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30 Day Shred - May 2014
30 Apr 2014, 10:37
Or any other Jillian Michaels workout?

It has certainly helped me before to post here about the shred. I might be going on holiday in June, and May is exams month so I'm hitting the revision/exercise at the same time! 30DS certainly helped me drop a few inches last time, and I know there were quite a lot of us trying it.

I think the whole thing is on YouTube now, for any newbies, so would anyone care to join me? :)
I'll join you!

I've been deliberating on the whole exercise issue and you've helped me make up my mind. See you in here on May 1st :clover: :like:
I finished shred last year and started it again but got bored quite quickly, I think knowing what was to come all the time and the repetitiveness wasn't appealing. So instead I opted for Body Revolution. It's 90 days and starts off easier than shred but gets incredibly hard! I am on week 8 of 12 and I am stronger than ever and can really see and feel the results. If you love Jillian's workouts then give it a try!
That sounds really good @vebnorahs! I do have 3 of her other DVDs, but I'm so out of shape at the moment I thought I'd start off again with the 30DS to try and get me back into shape :) How long is the workout for the Body Revolution one?
Same as shred, averaging 30 mins. There's 12 workouts and 3 cardio sessions. It's divided into 3 phases and you do cardio 1 throughout phase 1, cardio 2 in phase 2 and cardio 3 in phase 3. The pattern for the 1st phase is like this:

Weeks 1-2
Monday: workout 1
Tuesday: workout 2
Wednesday: cardio 1
Thursday: workout 1
Friday: workout 2
Saturday: cardio 1
Sunday: rest

Weeks 3-4
Monday: workout 3
Tuesday: workout 4
Wednesday: cardio 1
Thursday: workout 3
Friday: workout 4
Saturday: cardio 1
Sunday: rest

You do the same pattern for phases 2 and 3 moving up the workouts and cardio dvds.
That's quite funny, was thinking that I started that this time last year earlier on today, and that I should restart as summer is approaching,I might just join you :)
Sounds interesting, @vebnorahs :) I like that it actually gives you a rest day, 30DS doesn't really... Although I saw in an interview Jillian Michaels said she would've liked to put rest days in the programme but it didn't work for marketing reasons.

I hope you do, @Nicky_94 :) We had quite a group of us last year, that's why I thought people might be interested again!
Sorry for the double post, but DAY 1 :)

I am very unfit. I learned this last night at my Taekwondo class, which I haven't done for about 3 months (or more?). Anyway, I was worried I would be too sore to start today but I was not! Dragged myself out of bed and did the shred, albeit the easy version. Going to ease myself in. Still, it's done, and I'm feeling good :) Took my measurements and I'll take them again on Days 10/20/30, and I'm only weighing today and Day 30. Quite happy with myself.
Think I'll stick with yoga and walking at the moment but I think its a great idea to do this workout together. Have you ever tried Cindy Crawford? I always found they worked wonders!

Bean :bugeyes:
Well done BethP!!

I have not started yet, I'm going to start tomorrow, today was a bank holiday in France and with the kids about I just didn't get time.

Anyone else joining??
@nursebean I've never tried Cindy Crawford. Just found Jillian Michaels, and thank goodness she's right up my street! It's definitely nice to do the workout with other people :) Looking forward to hearing about your first day, @Nicky_94!
:grin: Day 1 is done, the cardio was actually fine (thanks HIIT) but the strength training bit was hard, I went for the harder versions and regretted it on the last set as my legs and arms were shaking.
Think I'm going to do Monday to Friday only and give myself the weekends off, so it's going to take me longer than 30 days but I think (I hope) I'll stick with it better.
How did day 2 go @BethP?
Day 2 was fine, was definitely sore but I tried my best. The jump rope kills me every time! I can never complete it. My calves always try to seize up. But apart from that, I can complete everything. Feeling it in my muscles today but not too bad, looking forward to Day 3 later today :)

Glad to hear it went well, @Nicky_94 :) If your muscles were shaking that means you pushed yourself, which is good. Bit sore today? Also, what's HIIT like? Is that the 'Fast Exercise'?

@Winsome, are you still along for the ride? :)
BethP wrote: Day 2 was fine, was definitely sore but I tried my best. The jump rope kills me every time! I can never complete it. My calves always try to seize up. But apart from that, I can complete everything. Feeling it in my muscles today but not too bad, looking forward to Day 3 later today :)

Glad to hear it went well, @Nicky_94 :) If your muscles were shaking that means you pushed yourself, which is good. Bit sore today? Also, what's HIIT like? Is that the 'Fast Exercise'?

@Winsome, are you still along for the ride? :)

A little bit sore, but nothing like as bad as last year, I remember I could hardly move!

Do you wear trainers when you do the shred? I had the calves cramping thing last year until I put my trainers on and that seemed to help.

And yes, HIIT is basically the same as fast exercise, it's doing bursts of activity working as hard as you can followed by a short recovery time, which is basically the principle of the shred too. I've been doing a few minutes of HIIT a week on and off throughout the winter, and though I haven't seen any big changes to my body shape I feel a big difference when I do the cardio, I barely even get out of breath!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
03 May 2014, 21:19
Do you mind if I join in? Done 30ds before but ages ago and really need to get fit again and having told someone you're going to do it kind of makes you do it and I could do with the motivation at the moment
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