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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Re: Are there any runners here?
11 May 2013, 16:16
Today is my 54th Birthday so I wanted to get a good parkrun time. It didn't start too well - it rained! and I managed to pause my phone GPS app after 9 secs, rather than waste time fiddling with that I got properly started, and went surprisingly well. I ended up with a new PB at 32mins 14sec - 33 sec off my previous PB last week!! :grin:

2 lessons learnt from today -
Running in the rain isn't TOO bad
Glasses are not helpful in the rain.

Looking forward to a posh dinner at our local Gastro Pub, which is in walking distance, but it is now chucking it down.
Re: Are there any runners here?
11 May 2013, 16:20
Well done to Pete and vebnorahs :like:
Pete your times still seem insanely quick to me :smile:
vebnorahs Good Luck for tomorrow :clover:
Re: Are there any runners here?
11 May 2013, 17:48
Happy rest of your Birthday - and well done for another PB! My times seem awfully pedestrian to me, but then I started running in 1981 and used to do marathons & suchlike - parkrun pace used to be training pace not too long ago!
It was illuminating to do intervals with wife last week - I am tending to run 400 meters at a pace I ran a whole marathon 24 years ago (the week after we were married, as it happens)! She is improving all the time now, 60 years old and ran 28:05 today, so there is plenty of hope for you Sian...
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 May 2013, 15:03
Happy belated birthday Sians :victory:

Race for Life was a little disappointing this morning. I ran the same sort pace as yesterday's parkrun and was on target for a PB. Then at about 2.5 miles in the finish line was visible. Whoever measured the distance got it nearly half a mile out!! 2.73 miles, so a 5k that was only 4.4k; such a shame :frown: Still, I finished the reduced distance in 26 mins so not all bad!
Re: Are there any runners here?
13 May 2013, 07:30
Looks like another good running weekend. I didn't get out on Friday, I had a rest and a chocolate binge instead, oops, but went out yesterday and dud the 20 minutes! And I didn't collapse on the floor! And a friend helped drag an old bike I have back into the light and spruced it up a bit (still need some outer tyres replacing and he was saying something about a frayed gear cord or something) but I had a peddle about with it! So, all being well I may have something else to add to the running. Yesterday was a good day. :)
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 May 2013, 19:32
Well done one your 20 mins running Elaine :like: What does the next stage consist of?
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 May 2013, 19:05
Have nearly completed 7 fasts now, and have found that I can run for longer, and that my breathing is easier than it used to be. I have more energy overall, which has improved my cycling, too.
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 May 2013, 21:04
Great news, and several of us seem to have had similar experiences. Keep it up!
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 May 2013, 10:44
Worst parkrun since Xmas today - 25:22 by my watch - with no energy and considerable hip pain. Spent yesterday resting and eating carbohydrates (and peeing, for some reason) and weighed myself at 135 lbs this morning, way lighter than after my fasting days. Yes, it was quite a hard week for exercise but I did not expect to be so weak today. Hope the rest of you have done well, as usual when I have a bad run my wife manages a PB (27:49)!
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 May 2013, 12:43
Great run today 28:37. That's 1.46 faster than last week and 5:11 faster than my first Parkrun 4 weeks ago. To say I'm pleased would be un understatement :0D
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 May 2013, 15:48 ... ber=462483

Broke that 30 minute target - OK, by a mere 3 seconds, but I didn't think I'd managed it at all, so I'm delighted!

Champagne, I think.
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 May 2013, 16:50
Yep- I'm a runner!
Manchester 10 k next Sunday and hoping for under 60 mins. Last time was 61 min but I ran with a long legged bloke who paced me all the way around. Got my iPhone GPS this time to make sure I pass those 1 km markers in under 6 mins.
I just need to tell myself- its just one hour of pushing myself-hard!!
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 May 2013, 15:12
I did Manchester last year.... Good route - ideal for a fast time ;)
Not doing it thus year as its a week later and falls on the start if half term and my holiday in the lakes ....

Hope the weather is dry and not too warm for you - good luck :)
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 May 2013, 17:42
Well done you speedy lot :like:

I didn't do my parkrun yesterday - my son passed his cold on to me and I didn't feel up to it. I did do a run this morning just under 5km, not a bad time but a little voice kept telling me I could quit if I wanted to because of my cold. Anyone else have this sort of little devil on their shoulder?
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 May 2013, 18:10
Apparently, we can run if our symptoms are from the neck upwards eg sore throat, blocked nose.

If they are below the neck eg cough, diarrhoea, we shouldn't.

Whether or not we feel like it is a different matter!
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