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Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
12 May 2014, 11:26
Sounds like you're doing great with the shred and your thesis, @Nicky_94 :)

Level 2 is fine, haven't done my Day 2 yet but I'll do it later. Revision is taking precedence at the moment. My first exam is on thursday, and it's my Shakespeare module... eek! Just praying some of this revision is going into my head.

EDIT: Just done my Day 3, really struggling to finish the whole workout at the moment! I can keep up until the last circuit, which then kills me. Ah well, something to work towards.
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
14 May 2014, 11:16
Well done @BethP

I've just done day 8 of level one, it's quite easy now but going to stick with it for two more days, I think I'm going to need all of the arm strength I can get for the planks which are to come in levels 2 and 3!

Good luck with the Shakespere exam, I'm sure it's all going in to your head and you have nothing to worry about. What are you studying? I did languages and literature as an undergraduate, and I always felt that as long as you are a good writer you can't really 'fail' a literature exam, even if you don't know as much as you should about the subject!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
17 May 2014, 11:51
I'm studying English Literature, @Nicky_94 :) Only got one more exam to go now, Contemporary Literature on the 23rd! I think you're quite right, as long as you know the basics about a text you should be able to blag a good answer...

How's Level 1 going? Or are you on Level 2 yet?

I've completely fallen off the wagon :( Missed my last few days and screwed up a fast. Ah well, I'm fasting today instead and I may just have to start my Level 2 again to get the full benefit of the 10 days!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
17 May 2014, 12:29
I missed one yesterday, will try to make up for it tomorrow but starting level 2 on Monday regardless!

Glad to hear you've nearly finished exams, and even more glad I haven't had to do any for my masters!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
19 May 2014, 16:23
Day one of level 2 done! It was a challenge, but I like it better than level one...forgot all about the plank jacks though and nearly collapsed mid way through the second set!

@BethP so what did you decide, have you started level 2 again?
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
19 May 2014, 20:23
Well done @Nicky_94! The plank jacks are awful haha.

I was going to start today but did 2 hours of Taekwondo instead! And on a fast day! Do you reckon I can count that as Day 1? I think I'm going to... So I'm on Day 2 with you tomorrow :)
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
19 May 2014, 20:45
I think yes! If the shred can take the place of 'hours of phoning it in at the gym' it only stands to reason that hours of taekwondo can take the place of the shred! Cool, now we're synchronised!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
19 May 2014, 20:50
Hey @BethP nice to see you are still here. I'm not shredding this year, I'm walking hoping to build up to running instead. Jillian is good but it hurts too much!

@Nicky_94 My English teachers seemed to think it was very possible for me to fail a literature exam :?:
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
19 May 2014, 20:57
Good idea, @Effie! I hate running, with a passion. I'd like to start one day, but at the moment it's beyond me. My boobs are too big, I'm just not built for it! Good luck though :) You're right, Jillian Michaels does hurt...
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
19 May 2014, 21:06
Ha ha, I haven't built up enough speed for my boobs to be problem yet, but I do wear a sports bra and a reinforced top. Although I have been known to hang on to them - I have no shame :-P

I'm a map geek, so I have the Map my Run app so I can see a breakdown of my speed, route, elevation, loads of data!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
20 May 2014, 07:45

I was doing the 30 day shred in the last thread of the 30 day shred folk! I'm back doing it again too. L1D5 today... finding it a lot easier than last time, just in terms of strength and overall fitness, but I am a bit lighter and i've been running/exercising a lot since the last round.

hope you're all doing ok?

BethP - yeah you just need a good sports bra, i've got a shock absorber and it's fab, my boobs are huge and I still run... (although most of the girls at the gym have tiny chests... no fair!)
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
20 May 2014, 09:55
@Effie, sounds like you're having fun with it :) Maps are pretty much my worst nightmare. I think if I was going to start running it'd have to be on a treadmill. I love being outside, but I hate the thought of people seeing me run for some reason!

Hey hey, @rebelsue2! Glad to hear it's easier this time, I know what you mean. I haven't done my L2D2 yet but I should do that later. I've just bought a new sports bra, actually, finally got sized correctly. Thought I was a 34F and turns out I'm a 30HH... whoops. Very jealous of small-chested girls who can run with ease!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
20 May 2014, 10:11
Yeah i'm the same, i'd love not to have to change all my underwear before doing 30DS every night!

I seen a funny meme on the net the other day it said "I can only run as fast as my boobs allow".... so true!

I've tried to get sized in so many shops but they're never accurate... I can't find anywhere that will give me a size i'm comfortable in. I just try them on now, there's definitely certain styles that don't work when you're bigger!

Anyhoo, somehow i've managed to hi-jack the thread and talk about boobs! sorry! :lol:
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
20 May 2014, 19:34
Haha don't worry about hijacking the thread :D Have you tried Bravissimo? That's where I went. I was very sceptical at first about the backsize but she convinced me, and she was right in the end. Now that they've worn in a bit it is right. It's just so expensive there :(

Trying to force myself to go do my 30DS now... Struggling! It's been a pretty crappy day with revision and friend problems. Must get some motivation!
Re: 30 Day Shred - May 2014
20 May 2014, 19:44
Ha, I'm not going to help motivate you @BethP as I didn't shred today, I was at a training thing all day long, then everyone was already at home in the evening when I got home so I wasn't about to go jumping about infront of everyone.

I have no boobs at all, still won't catch me running though, I am just crap at it...
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