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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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About that maximum heart rate equation… ... te/?src=me
MaryAnn wrote: About that maximum heart rate equation… ... te/?src=me

LOL I clicked the link to the abstract of the study that derived the 211 - 0.64*age equation and it has a standard error of 10.8 bpm... :razz: Not very helpful advice to tell me my max HR is somewhere between 172 and 194.
this is the link to the MM tracker I referenced this a.m.

Ha! I realized I totally miscalculated my hr this morning! I did a 10 sec count, not a 6 second one. My range for 80-90% is actually 136-153. SO, sadly, I was nowhere NEAR my target hr, how embarrassing. :)
YAY! did my six days in a row mix of madmax HIIT and 30 day shred, one rest day (thought I was coming down with a lurghi) and I actually was back on MadMax this morning before I really knew what was going on!
I may have broken through :victory:
I added in another two sprints so that was a 5 minute warm up, 5 'goes' at 20 sec up and 40 sec down, 2 minutes recovery and another 2 @ 20 sec up 40 sec down.
No real change in max heart rate and found it hard going but I have
1 kept to my plan of doing it - Fitness February
2 managed to increase slightly before I sort of intended to.

My next hurdle is two nights away in a hotel. No madmax and not enough interwebs for the shred programme which I watch/shout at via youtube.
I go tomorrow so can shred in the morning before we go, need something for Friday and Saturday.
It has a pool but probably isn't big enough for HIIting
Crosstrainer if it has a gym? Bedroom exercises (I wish :oops: )
Suggestions gratefully accepted.
Think I might be on a roll and want to keep the momentum going :victory:

Probably do need to change my signature now. :razz:
How's everyone else doing? Noticed this thread falling off the end of the new post page. :shock:
Reporting in after my second session of the week. I've altered it slightly and replaced lunges and squats with more step ups and jumping jacks to take the pressure of my sore hip. I also did it later today than usual and I find it so much harder to do.

Janeg I have a timer app that I downloaded from the App Store and I've made my own schedule on it. You could do the same. Jot down the exercises from the shred and timings and then you could make your own session.

The app I have is called gymboss.
#27 reporting in! Missed my Monday session but fitted it in yesterday and then did my usual session for today. :smile: (I do alternate days) Nowhere near getting the speed that @janegmanages but I have found myself rowing with more effort and faster, so that must be classed as an improvement, mustn't it? :?:

Keep it up everyone! If I can do it, as a very unfit, nearly 65 year old, then anyone can!
I managed a whole 17mins tonight!
Congrats Maryann :) I'm signing in a but late to say I completed my 3rd session of the week on Friday.

A friends has said today that he has a heart monitor to lend me. I'm really looking forward to using it while doing hiit as so far I am only guessing. I'll admit usually all talk of numbers scares me and sounds like gobbledygook but I'm hoping I might make sense of it a bit more with my own!

Have a good weekend everyone.
Checking in -- got through week 6/16 and HIIT session 18/48 yesterday.

One thing I'm noticing is that, as time progresses, my heart rate after the same HIIT routine is falling. At first a 4-minute Tabata (8 intervals) pushed my HR up to 174-176 without too much thought. Friday a 6-minute Tabata (12 intervals) only got my HR up to 155-156 or so.

My max HR is in the 176-183 range, so 155 is still at least 85% max, so I'm not too worried about the benefits of HIIT diminishing. My question is, should this lowering of final HR be expected as I get in better shape, or should I be pushing myself harder and harder to maintain a final HIIT HR as I get in better shape?
I found this link somewhat helpful regarding target heart rates for HIIT. According to it we should be targeting 80-90% max HR for a good chunk of the HIIT routine, maybe peaking in that 90-100% at the very end just for a little bit (though not to get disappointed if we don't get above 90%). That is, unless I'm not understanding it.

I'm thinking there's at least two legitimate ways to do HIIT:

1. Shorter duration total intervals, like the Tabata 4-minute, 8-interval workout where you peak in the 95-100% HR range at the very end, completely spent.

2. Longer duration total intervals, like 60sec-up/60sec-down or 2min-up/1min-down for 15-20 minutes total, where you target the 80-90% max HR zone for a good chunk of the last half of the workout but may not hit above 90% at any time during the workout.

Any thoughts on this?
#17 checking in for Saturday. 20 min total w/30 sec sprints & 2-3 min recovery on the treadmill that I bought in July & looked at admiringly until now. HR during recovery periods started out ~ 120, a little low, but by the second & subsequent 4 cycles it was between 134 - 167, in my 80-90% range. After 2 minute cool down I was back @114, so I was comfortable ending there.

@Bruce - both your scenarios sound like what Dr. M writes about, I think you're on track with that line of thought. I like the Tabata style 4 min ones, but getting my heart rate that high is a little scary, still have a fear of collapsing working that hard! I'm nowhere near as fit as many here :)

I'm curious, has anyone noticed a waist reduction since starting HIT?
love the discussion, sadly, can't take it in at the moment as I'm off to a meeeeeeettttiiinnnggg - yes boring!

#26 just checking in, only my 2nd workout for the week, but it felt much easier today, and I was almost looking forward to it - for the first time, the 8 seconds seemed too short and the 12 seconds seemed just right, and when the guy says,"you're halfway" and "5 mins to go" - I said a big gracious THANK YOU!

happy HIITing everyone!
Hi all!
It's been ages since I have posted on this thread so have to admit that I haven't read the hundreds of posts that have happened since, but I trust you are all going well.
I have now done 2 weeks of the HIT regime as outlined below, and am still struggling to do 20secs of high intensity. No idea what my heart rate gets to either - I do have a monitor somewhere so must have a hunt for it.
Not sure that I am working hard enough tho - no sore muscles after... May need to increase the number of repetitions and/or increase the weights.
Will see how I am feeling in a coupe of weeks. :)
Second set of six in a row completed! Well pleased.
HIITing alternate days with the shred thing continuing. Up to full press ups but back to modified as my knee is niggling.
HIIT on madmax (don't ya just love him - not! ) added two further intervals so now doing
5 mins warm up
5 intervals ( 20 up, 40 down)
2 mins just rowing
2 more intervals 20/40
1 min recovery.
Heart rate after is about 160 and down to q120 after a cool down.
Day off tomorrow then back to it.
Had 2 days away and needed to modify. Thanks for the tips. Ended up doing the madmax routin eon a stationary bike. Ouch, ouch and thrice ouch. Really hard! Respect to them that do it on a bike!
Next day did 10 mins on a cross trainer and 10 on the bike.
And lots of walking.
And managed some 16:8 too.
Number 4 signing off.
Happy HIITing everyone.
I don't think I've done enough HIIT to affect my fitness yet, but it did feel on Sunday running my 10k race that I could push myself harder for longer. I didn't quite make my goal of a sub-1 hour 10k (yes, I'm that slow), but I did knock another 3.5 minutes off my PB. My last drop in time was bigger, but I think almost entirely due to weight loss. This time, it was mostly fitness (not just HIIT--lots of hill running and strength training, too). The next race is in April--races, I should say, a 10k and a half-marathon. I'm hoping 2x HIIT/week between now and then will get me below 1 hr.
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