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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
08 Jul 2014, 16:48
Congrats to everyone who has managed to keep with it!

Life, unfortunately, got very much in the way. My last few weeks of uni I was all over the place visiting family and drinking/eating lord knows what so I'm very much back to square one again. The thought of picking up the 30DS again feels very depressing at the moment :( Maybe after I'm back from my holiday to France I can start squeezing it in, but I think I'm going to start swimming instead.

Anyway, I'd just like to say well done!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
14 Jul 2014, 09:50
hey! @Janeg

how are you all? sorry i missed your tag, been on holiday for aggggeeesssss!

Just got back, and planning on starting 30 Day Slim Down - which is a rotation of a few of Jillians DVD's. However I need to get an injection in my leg at the end of the week, so i'll be starting next week maybe depending how that goes!

I managed to stay the same weight after over a month of not fasting and not working out as much, although my muscles are a wee bit flabbier, it's not too bad actually, and i've still been running/walking so i'm pretty happy!

well done on finishing the shred! It's a good feeling! I only lost 1lb over the month of doing it, that's common, but being up is common too, It's building muscle for sure! I tried to do the 30 day challenges while i was on holiday, but we were packed into such small spaces that I really couldnt do it, I managed a few push ups one day, but it really was too hot and too cramped!

How's everyone else doing?
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