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Re: Are there any runners here?
19 May 2013, 18:29
Well now at least I have a simple rule to follow :like:

My friday evening didn't help, wine, piriton, paracetamol, knocked the cold out but knocked me out in the process
Re: Are there any runners here?
20 May 2013, 11:03
I didn't do Parkrun on Saturday and haven't trained since last Tuesday. I've got a painful shin and because I suffered from shinplints some years ago I thought it best to rest it for a couple of weeks. I've been doing the r.i.c.e. thing and it has started to feel a little better.

I did get the chance to be Swindon Parkrun's photographer for the day and that was nearly as good as running. The photo's didn't turn out to be too bad either :smile:
Re: Are there any runners here?
20 May 2013, 11:29
Wondered what had happened to you, I saw you did not run on Saturday - glad it's just a shin problem which should not take too long to sort out - get fit soon!
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 May 2013, 02:47
I can't remember if I've waxed lyrical about my new running route here. It's on a forest road on a hillside near work. It's crazy hilly, but so beautiful. I've been running it from work lately, to avoid having to run up (and down) a massive hill to get there. It's only about 6k there and back, but it means I don't have to breathe exhaust fumes from the road I used to run on. I think it's cooler up there, too. Oh man, is it awesome. Not quite as good as the Rivelin valley where I used to run in Sheffield but so much better than the silly roadside.
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 May 2013, 02:50
SianS wrote: I didn't do my parkrun yesterday - my son passed his cold on to me and I didn't feel up to it. I did do a run this morning just under 5km, not a bad time but a little voice kept telling me I could quit if I wanted to because of my cold. Anyone else have this sort of little devil on their shoulder?

I think you're being especially virtuous if you run when you're sick.
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 May 2013, 12:26
The weather forecast for tomorrow is good - since I broke the 30 minutes last week, I'm not going to worry too much about time this week. I'm going to take Mini, my cocker spaniel, with me, and we are just going to run for fun.
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 May 2013, 14:58
I ran last night, the club's 3 Mile Handicap Challenge. I came last, again, but apart from the pain in my hips it was quite steady and enjoyable. Goodness knows how parkrun will go tomorrow but the forecast is perfect. OH is in good form and deserves another PB, I will be happy just to get under 24 minute after last week's plod...
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 May 2013, 09:55
Relief - 23:41 today, and felt OK for most of it, just nothing left for a sprint finish. Hips hardly noticeable (Ibuprofen probably helped, though) and a better pace than Thursday's race around a flat track. OH did 28:04 and is disappointed not to get a PB again - I think she is being greedy!
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 May 2013, 18:44
Ha ha, just noticed at the bottom of this page there was an advert for Stannah stair lifts, not sure if they've quite found the right audience here but nevermind.
Hello to all, just realised it's been a while since I posted on here. In answer to your question SianS, the first week 6 of the C25K thing was back to shorter run/walks. So a 5 min run, 3 min walk, 8min run etc.. Unfortunately, I had a large gap between the runs. My 20 min was on a Sunday and then I couldn't get out for one reason or another for 5 days which I think is too long in training terms. Plus, it was a Friday afternoon/evening and I was tired after a long week so I found it strangely hard. I went out again the Sunday and that was OK. That was two 8 mins with a walk in the middle. I'm finding the earlier I get out the better.

The third week 6 'Workout' is a 25 min run and from now on there are no more walks so next week it should be 28 mins until at week 9 I should be running for 30 mins. I tried doing the 25 mins on Wednesday morning and that went OK actually, but I had a few technical problems so I'm not certain I did the full 25 mins but I'm sure I was fairly close but I decided to try again today and managed it today :) Though right at the end of the run I got an odd headache but I think I was just slightly dehydrated and as soon as I got home and had water I was fine again. My body may also have been slightly confused by the bright sunshine after yesterday being so cold. How do other people manage water? I don't carry any on these runs because I don't want to be weighed down by it, there's something quite freeing about going outside with nothing but a house key and my phone and maybe I'll cope without that too! Do people just fill up before and after? But then I don't want to drink too much before going out for obvious reasons!

I'm going to see a friend on Monday who lives in the Peak District and she told me to bring my running shoes! I've never run in the country before (school cross country most certainly doesn't count a) it was a horrible experience b) it wasn't the country, it was just a local park (my primary school didn't have a playing field and my secondary school didn't bother to make us do it)

Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend. My next project, now I'm getting into the running thing, is to try this cycling thing. I never properly learnt and would like to get into it.

Good exercising everyone!
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 May 2013, 19:19
Well done all park runners today. My time 28:18, 19 seconds faster than last week and 4th PB in a row :0D
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 May 2013, 20:53
28.46. Absolutely delighted, hadn't set out to get a fast time at all, was just enjoying the experience. That's my 10th park run - do I get a T shirt?
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 May 2013, 21:14
Only if you are a good bit younger than your avatar looks! You will just have to soldier on for another 40, I'm afraid... Well done for the PB anyway!
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 May 2013, 21:40
hi everyone!
I've discovered that there are parkruns in Poland and one in my city takes place just in the park around the corner. I hope to participate, but for the moment I’m just a beginner...
today I was running for 30 minutes and have managed to make 3,7 km of the trail.
Since I've started 5:2, I run 4-5 times a week, usually it is 2,5-3 km distance, about 10% is fast walking. I am 40, not very fit... but quite motivated now ;)
I have a question to more experienced runners – what do you think, how much time it will take me to achieve the 5 km distance within 35 minutes time? Will it be few weeks? or rather more? What are yours experiences?
As I saw statistics, most people here run below 30 minute (many close to 20 actually), guess there not many complete amateurs and I don’t want to make them wait to long ;)
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 May 2013, 22:08
Kasia - welcome to the parkrun thread! Firstly, do not worry about 35 minutes for 5km, we have several runners/walkers who take up to 50 minutes to complete the course. It is not supposed to be a race and it is supposed to be very inclusive, everybody is welcome and the volunteers will wait for anyone no matter how slow. I don't think it will take you long to make your 35 minute target anyway, especially if you are running/walking most days. Get yourself a barcode and give it a go - we will all be cheering for you!
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 May 2013, 07:34
I wanted to give special thanks Pete and Mark et al for their encouragement and support.

Kasia, I stated Park Runs 12 weeks ago. I was really frustrated after my first few, because I was seeing no real improvement in my 35-ish minute times, was coming 30th out of a field of 33, and that 30 minute barrier seemed way out of reach.

The lovely people on this thread encouraged me to keep going, to push a bit harder, and reminded me that I was only really competing with myself.
This week I was 51st out of a field of 107, and did my second sub-30 time with ease. When you're starting off, it really is a case of the more you run, the better you get at running. And yes, I've been at 3 different events, and they are all very friendly, and encompass a whole range of fast runners, slower joggers, pram-pushers, dog-walkers, young and old.

In the immortal words of the Goddess Nike: Just Do It!
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