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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
07 Apr 2014, 19:08
I'm getting better at keeping between 50-100g carbs a day. Hurrah!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 Apr 2014, 13:18
My low carbing has gone a little extreme this week because of a trial with Debs to see if I could force my body into fatburning I'm not exactly sure if it was before or not because I've been unable to get the ketosis sticks to test my water.
20 grams per day was the recommended allowance
Day one Friday I went way over because of sugar otherwise a good day
( not to disappointed considering my previous days)
Day two Saturday went much better.
Day three Sunday went brilliant because I gave up sugar!!!
Day four Monday exactly same and came in way under.
Day five Tuesday (today) on target I thought I'd pop in the 5th because of my failure one Fri.
Think carorees said 3/4 days would be sufficient but I'm keeping my carbs way under 100 grams for the rest of this week ready for the forum weigh-in probably Fri.
Feeling absolutely fan bloody tastic!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
obviously the lower carbs regime suits my body as I found last year my "high" as returned and my legs at amazing even if I do say so myself but OH commented this morning when he caught sight of them "uncovered" a rare occurrence or at least has been for 20 years or so, I'm a happy bunny and I don't care if the Easter bunny isn't thrilled coz I know he's certainly happier than last year. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 Apr 2014, 14:42
Wow, @sue.q sound like you've got your mojo back!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 Apr 2014, 15:08
Well done @Sue.Q! I think everyone needs to work out their own carb tolerance. For some it can be quite high (I think I'm lucky that way and seem to be able to get away with around 150g per day) but for others it does have to be kept really low. If you have diabetes it could be that it needs to be under 50g. I'm sure with a bit more experimentation, Sue, you will work out what your best level is. Theoretically, when you get your carbs below your personal tolerance level you should see some weight loss. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 Apr 2014, 15:10
That Easter bunny will hopping with delight at you @Sue.Q! Really hope this new plan suits you and starts to shift you off that plateau! :grin:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 Apr 2014, 21:00
Woohoo @Sue.Q!!! I love this low carb way of eating. I feel so good on it. This is how I do it. Its a
30/30/30 idea. 30℅ of what i eat at hopefully each meal comes from protein ( grass fed meat, free range chicken, my neighbors eggs,) 30℅ comes from good fats ( good butter, coconut oil,macadamia, olive oil and walnuts and avocados) and 30℅ comes from light carbs usually veges grown above the ground) nothing is off limits and still have a slice or two of good bread on the weekends. I have 1/2 cup of rice once or twice a week. ( so I suppose you could say the rice and bread is my other 10℅) So my mantra when I look at my plate is " where's the protein?,where's the fat?where's the veggies?" After eating this meal I usually feel satisfied and ' light' and clear headed and satisfied amazingly for up to 6 hours! In comparison when I used to eat a white carb heavy meal such as a sandwich or pasta I would feel sluggish, mentally tired and I wanted a nap! Eating this way I come in just under 100 grams of carbs but from what @carorees said if my weight loss slows then maybe if I lowered the carbs I will see more fat loss.
Xxx julianna
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
08 Apr 2014, 21:29
Thanks for you tally up @Julianna Yes I know exactly what you mean that bloated sluggish feeling, my sister had to go to bed one day last week because she'd been on holiday stuffing her face with carbs and carried on the same way when she been home 4 days!!
I actually thought that my "high" came from my weightloss but considering I've lost nothing for 4 months my "high" has stayed with me, and my reduction started unintentionally on day one by firstly dropping the bread from lunchtime sandwich and starting 16:8 when I found this forum no breakfast cereal these two cut out a massive amount of carbs also someone told me bran isn't digested by the body therefore making a good evening
snack/supper!!!! so on occasion I did.
On day I'll count up exactly how many I was actually having but I know the number is very bad more like a weeks worth in a day I'm guessing no wonder this WOL has worked so well for me with the drastic reduction I was probably fat burning on turbo power from day one then for the first 8 months, obviously I'm not sticking at 20g each day but it certainly is doable on quite a few days each week especially my fastdays.once again thanks for your help,
I'm getting on the scales Friday fingers crossed.
what a difference a year makes.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
09 Apr 2014, 09:02
Sue.Q it sounds as though you've had a bit of a eureka moment there! Hopefully the scales will show the difference at the weekend and confirm your theory.
I'm yet to find my way through the weight/carb maze but I'm sure I'll get there sooner or later.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
09 Apr 2014, 15:28
Just been catching up after a long weekend away and must say well done @Sue.Q !!! :clover:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
09 Apr 2014, 15:34
Nice photo @auriga!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
12 Apr 2014, 21:39
Hi @Juliette Have a good read around this lot, this could be the answer for you.
Low carbing has just busted my 4 month plateau, worth a try at least :clover: :clover:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Apr 2014, 00:37
Yep, I think I will be in hear a bit the next three weeks although. I can't cook I can find inspiration. Shan't mention what. I had for brekkie though; let's just say I won't be doing it again for a little while!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Apr 2014, 01:34
Well,I'mthinking iI may just have to go without my sourdough bread on the weekends. I did a little experiment this w/e. Yesterday for brunch I had a chicken sausage, an egg ,fried tomatoes slices with fetta on top warmed in the oven and a thick slice of sourdough bread with butter. I didn't eat too much but afterwards I felt tired like I need to lie on my bed and read the forum for awhile. I like to read the forum but iI don't like that tired wiped out feeling. Then I thought ' I bet its the damn bread!' So today for brunch I made Spanish eggs ( onions and tomatoes cooked down then crack an egg and a sprinkle of fetta then pop in oven till eggs were soft cooked)with a bacon rash and everyone had toast except me- anyhoo- guess what? No tired feeling afterwards! Yay! But a bit sad now because what am I going to put my butter on??
I'm going to make @Rawkaren s pumpkin bread but just want to ask can you toast it and put butter on it or is it more for sandwiches Rawkaren?
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Apr 2014, 01:56
I have the same worry Julianna, I had two rolls this morning and now feel very full and a little dopey! I know it was a one off though as I don't bother with brekkie any more, but I am definitely tired now.
I shall have my occasional quality sourdough, just a lot more rarely, and yes, still slathered in butter!!
Off for a stroll in the Dandenongs if the showers hold off!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Apr 2014, 02:21
@julianna. Toasted with butter is best. Not in sandwich :clover:
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