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Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Apr 2013, 18:26
Thanks all for your replies, I decided to stick to the Cross Trainer today, and will run tomorrow unless it is raining. I very stupidly got a blister on my heel from going for a walk in inappropriate shoes (stupid, 1st day in a skirt) :frown:
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 Apr 2013, 15:21
Thanks for the welcomes...:D Melanie I'm in Northern Ireland also...down in the City of Culture :)

I'm not doing any long runs at the minute - but I do hope to get upping the mileage before too long...this weekend will be spent running around after my two grandkids!! (Esmé 3.5 and Harrison 7 months) - that'll keep me busy to say the least!!
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 Apr 2013, 18:04
Ha! Bout ye, ye girl ye!

My kids are Jemima, 19 years (studying dance in London), and....Harrison,22, just graduated from Central School of Speech and Drama in Lahndahn, in theatre sound. And guess what, I was born in USA (Up Stairs in Altnagelvin)

Small world, eh?
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 Apr 2013, 18:10
Evening Runners,
Lets hope for a window of dry weather tomorrow at 9AM :clover:
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 08:44
Is it normal to be going about the place thinking there would be a good place to run and there and there?
Hope everyone has a good weekend. I did my podcast yesterday but it started skipping just as I started the last 5 mins. So didn't finish satisfactorily. Try again tomorrow.
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 09:14
Lol Melanie - we're practically neighbours :)

We have 3 "kids" Jenn - she's the married one with the kiddies (she's 25) Daniel is at home and studying music at Magee UU and Laura is nearly 20 living at home and studying music at tech...we're all a bit musical! :)

My hubby is a multiple Ironman...he's hoping to qualify for the world champs at 70.3...he came 7th in his age category at 70.3 in Lanzarote last year but had a shocker of a run so hopes to do better this year.

I turn 50 next year and my goal is (a) to get this weight off...hopefully with the help of 5:2 and (b) to finish that 70.3 myself. *yikes*
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 10:31
Unofficial parkrun time today 23:24 - best age graded performance for about a year, and settled a couple of old scores with a sprint finish up the final hill. That's more like it!
Sort of carbo loaded last night, had cocoa in coconut milk and a packet of 'breakfast biscuits' before bed and for some reason did not have to get up in the night. Had the sense not to run too hard at the start as well, which helps. Hope you all had good runs too - let's hear about them!
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 10:45
Wow Pete that sounds fast !
I had a good run today, I don't have my official time yet, and I forgot to stop the timer on my phone running app until after I had got over the feeling that I was going to be sick. But having said all that it will be under 35 mins, down from 37 mins 40 last week. Onwards and downwards :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 13:17
Ginger, ask Daniel does he remember Matty Graham, who graduated from Magee in music last year. Your hubby is keen doing all that Ironman stuff!

I decided to take my wee dog with me this morning - big dog was a disaster when I tried him, but Mini is a bit more settled and less likely to be spooked by bikes/ people in high fizzy vests/ crowds clapping and cheering. I reckoned - if I have a slow time I can blame her, and if I get a good time, it'll be a case of Girl Powerrr!

She was an angel, ran beautifully the whole way round, MapMyRun says 30.40, which is 35 seconds faster than last week, and is likely to be about 10 seconds more than the Official Time. I can almost taste that 30 minute target!
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 14:22 ... ber=462483

30:12 this week - a whole minute off last 2 weeks' identical times.
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 15:17
Fantastic Linda - a whole minute! Have you visited Runbritain to claim a handicap yet?
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 15:21
Well Done Melanie, that's so close to 30 mins!

I just got my time 34:08 which is 3min 32sec off my first attempt last week, so pleased I just poured myself a glass of wine
Cheers parkrunners :party:
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Apr 2013, 16:58
Thought I might have to give it a miss next week - I'm opp north at a Scottish dancing course. But I've just found that there's a Parkrun at Portrush, on the sand (ie no hills, woohoo!)
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Apr 2013, 06:36
I've been having a problem with my knees aching when I run for a couple of years. I'm pretty sure it correlated with weight gain. I still run - not more than 3 times a week - and ice my knees afterward. But since being on this diet (only for a month), I've had a few runs where my knees didn't hurt at all! Is it possible that the anti-inflammatory effect of the diet has already kicked in? It seems fast to me. But I'll take what I can get...
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Apr 2013, 09:16
I get achy knees sometimes. I think it's because of increased milage or different terrains.

I managed a personal best at Parkrun yesterday beating my last by 29 seconds to get 26:29 ... ber=291163 I also managed to keep both shoes on and avoided any muddy puddles.
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