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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 11:33
Debs wrote: I envy you and your foodie events PFT!!

This one's in a local theatre, @debs, but a Monday afternoon? :shock:
Waste of time for me, but I still need to put in an appearance!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 11:34
Sounds lovely Julianna!
So does your dinner Sue.Q! I just had a lovely piece of grilled barramundi with veggies, quite full now.
Aching from the gym yesterday but shall fire up again tomorrow.
I'm sure it won't be that bad PFT!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 16:50
What would you recommend as a maximum amount of carbs per day to be considered "low carb"?
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 17:00
daydreamer21 wrote: What would you recommend as a maximum amount of carbs per day to be considered "low carb"?

It's a tricky question: anywhere between 20g to 120g it all depends on how sensitive you are to them @daydreamer. For some 20g is as low as you should go and for others they can't lose weight if they eat over that amount.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 17:30
Just thought I'd stick my head in here as I'm trying to go lower carb this week. I don't really want to start counting carbs but will mindfully eat much less carby stuff. I don't know if that's good enough to do anything but we'll see.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 18:37
Challenge day 1 this week: trying to resist some divine soda bread, several local cheeses and the most gorgeous chocolate fudge cake, which mysteriously ended up coming home with me!! I tried them all in moderation!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
28 Apr 2014, 18:44
Finished today's feed day on 1360 calories and 80g carb. That'll do.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 09:53
I got up this morning feeling tired and hungry. I was going to have a slice of toast but stopped myself, put on my trainers and went out for a walk. I surprised myself :). It's 11:50 now, the morning after a fast and I've still not eaten. I know some of you miss breakfast the day after a fast but this is a first for me, I don't even feel that hungry now. I'm going to have a boiled egg in a minute and then some lunch with my daughter at 1:30ish.
Have a lovely day everyone. :)
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 11:19
Well done justdee, it comes as a shock to start with but gets second nature with time. I had a low carb fast day which also included a couple of yummy spoonfuls of creme fraiche!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 16:22
My carb monster is's my cycle. I know what you're trying to do but I won't let you...........not this time. There's some crusty white rolls in my kitchen and a pack of butter in my fridge. HELP.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 16:43
Sling 'em over here, Caroline. They can join the chocolate cake in the freezer!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 16:54
I'm ok now, just had a couple of sniffs. @Pennyforthem
Baked aubergine and a chicken breast tonight. Then out to ...........guess what........class. Lol
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 17:13
Ham, scrambled eggs and mushrooms I think tonight - we've got an egg glut, but I'm not really in a cooking mood, so quick and simple
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 19:27
carieoates wrote: My carb monster is's my cycle. I know what you're trying to do but I won't let you...........not this time. . HELP.

:shock: Lol@carieoates Wonder if that's my problem :shock:
OH Yeh I'm to old must remember :shock:
My low carb week isn't going well sh**ugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:heart: Well done @justdee you're doing better than me very rewarding feeling missing out breakfast. :heart: :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
29 Apr 2014, 22:08
Sorry you're not finding it as easy this time @sue.q . Just keep thinking of that holiday. Tomorrows another day, good luck :) . I'm doing ok on low carb, better than I thought I could. I've had no bread yet this week (my weakness) and MFP said my carbs are coming in at less than 100 on non-fast days. I just hope I can keep it up for the rest of the week. :)
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