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Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
01 Jun 2013, 13:46
oh Jings- level 3...
day one
tough and scary. Cardio is a killer, walking planks! what is that woman on?
And all the jumping for cardio!
Punching holding weights!
Did it though
weigh and measure tomorrow
will it make a difference?
Seems to be working on all of you...
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
02 Jun 2013, 08:46
Let us know how your weigh and measure went, janeg!

Level 3, oh lord. It was tough. Not necessarily the moves themselves (although, walking push ups... who does that?!) but the co-ordination and endurance! I was absolutely useless. Went into it so cocky and have been rightly put in my place :P

Guess I'll have to start building up again... I'll do the whole thing Anita-style tomorrow and work up to Natalie on Day 5/6 and then push myself until the end. Just as I did with Level 2. It was a hell of a workout though!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
02 Jun 2013, 09:20
Well, the weigh and measure is kind of bleugh!
After 10 days of shredding I had lost 14cms all over (I measure everywhere) with no weight loss.
At the official stats day, taking it from May I have lost a whole 400g.
Measurement wise I am down 10cm from May and actually up 4cm from day 10 of the shred.
I think overall that's a downward trend...
I know I have to be building muscle so weight will not be a good indicator.
I have a bit more definition
I'm into the second week of 4:3 in an effort to kickstart the weight loss.
I suppose it's good news in total
And apart from the cardio, I can actually manage all the level 3 moves...
Nothing else for it but to keep going- the eating isn;t hard or disruptive and the exercise as to be doing me good so nowt to lose keeping going...
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
02 Jun 2013, 09:42
Well done Janeg, did you take before and after pics?? I bet you must be able to see a difference, and 10 cms down is a lot (plus I imagine that even if things like your waist get smaller if you get more muscles I imagine things like your thighs and arms might get bulkier with muscles??)

I fell of the shredding bandwagon yesterday, I was all set to do it before I went to a party yesterday when my in-laws phoned to say they would be dropping round this morning, so I had to have a manic cleaning session instead :(

I am going swimming this morning then I'm going to do level two, day one, I'm missing day 10 of level one but quite frankly I've had enough and I am going on a long weekend in 10 days time so I want level two done before then!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
02 Jun 2013, 17:08
Day 8 for me today, I found day 7 quite easy so decided to do one more day of level 1 then move onto level 2, but this morning it killed me again and I felt back to square 1!

The only different thing I did was have a few sunshine beers yesterday so I'm thinking that must have massively affected my muscle performance this morning. Think I'll be doing level 1 again tomorrow!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
03 Jun 2013, 18:16
Level 2 Day 6.

I try to be upbeat, but I've got to say that I'm really not feeling it today :frown: I just don't think Level 2 works for me like 1 did. I feel so weak on uncoordinated, I'm really conscious that I am not doing the moves properly and I don't think my strength is developing.

I had a real surge with Level 1 at this stage, it felt like it was all worth it. Now I just feel clumsier and weaker and that is no incentive at all.

I'm going to keep going with 2 for longer than 10 days, I will master this :angry:
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
03 Jun 2013, 20:48
First day of level 2, I know what you mean about feeling uncoordinated Effie, I didn't know what was going on half of the time LOL! Also finally took pics so I can see 'before' and 'after' results (or after 10 days and at the end in my case).
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
03 Jun 2013, 21:03
Guys, I did Jillian's Yoga Meltdown tonight. It was good. More intense than the usual hatha yoga I do, and I sucked big style. It's nicer than 6 week 6 pack though.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 08:25
Effie wrote: I'm going to keep going with 2 for longer than 10 days, I will master this :angry:

You can do it! :)

Nicky_94 wrote: First day of level 2, I know what you mean about feeling uncoordinated Effie, I didn't know what was going on half of the time LOL! Also finally took pics so I can see 'before' and 'after' results (or after 10 days and at the end in my case).

Ooh are we all going to share the results at some point? I've sort of taken the pictures for myself but if I see an amazing transformation and magically gain a bikini body in the next few days I'd be willing to share :P

imcountingufoz wrote: Guys, I did Jillian's Yoga Meltdown tonight. It was good. More intense than the usual hatha yoga I do, and I sucked big style. It's nicer than 6 week 6 pack though.

I love yoga, I really wish I had made time for it this year at uni! Definitely considering buying more Jillian DVDs, I think you can get a whole pack of 6 or something on Amazon. I was going to do 6 week 6 pack next, is it really that bad?

In other news, after a day off (sort of, no shred but 2hrs of Taekwondo) I was glad to get onto Day 3 of Level 3 but my god is it difficult... I only saw a tiny improvement from my effort on Day 1 but at least it was improvement. Knees are still being funny. But the good news is I am beginning to see a little stomach definition, which has never happened to me before! So that's spurred me on :)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 08:30

Ooh are we all going to share the results at some point? I've sort of taken the pictures for myself but if I see an amazing transformation and magically gain a bikini body in the next few days I'd be willing to share :P

Hum, I'm with you, if I get a fantastic bikini body (LOL) I'd be happy to share!!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 08:58
Well, folks, I really am not feeling it today, but forced myself to do day 4 of level 2. Had the intention of taking it easy but that didn't happen, though I did scale back the cardio a bit- kept moving though. I'm stiff today, not sore or spaegied, but my lower back and shoulders are not moving flowingly...
Not sure if I can see a difference in the flab. I certainly did not take photies. That just doesn't happen!
I think there is more definition in the stomach (like you Beth) and maybe the arms? Nicki, not bulking up at all, but then shouldn't being a female.
Only 6 more to go - can't say I'm enjoying it though.
Oh, and it's no harder doing this and 4:3 than it is doing it and 5:2.
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 09:05
Hi - lots going on! Though I haven't been on this site in a couple of days I've faithfully been Shredding every day (including Saturday evening AFTER a BBQ at a friend's house where I was, shall we say, rather refreshed) and did Day 6 of Level 2 last night. I still feel like a total dork. The planks are ... well, the planks. 'Nuff said. What gets me is the strength part of the 2nd circuit - going from one set of lunges to the next without falling down and trying to figure out which leg I should be pushing off with.

So I'm just about halfway through the 30 day Shred. Results? Haven't weighed myself since last Wednesday, but from that weigh in I hadn't lost a gram since starting the Shred. I've dropped maybe a centimeter in the major measurements (but that may have been me pulling the tape measure really tight). Clothes feel better and I think there is visibly some more definition, but I won't hide that I had hoped to have better results to show by now. I will stick with it - I'm too stubborn to stop.

Although I totally understand why watching the next level before doing it might put you off doing it (!), I think for safety reasons I might watch Level 3 before attempting it. I'm still struggling a little with Level 2 and I think that's because I never watched it through and the moves, while doable, are tricky and Jillian isn't very good at talking you through them. Of course I could just watch it now but again - I'm too stubborn!
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 09:07
Don't do it! It'll put you off for ever ;)
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 16:39
Hi Guys,

I did my last day of level 1 today, I'm actually a bit sad to see it ago it was actually becoming pleasurable especially as the 1st circuit was my least favorite so after that one was over I was always happy!

I'm starting level 2 tomorrow, I was looking forward it........ then read the last few comments here and now I'm scared :shock: Has anyone done level 3 yet and if so how does that compare with level 2 i.e is it a massive change from level 1 to level 2 and then another massive change to level 3 or are level 2 and 3 much of a muchness?
Re: Starting the 30 Day Shred
04 Jun 2013, 17:54
Level three is a killer, have a wee read back and you'll see the comments. Be afraid.
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