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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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janeg wrote: Lovely to see @MaryAnn back on the bike- Yes It IS HARD! I can't say I'm enjoying it but I'm doing it.

Thanks @janeg, but I've switched to the elliptical. Even though my tail bone seems recovered, I'm not getting near a bike for awhile.

I'm glad you're sticking with it. I think there's something in sticking with a particular routine for a while before increasing. No sense over doing it.
Wow, thanks, @janeg, so touching that you would miss me ( I'm assuming that it's me you're missing??? Apologies if not!!)

I have had a really rough week. I had a therapy training weekend last weekend in Sydney, so I knew I wouldn't be HIITing there, but I have been dealing with the aftermath of copping it from a trainer in front of the group - and have only this morning got to a place where I can fast, let alone HIIT - tomorrow, I think, for that, I am being kind to myself by not pushing too hard.

So what made the difference to my emotional state this morning? I had really internalized my trainer's criticism, but after a lot of work on myself, and a lot of support from my two fellow students and dear friends, this morning I borrowed my bestie's edict - she is a world-renowned blogger on childcare issues, (you can read her blog at auntannieschildcare.blogspot), and her bottom line for dealing with really challenging behaviour is " I won't let you do that" (while of course providing support and a listening ear to the child). So I borrowed that to deal with my really nasty internal figure who was saying all kinds of horrible things to me - "I won't let you do that!" AND it worked! I feel much more at peace with myself. I think I will write a blog post myself, because it's quite complicated, but it might be useful for others besides me, who have problems with emotional eating.

Sorry to give a long reply to a simple question! But thanks so much, Jane, for your concern, it actually means a lot to me! Bless you and this forum!!

Back on Squeaky tomorrow for me! I'll let you know how I go - #26, signing off!
@MaryAnn ah, the elliptical- I do remember! I'm being nice to me and not setting myself up to fail!
@jools7 yes jools it IS you! I am awful with numbers! That sounds a really tough time you've been having. So glad you have got yourself to a place where you can sort out the nasties. I did a lot of training - both as a trainer and recipient- in sensitive issues and am very conscious of how careful you MUST be when people put their trust in you. I sometimes think that the more self development we do the more vulnerable we become...
So glad you're getting through it and you're back here HIITing.
Oh, and @MaryAnn, I do identify with the dread factor - I don't think it's only coming from your tail! I get it myself, I used to have to spend all day psyching myself up to get on Squeaky, my cross trainer. Maybe there's also a physiological element going on here too - perhaps we're anticipating those huge adrenaline & noradrenaline surges that HIT produces - fight or flight hormones (epinephrine & norepinephrine to our American cousins) - they are responsible for the good effects of HIT, but our poor brains need some reassurance on that score, all they get is the fight or flight!

Happy HITing, everyone, I'll be joining in tomorrow!
I'm so not an adrenaline junkie, so that makes a lot of sense!

I found this link for a nice summary of the different protocols (the Boutcher protocol is referred to as Trapp, the first author on the paper): ... protocols/

I'm off to the gym now, btw, for weight training. I expected to dread this, but for some reason I don't.
Thank you so much@janeg for your sweet words. Yes I do think we get more vulnerable as we get more involved, and the whole paradigm is more important to us.

So glad you're going well on Mad Max, and also being kind to yourself by not increasing it too fast, sounds like a great example of self care to me.
That's another really informative article @MaryAnn ta
Thanks for the link, @MaryAnn. It's great to think that there are a number of experts out there who believe in HIT. MM's Fast Exercise book has certainly got me doing something, which is fairly unbelievable given my previous record for exercise of any sort! :shock:

@janeg, good to see that Mad Max is getting his fair share of attention! :smile: I am beginning to think that on a rowing machine, the high intensity periods need to be more than 30 seconds because I am still not managing to raise my heart rate above 125 even though I have increased the intensity to 7. Perhaps I'm just not being vigorous enough! What stroke rate are you on during the fast parts of the session? :?:

Good luck to all on this HIT challenge. Aren't we doing well! :like:
Only managed two minutes again today. The flight back yesterday took its toll on my body I think! Looking forward to doing a full week next week.

By the way I've only gained 1 pound after over two weeks of not fasting and not keeping to my fitbit targets whilst away. I'm putting it down to a bit of 16:8 and keeping up with the hiit :)

Thank you stowgateresident . Well done to you too :)
@StowgateResident I have the resistance set at 6 and manage to hit about 2'00" for 500m at least once- usually in the first period, sometimes in the second but by the time I get to the fifth one, I 'm quite flagging. Down to about 2'10"
and another shred day bites the dust
and I managed 16:8 yesterday and looking as though that might work again today.
The plan could finally be coming together...
HIT member #24 finally showing up. Begged to join mid-January then immediately went off on a one week cruise and came back with 6.5 unwelcome pounds which I JUST got off as of today. This was using ADF only and no exercise at all.

Dr. MM's book, Fast Exercise, doesn't come out in North America until Mar.25 so I have to improvise. I had purchased a High Intensity Training DVD from Amazon around Christmas but just started it today.
It seems to be a modified Tabata workout program ( 8 floor exercises, each performed at max intensity for 20sec, rest 10 sec and repeat. Do this for all 8 exercises and add 1 minute warm-up and cool down and you have 10 min total). For my current slothful, totally unconditioned self, it was an intense workout but might not be challenging enough for you fit lot :lol:

The DVD is very short on info, e.g. how often to do it (daily, 3X weekly :?: )I am sure this has been asked and answered in this thread before but would appreciate advice.
Hi @judithn, and, on behalf of everyone, welcome back to the HIT club!

As far as frequency goes, I would say 3 times a week is tonnes, I think there's evidence that more often than that doesn't add anything. And your body needs a chance to recover and build muscle.

Hope it goes well for you!
#28 checking in....

This afternoon was the third HIIT session of the week and also third day of exercise on the trot. Did the usual of half hour, or thereabouts aerobic on the treadmill (walking) then the HIIT session on the elliptical trainer. But, I took my Garmin and recorded my HR for the full session. This includes the little peak at the front to 120+, which is probably caused by me jogging up to the two flights of stairs to the first floor where the gym itself is ;-).

So for all the nerds among us ;-) :-


You can see the max pulse increasing and recovery time getting worse with each 30-35 second sprint (level 16 on the elliptical and about as fast as I can spin it).

One thing to note is that the Garmin HR readings are in close agreement with the HR readings on the Elliptical trainer itself.

Avg HR: 137 (for the whole session), Max HR: 164 Cals: 791
LastChance wrote: #28 checking in....

This afternoon was the third HIIT session of the week and also third day of exercise on the trot. Did the usual of half hour, or thereabouts aerobic on the treadmill (walking) then the HIIT session on the elliptical trainer. But, I took my Garmin and recorded my HR for the full session. This includes the little peak at the front to 120+, which is probably caused by me jogging up to the two flights of stairs to the first floor where the gym itself is ;-).

So for all the nerds among us ;-) :-

You can see the max pulse increasing and recovery time getting worse with each 30-35 second sprint (level 16 on the elliptical and about as fast as I can spin it).

One thing to note is that the Garmin HR readings are in close agreement with the HR readings on the Elliptical trainer itself.

Avg HR: 137 (for the whole session), Max HR: 164 Cals: 791

Loving your graph! thanks for sharing.
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