens on official weigh in day eh? x
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